Soy Isoflavones! Natures Clomid!

HappyShopper I think taking the Soy is totally up to you and won't make a difference with the tcm but if it were me I'd probaby go au natural and see what differences the accu makes (but that's assuming that you ov regularly on your own, you do right?)

Im glad that AF is better and you're feeling positive about things FX that this is YOUR month, oh and I too like reading old threads and knowing right away that persons outcome especially when yo ucan relate to the circumstances, situations, etc...

Me- another day w/o AF Wooot WOOOOt woooot :happydance:-- feeling bloated but otherwise just happy to be having a longer LP!
Hi happyshopper! Thank you for the reply! :) I've tried AC last cycle, I think it didn't do anything. Well, surely didn't make me ovulate. I figured I really have nothing to loose here, so I took Soya last night (124mg) and planning to keep taking it. We'll see what's going to happen. I remember reading about someone who took it at CD40-something and ovulated.

Just one question, do you guys split the dosage throughout the day or take it all at once at night? I didn't notice any side effect yet, slept pretty good.
Hi Soili...I think most of us who have taken Soy took it just before bedtime...all in one dose, seems to keep the side effects at bay for most people.

Erica92 :test::test: dying to know now!!!! xxx

Well ladies I am not sure but I think I might be in for another early Ov :shrug: big temp drop this morning...and looking at last 2 months charting would seem that is an indication for me that Ov is approaching, i do seem to have a pattern of a temp drop before Ov....only CD4 :shrug: WTF!!!!!!!

Can someone please tell me where my cervix should be during AF, 'cos just checked mine and it's medium to's fairly soft....and it's partially bloody open. Got cramps too this morning.....not really into checking my CP when still got medium AF flow :wacko:

Might have to persuade OH for a BD...can only imagine his face :huh:
HappyShopper I think taking the Soy is totally up to you and won't make a difference with the tcm but if it were me I'd probaby go au natural and see what differences the accu makes (but that's assuming that you ov regularly on your own, you do right?)

Im glad that AF is better and you're feeling positive about things FX that this is YOUR month, oh and I too like reading old threads and knowing right away that persons outcome especially when yo ucan relate to the circumstances, situations, etc...

Me- another day w/o AF Wooot WOOOOt woooot :happydance:-- feeling bloated but otherwise just happy to be having a longer LP!

I would totally be poas Erica!!

Glowstar during af your cervix should feel low and hard but partially open...don't ask me how I found that out:blush: Sounds like early ovulation again to me.

Happyshopper yes I got my bfp on Sunday 17th Jan but had acutally tested the Wednesday previous and got the faintest hint of a bfp...could barely see it even under a really bright light! I haven't read back through the thread in ages!

Well I think I'll ring the tcm practitioner on Monday as I get paid then and will just start going this week. Even if I do ovulate late again I know the acu will chill me out and make me feel better. Will have to ok it with dh though as £80 a week is really steep...even if I do get occupational maternity pay! xo
I'm with all the other ladies and think you should test! KMFX!!

Do you ladies know anything about how soy in your diet can affect fertility? I took the soy iso this cycle, but I'm also vegan and though I try hard not to eat a lot of soy, sometimes it's really hard not to. I'm just curious on how the soy in my diet may be affecting me.
I've heard that too much soy can have a negative effect but that its ok if you don't take it for too long or after ovulation has happened. Aside from that I've not really read much more about it as I don't eat a lot of soy otherwise. If you do a search on google it might be more helpful Stash! XOX
I get conflicting information on google. :shrug: I guess I just need to limit it as much as possible?
Glowstar- hmmm re: the early O have you opk'd yet? I am a late Oer so I can't imagine. I guess I'd def opk early and bat your eyelashes at DH ;) HUGS oh and thanks for the info on cp durring AF Poppy

Soli- I would take it all on one dose, most take it at bedtime

Jen- enjoy the acu, it really is SO relaxing

Stash- I have heard also to avoid things with soy while ttc in general and especially when taking Soy Iso's (as clomid the way we are) so I would do you best to avoid it (when you can)

Me- still no Af yet and I can't beleive that the NPC is working. Today is 12dpo- you guys are too funny wanting me to test. I have seen TOO many BFN's in my adventures of ttc and Im sure the only reason Im not getting AF is b/c of the NPC. I bet if I stopped using it AF would show up right away. That's why Im going to wait for Monday (14dpo) that way if it's negative I'll stop taking the cream---

Hope everyone's having a nice Saturday. My mom is visiting and DH and I got to go on a 3 mile hike by ourselves today! it was great but now Im beat----
Erica I have no idea how you are holding out! With the sensitive tests around these days you can get a 2nd clear line 2 days after implantation and if you are charting you can ususlly see a dip, got mine at 9dpo, saw the dip at 6dpo and waited the extra day but that was as far as I could hold out!!!

Well we have been bding and yesterday I got a very feint second line on my OPK's so I must be starting to build up, hopefully the line is waaaaaaaay darker today cos I should have o'd by now according to my "normal cycles" but the m/c and or the soy must have altered things, gosh I am so impatient. Also started DP on zinc, bit late in the day I know but figured if we don't conceive this month whch in all honesty I don't think we will - it's too much to hope for, first cycle after a mc etc - we will have some awesome swimmers next cycle. I have a psychic reading that says May bfp after cycle that starts in April so I think that is taking the edge off of this month perhaps. I have 2 readings and the other one says August find out or conceive.

Anyone here with regular cycles taking the soy that got delayed? How much did O get delayed for?
By 4 days mine Miss C the first time i took Soy, but this time the MMC altered my cycle from 28 days to 26 days and ov'd on CD10 pretty early x
Erica I have no idea how you are holding out! With the sensitive tests around these days you can get a 2nd clear line 2 days after implantation and if you are charting you can ususlly see a dip, got mine at 9dpo, saw the dip at 6dpo and waited the extra day but that was as far as I could hold out!!!

Well we have been bding and yesterday I got a very feint second line on my OPK's so I must be starting to build up, hopefully the line is waaaaaaaay darker today cos I should have o'd by now according to my "normal cycles" but the m/c and or the soy must have altered things, gosh I am so impatient. Also started DP on zinc, bit late in the day I know but figured if we don't conceive this month whch in all honesty I don't think we will - it's too much to hope for, first cycle after a mc etc - we will have some awesome swimmers next cycle. I have a psychic reading that says May bfp after cycle that starts in April so I think that is taking the edge off of this month perhaps. I have 2 readings and the other one says August find out or conceive.

Anyone here with regular cycles taking the soy that got delayed? How much did O get delayed for?

Hi Miss_C,

were you only taking soy or other supplements like multivitamins too?

I have heard lots of people saying that multivits delayed their cycles and I think it did to me too, but I didn't hear about soy...

how long was it delayed by?
Erica I have no idea how you are holding out! With the sensitive tests around these days you can get a 2nd clear line 2 days after implantation and if you are charting you can ususlly see a dip, got mine at 9dpo, saw the dip at 6dpo and waited the extra day but that was as far as I could hold out!!!

Well we have been bding and yesterday I got a very feint second line on my OPK's so I must be starting to build up, hopefully the line is waaaaaaaay darker today cos I should have o'd by now according to my "normal cycles" but the m/c and or the soy must have altered things, gosh I am so impatient. Also started DP on zinc, bit late in the day I know but figured if we don't conceive this month whch in all honesty I don't think we will - it's too much to hope for, first cycle after a mc etc - we will have some awesome swimmers next cycle. I have a psychic reading that says May bfp after cycle that starts in April so I think that is taking the edge off of this month perhaps. I have 2 readings and the other one says August find out or conceive.

Anyone here with regular cycles taking the soy that got delayed? How much did O get delayed for?

Hi Miss_C,

were you only taking soy or other supplements like multivitamins too?

I have heard lots of people saying that multivits delayed their cycles and I think it did to me too, but I didn't hear about soy...

how long was it delayed by?

i was taking prenatals. i didnt OV late at all, my cycle did end up around 31 days the last couple months of TTC. but i was OVing right on time, around CD 14 each time. soy didnt delay it at all either.
Glowstar- hmmm re: the early O have you opk'd yet? I am a late Oer so I can't imagine. I guess I'd def opk early and bat your eyelashes at DH ;) HUGS oh and thanks for the info on cp durring AF Poppy

Soli- I would take it all on one dose, most take it at bedtime

Jen- enjoy the acu, it really is SO relaxing

Stash- I have heard also to avoid things with soy while ttc in general and especially when taking Soy Iso's (as clomid the way we are) so I would do you best to avoid it (when you can)

Me- still no Af yet and I can't beleive that the NPC is working. Today is 12dpo- you guys are too funny wanting me to test. I have seen TOO many BFN's in my adventures of ttc and Im sure the only reason Im not getting AF is b/c of the NPC. I bet if I stopped using it AF would show up right away. That's why Im going to wait for Monday (14dpo) that way if it's negative I'll stop taking the cream---

Hope everyone's having a nice Saturday. My mom is visiting and DH and I got to go on a 3 mile hike by ourselves today! it was great but now Im beat----

i got my positive at 12dpo. the other day my midwife told me most tests on the market detect pregnancy at 3 days past conception(so crazy! i wonder if she meant implantation?) i wouldnt write it off as possible. i would test!
Yeah I was thinking that too! I'm going to get one of mine finished this week, finally! Love the stars on the side though sooo cool!! xo
i got my positive at 12dpo. the other day my midwife told me most tests on the market detect pregnancy at 3 days past conception(so crazy! i wonder if she meant implantation?) i wouldnt write it off as possible. i would test!

Had to have been, there is no HCG produced until implantation and then it takes 48 hours to show up in urine so 3 days after conceotion would be implantation. It's all very confusing cos a pregnancy is 266 days and that is counted as 266 from conception and according to 266 days that is from Ovulation!!

Anywhoo I got my first ever "proper" positive OPK this morning - I guess what I thought were positives in the past obviously weren't compared to this one, my cervix is high and open so I am probably about to O, will see how my temps go and let you know. FF says I will O between now and cd15 I am on cd13 so if anything soy has delayed me by no more than a day or 2 perhaps.

More bding tonight - last night was very very good!! :blush: and if anyone has seen the great sperm race doco then great sex is very important for conception!!
when i used the opks, as soon as i got a line with any kinda good color, i would BD daily until the OPKs went negative. on the negative day as well, since the + just means you will release an egg within 48 hours, and the little swimmers can last about 48 hours in there, i would give them a 24 hour advantage lol. so after that i would consider my + to be the last result i got before the negative.
glowstar- LOVE that tattoo :)

Ha ha...thanks! it's my only one.....was only a day old there so looks a bit angry....the symbol in the middle is the sign for Capricorn...not sure if you can make it out but there are two paw prints on either end...the palm of the paw print is an upside down love heart. Then the stars have white in the middle to make them glow :thumbup: hence my username...Glowstar :winkwink: the little red spots are actually spots of colour red, purple, orange.
Congratulations prettymachine! I bet you're super excited! I loved going to the scans!! It just made it all the more real!

Happyshopper I'm sorry af caught you out...HATE HER! I'd say you'll notice a difference next cycle if you are doing the acupuncture. The effects are almost immediate! There is another thread on here I've been writing on called acupuncture or acupuncture anyone?? Can't remember which! You should take a nosey on there the girls are really lovely!!

Poppy imagine if it is twins!!! That would be amazing!!!

PocoHr were do you get your progesterone from? Has your doctor prescribed it for you?

Glitterball welcome, hopefully the soy will be exactly what you need! Have you tried a b vit complex for the spotting?

Well still no signs of ovulation for me, was getting the odd twinges this morning but that was it. Think I am moving that way but I don't think the soy has brought my ovulation forward. Oh well will see what happens with the rest of the cycle and then contact my tcm practitioner if necessary. Completely forgot to temp this morning and still no positive opk. Will see what the rest of the month holds!! xoxo

Sorry, just saw this, didn't have much time for babyandbump this weekend as it was DH's birthday :)

I got my progesterone from my gyno. She did a blood test which showed I was low, and I was having wacky cycles so she put me on 200mg/day of natural progesterone. Its WONDERFUL for some things, I always have had terrible PMS and it totally helps that. Downside: I gained weight and feel more tired during the days. But, overall its worth it, I just have to push myself a little harder to exercise during that two weeks and pay closer attention to what I am eating.

I hope you have ovulated! Fx for you and lots of :dust:!!

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