Soy Isoflavones! Natures Clomid!

Glow star I am temping, my coverline this month was 36.27, yesterday it dipped to 36.28 and today went up to 36.39. I will try add the link from FF so you can look? I used the internet dip strips 10 iul sensitivity so thought for sure I'd have at least something by today?

Not sure if this will work. Have a look and let me know.
That link doesn't work...go the the sharing tab and that should be able to give direct link to chart.
<a href="">My Ovulation Chart</a>

does that work? it, have added you to my friends.

It's hard to say...might be a case of waiting until tomorrow. I see the temp rise for today...I had a temp rise the day of AF to last cycle :shrug: Your LP hasn't been this long before but you have a lot of open circle temps, although I can't see you O'ing on any other day either really.

FX'd :kiss: are NOT OUT!!! 16dpo is one hell of an LP.....wish you were temping so could look at a chart. FF says if your temps stay elevated until 18dpo chances are you a re pregnant!!
I so hope that's the case and maybe you just had a late implantation..FX'd!!

Lisa - woo hoo for a temp could have left that temp in and if they stay up for a few days I think FF will notice its a fallback rise and still give you same O date.
Well mine went up...but not really enough :shrug: CBFM still high so no idea now wether O'd or not :dohh: I put in a couple of higher temps for next few days to see what FF says and it gives me O date of today!! we Bd'd last night just in case.
Been to Docs today and going to get my CD21 progesterone levels checked on Tuesday :winkwink: so will know for sure wether O'd or not!

Ahh i didn't know that FF would realise, i was worried it would tell me i ovulated yesterday when it dipped lol. I am SOOO glad I am not the only person who does things like put in a few days of highs to see what FF would do :haha:

Sorry to hear your temp did go up as much as you'd like but thats great news about getting your 21 day progesterone done! That the one thing the doc hasn't done with me, I am waiting on hubby going to get his side looked into then we are being refer'd to a fertility specialist which I am a bit bummed about because I doubt they will help us any as I am really over weight. Anyhoooo....good luck with your bloods on tuesday, will be keeping my fingers crossed for you. x
Thanks Lisa :hugs: Looking at your you have PCOS? that can add to weight problems....a girl who I work with has it and she struggles with her weight, it effects the pituarity gland.
She had IVF to have her baby...she had to lose four stone though before she would even be considered :wacko:
Thanks Lisa :hugs: Looking at your you have PCOS? that can add to weight problems....a girl who I work with has it and she struggles with her weight, it effects the pituarity gland.
She had IVF to have her baby...she had to lose four stone though before she would even be considered :wacko:

No i don't, I had an ultrasound just recently to check for it. They said everything looked normal, although they couldn't see my right ovary as it must be tucked behind something...i don't get that but never mind, long story short i've been told i do not have PCOS lol.

I can imagine, doctors just don't get it, If people could loose weight at the drop of a hat they would. I have seriously tried EVERYTHING, even with the help from doctors I can't shift the weight and all my attempts at dieting, and taking the pills that the doc gave me etc has left me with really bad IBS. I am due to go to a group run by dieticians to help people loose weight and if that don't help then I will be offered surgery...which I do NOT want, it scares the life out of me the thought of surgery but I'm kinda starting to feel that if needs must then i'm just going to have to suck it up and go for it. I am about to be assessed for fibromyalgia as well so my mobility is not great which makes exercising pretty difficult but i do what I can. The doctor wants me to to wait until i have had surgery, and lost the weight to TTC but my son is 7 this year, I don't want to wait another 3+ years to start TTC, I could end up with my son being a teenager and having a newborn and i don't want that, especially as my son has autism. Teenagers are known for being difficult as it is, never mind adding autism in the mix, could make things easier and could make things harder, I don't know.
Sorry got a bit carried away there, but its a real pet peeve of mines that doctors won't help you if your over weight. :growlmad: I know there is higher risks and complications but over weight people are still people, they deserve the same respect/help as any one else.
Totally agree Lisa! my neice is severely Autistic as is my OH's Neice!!!

Back to the weight issue, hopefully the group will help you, it must be so frustrating as I suppose it's something else to worry about apart from TTC :hugs: I am sure it will all fall into place, don't give up hope :thumbup:
Thanks Pm, I hope it does too, I just gotta get there first. :winkwink: So AF still a no show, I'm 16 dpo, bfn! Boob still sore, still achey. I'm at a loss as I don't even feel like its coming now or maybe I'm just used to the pain now? Strange but I'm def not prego and odds of getting a bfp now after 16 dpo are slim to none.
Pregnancy does cure endometriosis, as it is eostrogen dependant. In pregnancy as you know you produce large amounts of progesterone and the oestrogen takes a back seat. Problem is when you're diagnosed with endo your immune system becomes quite low and makes it difficult for conception to occur. I'm desparatedly hoping it happens soon so I can kick this bad boy in the ass! :haha: Although in many once the pregnancy is over it comes back, at least until menopause. Did your sister have the endo removed before she fell pregnant?
Off to see my gynaecologist today for post laparoscopy review so will see what he says. If AF comes any later than today it means my luteal phase has lengthened as well as delayed ov, could this be the soy?????
Won't be taking it again next cycle tho I'm giving myself a break, from that and my monitor!!!!!

Hope everyone else is doing well. x

she did not have it removed. she was on bc, stopped taking it for like a week, and bam! pregnant. she was 19, i guess that made her more fertile? it sure didnt go that easy for me! i was off bc for 8 months and TTC 6 before i got a +. i did notice the longer i was TTC the longer my cycles got...i think the last cycle before my + cycle i was 7 days late for AF or so. this was pre-soy so i know it wasnt soy related for me. i think it was my body playing nasty tricks on me lol. part of why i decided to try soy.

i dont think you are out looks less possible, but still possible to me!
Thanks Lisa :hugs: Looking at your you have PCOS? that can add to weight problems....a girl who I work with has it and she struggles with her weight, it effects the pituarity gland.
She had IVF to have her baby...she had to lose four stone though before she would even be considered :wacko:

No i don't, I had an ultrasound just recently to check for it. They said everything looked normal, although they couldn't see my right ovary as it must be tucked behind something...i don't get that but never mind, long story short i've been told i do not have PCOS lol.

I can imagine, doctors just don't get it, If people could loose weight at the drop of a hat they would. I have seriously tried EVERYTHING, even with the help from doctors I can't shift the weight and all my attempts at dieting, and taking the pills that the doc gave me etc has left me with really bad IBS. I am due to go to a group run by dieticians to help people loose weight and if that don't help then I will be offered surgery...which I do NOT want, it scares the life out of me the thought of surgery but I'm kinda starting to feel that if needs must then i'm just going to have to suck it up and go for it. I am about to be assessed for fibromyalgia as well so my mobility is not great which makes exercising pretty difficult but i do what I can. The doctor wants me to to wait until i have had surgery, and lost the weight to TTC but my son is 7 this year, I don't want to wait another 3+ years to start TTC, I could end up with my son being a teenager and having a newborn and i don't want that, especially as my son has autism. Teenagers are known for being difficult as it is, never mind adding autism in the mix, could make things easier and could make things harder, I don't know.
Sorry got a bit carried away there, but its a real pet peeve of mines that doctors won't help you if your over weight. :growlmad: I know there is higher risks and complications but over weight people are still people, they deserve the same respect/help as any one else.

i have several autistic cousins...i have a big place in my heart for autism<3
Autism is clearly genetic on our part. We only recently got in touch with my DH father and it turns out all the boys on his side have either autism or ADHD, and it wouldn't' surprise me if DH has mild Aspergers either.

Anyways, just had the results back from bloods I had done a couple of weeks ago and apparently my SHBG levels are low (18) and my Estradoil levels are 157, not sure whats wrong with that but doctor wants to talk to me about both of them so we will see. Got to wait a week before I can go see her though, its going to be a long week! :(
Thanks for input guys, still no AF but it feels like it will come on at any moment, I am thinking tomorrow morning for sure. Like I said before I really don't feel like its possible. The other thing is I have had 2 sessions of acupuncture now, I wonder if this could have played a part in messing my cycles?
Ok guys, well as I thought AF arrived today. Not feeling too bad about it. I really do think my body needed a couple of months to settle after the Laparoscopy. Anyway, onwards and upwards to a new cycle with Acupuncture, Vit D, fish oils, Prenatals and a positive attitude. Oh and the sun shining doesn't hurt!

I won't be using soy again, I feel it mucked me right up, I've never had a cycle longer than 31 days and never a luteal phase of 16 days. Ov was late aswell and I think the soy is not a good idea for those with endometrisosis as its eostrogen dependant. So I will watch with interest and I wish the very best of luck to everyone. Who know's maybe I'll be back.

Really hope you all ger your BFP ASAP. xo
So my temps have been up the past few days but they suddenly dropped today... I hope that doesn't mean AF is on the way... any insight? My chart is below...
Sorry Kimmy that the wicked :witch: got you :hugs: I wish you the very best of luck and please pop back now and then to let us know how you get on.
Sending lots of :dust::dust::dust::dust:your way
Thanks very much HS, you're very sweet, I wish you all the best for a speedy BFP too. It'll happen for both of us soon I'm sure. xo
hellooooooooooo Ladies.

Bugger Kimmy, please stay in touch and let us know where we can stalk you!!!

Brynden, hmmm I only can see last months chart to compare this one too and I hate to say it but they look very very similar, reached the same peak and temps started dropping around the same time - sorry hun but if you want an honest opinion I would say not this month. Of course I would be delighted to be wrong!!

My chart is very different this month, massive fallback and recovery temps, nice drop yesterdya and jump back up today (implantation maybe?) fxed. I wasn't disappointed or devastated as much as usual when AF rocked up last month cos first cycle after losing ziggy was just too much to ask.

This cycle however is gonna be waaaaaaaaaaay different! If I go by my average LP of 13 days witch is due Wednesday so Tuesday "should" show if witch is coming and I will be going to the shops to buy an HPT or a bottle of wine for my birthday. Please whoever is watching over me can we have ziggy back for my birthday, I will never ask for anything ever again apart from the usual, look after me and my family, keep us healthy and safe etc.

Thank you

One of the children in my mother's group has just recently been diagnosed autistic, I am not sure where he is on the spectrum, we are still finding things out. Porr girl has 4 kids, the eldest is 6 and still wears a nappy to bed at night, for some reason cannot train, the second is the one with autism had grommets in a couple of years back and is now also having to undergo speech therapy, the 3rd wasn't even crawling at 12-14 months but the 3rd just turned one seems to be doing OK in all areas. Yet in all of this she is a pool of calm serenity and all this at age 26!!
af got me first month of ttc with soy try again this month going to do days 2-6 this time instead of 3-7.
hellooooooooooo Ladies.

Bugger Kimmy, please stay in touch and let us know where we can stalk you!!!

Brynden, hmmm I only can see last months chart to compare this one too and I hate to say it but they look very very similar, reached the same peak and temps started dropping around the same time - sorry hun but if you want an honest opinion I would say not this month. Of course I would be delighted to be wrong!!

My chart is very different this month, massive fallback and recovery temps, nice drop yesterdya and jump back up today (implantation maybe?) fxed. I wasn't disappointed or devastated as much as usual when AF rocked up last month cos first cycle after losing ziggy was just too much to ask.

This cycle however is gonna be waaaaaaaaaaay different! If I go by my average LP of 13 days witch is due Wednesday so Tuesday "should" show if witch is coming and I will be going to the shops to buy an HPT or a bottle of wine for my birthday. Please whoever is watching over me can we have ziggy back for my birthday, I will never ask for anything ever again apart from the usual, look after me and my family, keep us healthy and safe etc.

Thank you

One of the children in my mother's group has just recently been diagnosed autistic, I am not sure where he is on the spectrum, we are still finding things out. Porr girl has 4 kids, the eldest is 6 and still wears a nappy to bed at night, for some reason cannot train, the second is the one with autism had grommets in a couple of years back and is now also having to undergo speech therapy, the 3rd wasn't even crawling at 12-14 months but the 3rd just turned one seems to be doing OK in all areas. Yet in all of this she is a pool of calm serenity and all this at age 26!!

sounds good for you! fingers crossed, keep us updated!
Sorry kimmy and hoping the witch got you. Onwards to the next cycle with fresh hope. X

Bryden fingers crossed for you but I tend to agree with miss c think the witch. may ne on her way.

Miss c chart is looking good mine has been different this cycle too temps way lower. Had a massive temp drop this morning and have cramps like af is on her way. Its not unknown for me to have a 11 day lp so see if the witch arrives tomorrow. X

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