Soy Isoflavones??

Thanks shells!

So I'm 5dpo today and had a temp dip. It was a little colder in my house than usual so I took my temp twice and got the same temp. My temp is still above my coverline though. I guess it's nothing to worry about, right?

I don't know anything about temp, but keep us updated on how it goes. I hope you get your bfp.
Thanks shells!

So I'm 5dpo today and had a temp dip. It was a little colder in my house than usual so I took my temp twice and got the same temp. My temp is still above my coverline though. I guess it's nothing to worry about, right?

Like shells already said, it could be an implantation dip. It's fairly common so I've read.
Isn't it a little early for an implantation dip? Or does the implantation dip occur before implantation like an ovulation dip?
haha, cute kerr... from what I understand implantation takes place between 6 and 12dpo, and if a dip occurs it happens at the same time/day at implantation so, yes, 5dpo would be early for it (not that early though). I would agree with shells that it's a second estrogen surge...

Shells, sorry it's so hard - don't feel guilty about your dreams and wishes. I hope you get your appointments sorted and they fix you guys up xoxx
Does a secondary estrogen surge mean I won't get pregnant this cycle? Also, would it still be a secondary surge since my temp didn't go below the coverline?
No a second estrogen surge doesn't mean you won't get pregnant hun, it's natural for temps to dip up and down, no 2 of my charts have been the same after O (very similar before, but not after) I've had constant stepped rises, fall back rises and random dips.

What your looking for is 18 days of temps above the coverline (the coverline is only there as a visual guide to help you see the biphasic pattern) so even if it dips below it's fine, as long as it goes back up afterwards x
Thanks for the good info on temp dip shells. I did some research too and you're spot on with what I've been reading.

I decided to read up on it this morning because I woke up with a 0.4 drop. I am 11/12DPO today. Yesterday my temp was at 97.9 and this morning I am 97.5. That's a substantial drop for me and it's making me wonder if I'm potentially experiencing the drop OR getting ready for AF to arrive.

I just went to the restroom and when I wiped there was a tinge of brownish CM. Haven't seen this at all before.

And I also have a metallic taste in my throat (I know this may also be a sign).

I'm TRYING so hard not to symptom spot. But it's damn near impossible right now.

Not sure that I actually have a question for anyone or need anything...guess I just needed to share because I feel like today I'm going to go crazy. (I've been trying so hard this cycle not to care).

**UPDATE** So it's 2 hours later now and I just went to the restroom again. Now I've got LOTS more pink CM. It didn't appear to be blood just yet (TMI) but it was very pink and unmistakable. I'm so afraid this is AF but she isn't due until tomorrow or Wednesday! I've never seen her this early. Do you all think there's a chance that this is implantation bleeding, especially accompanied by the temp dip this morning?
Kerr - FX it's an implantation dip!

Rudolf - Sorry hun, it sounds like AF to me...but then I always get brown cm then pink cm then AF starts properly. If you don't normally get this then maybe it could be something else...breakthrough bleeding perhaps (if you ovulated when you think you did then it's a little late for implantation bleeding I would think). I hope AF stays away for you hun!

AFM - I've just got a positive OPK today out of nowhere! I normally get a darker but still negative the day before but yesterday's was practically white! So soy has delayed my ovulation...I normally ovulate CD22-25 and this will be (assuming 24 hours after +OPK) CD27. Hopefully it's a stronger ovulation than normal :)
Thanks Mrs. B. I'll see how the rest of the day goes. I won't count myself out until I see AF full on :)
Shells- Thanks for the info! I've been trying to stay positive this cycle and don't want to over analyze things.

Rudolf- It could be implantation. Since everything I've read says implantation can occur 6-12 days after ovulation and especially if you may have ovulated a day or two later. FXd it's implantation bleeding and not AF.

Mrs B- Yay on the + OPK! Sorry to hear it's coming later though and hopefully it will be a strong ovulation! Good luck!
AFM - I've just got a positive OPK today out of nowhere! I normally get a darker but still negative the day before but yesterday's was practically white! So soy has delayed my ovulation...I normally ovulate CD22-25 and this will be (assuming 24 hours after +OPK) CD27. Hopefully it's a stronger ovulation than normal :)

Mine was delayed just about the same amount as yours. I'm normally CD21-22 and this time I was CD28-29. I'm glad there are others out there who've had O delayed due to soy too!
I hate to keep updating with my TMI details...but I just have to. Lunch time restroom trip...and now there's nothing but a light wisp of brownish CM. Completely different from the very pink CM load last time.

Ladies, I'm feeling it. This is HIGHLY unusal for me. If AF were to arrive, it would have been a day or two AFTER today AND it always arrives in the mid-afternoon to early evening, never by 11 am the same day as the temp dip.

I'm feeling something here....I'm starting to get excited!
Oh I hope so Rudolf! FX for you hun, keep us updated!!! Could you have ovulated a little later than expected? I guess even if you didn't it's not unheard of to implant 11/12dpo...FX!

I highly doubt I ovulated later than expected because I chart my temp and did OPKs this cycle. I'm fairly certain within a 1-2 day time frame.

Earlier this morning when I had the pink CM I was feeling all sorts of weird light CM has completely dried up and I haven't felt any cramps whatsoever. This is the oddest thing ever!

Since it took me so long to ovulate this cycle (CD28/29) perhaps it's just taking long for me to actually implant too! (if that's what this is!)

I wish I had a time machine and could speed things up right now. I can't wait until I can take my temp tomorrow and see if it's risen.
:happydance: That is so exciting Rudolf! I hope your feeling is spot on! :happydance:
Do you have a link to your chart...? I like to stalk :shy:

AFM - I had a temp rise today CD27 :wohoo: and based on my +OPK on CD25 and -OPK CD26 I'm thinking I O'd yesterday :thumbup: It's been SO long since I O'd <3

We have been :sex: EOD so I am really really really hoping/praying/wishing/believing this is (FINALLY) the cycle!!! I have sore breasts and really sensitive nips (!) which I haven't felt since my m/c in December! I'm lovin the boob pain haha!

:baby:dust to all xx
Floatingbaby it definitely sounds like you O'd to me too!! That's so awesome you're gettin the O back after a long time! Hopefully you guys DTD enough times and things worked out.

I'm wishing baby dust to both of us right now!!

I don't actually have a temp chart online....I am very manual with mine and do it all by hand in the morning. If things work out, I'll take some scans of it and share it here - that's IF I get my BFP :)

Update on me - haven't seen any more pink CM all day - just saw it that once in the morning around 11 am. Although I have had some minor brownish CM with some red dots in there....very weird...but very light and faint.

As soon as I get into work in the morning I'll let you all know if my temp is still up.

If it is, we're in business!!!
hehe, I did "manual" temp for 7months! Online is the way to go!
I had light cramps for 2 days now. Yesterday I was nauseous on and off (which could have been from my IBS) and I feel like I'm getting a cold. I have read that some women have cold/flu-like symptoms around implantation. I don't really feel sick I took my temp with a thermometer at work and it was 100.1 so I have a low grade fever, slight sore throat, and stuffy nose. Hopefully it's a good sign!
That's interesting kerrbear. I really hope it's something positive. I think the nauseous feeling is probably more of an indicator though.

I woke up this morning and my temp remained steady at 97.5. So it wasn't the rise that I was hoping for, but it also wasn't more of a dip and I'm certainly not below my coverline.

I also woke up with more brown CM. I feel like crap today because I didn't sleep well at all (too anxious about this morning's temp reading). Today I am either CD12 or CD13. I really won't know for certain about my next steps until tomorrow morning. If I show a dip then I'll know I'm out. But if it remains high, I'll be fairly confident that this is my month :)

How on earth am I going to concentrate at work today? I'm so tired and exhausted and I just want to crawl into my bed. I have a meeting at 11am so I'm thinking I may jet outta here afterward and just go home.
I hope your temps stay up! I had that little dip and mine are going back up again. When do you plan to test?

I just woke up a little while ago and am still having some cramps. Sore throat and stuffy nose are still there, too. I've been doing a lot of reading on the cold/flu-like symptoms and apparently it is due to the change in hormones. They cause vasoconstriction which leads to a stuffy nose. Whenever I get a stuffy nose, I get a sore throat from anything draining. I hope it's a good sign for me. This isn't my usual time of the year to get sick and I haven't been around anyone who is sick. So we'll see! :)

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