SPD/PGP Support thread

Hello ladies, I was just wondering for those of you on crutches were they provided by the physio or GP? I have my next physio on Tuesday and hopefully my support belt will be there waiting for me but im just not convinced it will be a miracle cure and Im at the point now where I really want crutches!

I hardly leave the house these days and sitting in day after day is making me miserable! I want to go out baby shopping and enjoying my pregnancy!
The other night I ended up stood in my bathroom sobbing because I couldn't climb into the bath for a shower.. I've never experienced such crippling pain. The doctor has given me some fairly strong codeine which makes me super sleepy but doesn't cure the pain :(
Im wondering the same thing knitwit but I think it will be the physio who keep them. I have my first physio appt on Monday although Ive had symptoms since about week 14 I've managed until now but I cant take anymore. I had it last pregnancy but not this early. Im off work cos I cant stand for long and walking about is awful I already feel 9months pregnant. Had a bad night last night hardly slept cos of pain :-( xxx
its normally the physio that has the crutches, they wont give them to me though they keep saying it will " enable me " and i'll do more than i should....... ummm i have 2 toddlers and have to do the nursery run every day mon-fri i dont have a choice about how much I do, i practically do nothing around the house caus i cant handle it ontop of just the work i have to do looking after the boys
So, I was diagnosed with SPD at 16 weeks (although I had been experiencing symptoms way earlier, but my doc just dismissed them as uterine stretching).

At about 18 weeks, I started seeing a chiropractor who specializes in pre-natal and pediatric chiropratic care. AMAZING RESULTS!! Before treatment, my pubic bone constantly ached/felt bruised, and I could feel it all day long. After just a few adjustments, my pain went away almost completely.

One reason why I got SPD so early is because my pelvis was out of alignment. I should have known this as I had Xrays done 2 years ago for back pain which showed some minor alignment issues, that I thought would resolve on its own.

I'm nearly 24 weeks now, and have chosen to continue treatment for the rest of my pregnancy.

For those of you who are suffering and want options, I highly recommend finding a good chiropractor.
Thanks for posting that, sweetm. I was seen by physios in my last pregnancy, but I never really felt like they did a whole lot. The woman I saw was so miserable and patronising, it has really put me off going back. A friend of my Mum has recommended a chiropracter though, and I'd been toying with the idea of getting in touch with him... I think I'll give it a go.
Hi there someone sent me over from my post in the second tri, for days now when I walk everytime I put my heels down by back clicks at the bottom that's both feet and I find it hard to bend without getting shooting pains in legs and lower back, defiantly can not stand on one leg and in bed my back aches. I have had some spotting too which I been told we must have another scan. (not sure if that's connected!!) I have only read thu a few post as lots of pages hehe

Any ideas what it is?? Not got mid wife's appointment till wed. Any advice is welcome please
Hi there someone sent me over from my post in the second tri, for days now when I walk everytime I put my heels down by back clicks at the bottom that's both feet and I find it hard to bend without getting shooting pains in legs and lower back, defiantly can not stand on one leg and in bed my back aches. I have had some spotting too which I been told we must have another scan. (not sure if that's connected!!) I have only read thu a few post as lots of pages hehe

Any ideas what it is?? Not got mid wife's appointment till wed. Any advice is welcome please

It sounds like sciatica if the pain is in your back and legs, physio can help so be sure to mention it to your midwife.
Hiya girls, Ive been off work since week 7 firstly due to hyperemesis and then when I was due back the spd started so I've been signed off for weeks. Well I was gonna go back when my next paper runs out in 3weeks, I have a busy job I'm a staff nurse work on a really busy ward. I havent really been out and about cos Ive been unwell but decided to do some xmas shopping this week I didnt walk miles but went in a few shops and it crippled me the pain was so bad and 3 days later Im still suffering. I hadnt realised how bad it was cos like I said I havent really been out the past few weeks. Its made me realise I cant go back to work, standing and rushing about for an 8hour shift is gonna be impossible. I did attend physio but where I live they do these group sessions and i didnt make a follow up appointment cos like I said spd has been manageable. Sorry for the long post just wanted a whinge really lol. Hope everyone else is ok xxx
sorry your suffering so bad hun , can you look into chriopractic treatment since you still have quite a while till your due it might be worth even paying a bit for it to make life managable.
I'm really frustrated, the pregnancy belt the physio gave me doesn't do much to help with the pain at all.

When I asked her about getting crutches she said no :( she said because I was able to walk from the waiting room to her office just fine that she doesn't think I need them.

I mean the ability to walk isn't really an indication of how much pain I'm in whilst I'm doing it!

my house is small enough i have something to grab most of the time
Really suffering with SPD on this pregnancy, I thought the last one was bad until I experienced this one. I'm using a pregnancy pillow in bed, sleeping on my own, avoiding most housework and doing all the tips about keeping knees together. No joy, the pain is excruitiating. My pubic bone is grating and grinding when I walk or stand. Beginning to get depressed, my midwife and cons have been no use. :(
I'm trying lecithin supplements at the minute (the same thing as when people say to eat lots of eggs) I'll let you know if I see any improvement. I have crutches but don't use them inside. I just don;t move about too much and rest as much as I can.
I know it's hard but try and remember that it's temporary, if you're really struggling have you seen your doc? I was prescribed co-dydramol to help with the pain though I haven't taken it constantly. Just the odd night when there've been a few with very little sleep xxx :hugs:

It's rubbish but we'll soon have our baby's in our arms and we'll be back out and walking!

ETA it was my GP who prescribed painkillers - worth a shot?
I feel like crying....I feel so handicapped.
I can hardly walk, and I am so scared that the pain will continue after baby is born....then how can I look after baby then?

so scared that I will be permanently be in pain....
and I used to be so active!!!
hun it will go away, i had issues after ds1 because of his method of delivery causing my pelvis to be completely out of aligningment throwing my back out of alignment causing horrible spasms that lasted months but following ds2 when i had much worse SPD then i was fine within a month post birth which is good considering i couldnt move much without help before he was born
Just thought it pop by and say sorry everybody's feeling so crap! :hugs:

My SPD has really settled into my pubic bone - who even knew you could have pain all around and up your muffin?? :haha: I would say my main problem is pubic bone and bum. I am so friggin' uncomfortable at work as having to sit in a chair (and on the bus going home btw) am constantly wriggling and squirming trying to shift weight around...gah!

Im so far able to bear it (just) but i am worried about how much worse i could get when baby drops and i will have more pressure on the affected joints?

Hugs to everyone, xxx
I'm not sure if my bubba is trying to engage as I'm getting pressure and more pain in and around my foof and it feels more concentrated IYSWIM?

I'm relatively stoic about it now... not too far to go and I've coped for the past ten weeks, what's another 8 between friends? :winkwink:
I'm glad I found this thread. After suffering from agonising hip pains and a constant ache in my crotch, I have been diagnosed with PGP. I went to the docs today, but he was in a bit of a bad mood and wasn't really up for answering my questions.

I have been given co-codamol, which seems pretty serious. I don't really like taking even paracetemol, but right now I'm in blinding pain if I don't! I also got an urgent referal to a physio. Any idea how long it will take to be seen?

My problem at the moment is that I'm a student. My doctor wouldn't give me a note to excuse me from uni unless I paid for it. I can't even face walking to the station, let alone getting on the train and having to traipse around London right now. I'm really worried that I'll be kicked out or get a load of crap from my tutor because of this. :(
sorry your in pain chachacha, id talk to your student advisor about your options.

i can see the nursery run this week killing me with my PGP, I totally overdid it at the weekend and im in agony now, not helping that im suffering with allergies which are making me cough and sneeze which means im having to sit down to do that all the time to avoid straining my pelvis more

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