When i was pregnant with jamie my preference was a girl but once i knew i was having a boy it didnt matter anymore esp when they are born your just so happy they are here!
im ok, fs appt went ok but they say lose another stone, get a hsg and david must get tested then come back. if all comes back clear we will do a iui plus clomid but they wont consider that til at least oct :/
I'm going to start again! Had my testosterone tested yesterday and it was a 46. The highest that they want it to be is a 45. So I'm going to drink my tea and see if I can get it lowered!
I had my first acupuncture appointment yesterday and it was so relaxing, i hope it helps kick my body into gear, ive started temping so hopefully that will at least help me find ovulation, ive bad cramps today like ovulation but ive nit long gotten over a long af so i dunno if it's possible
It made my morning sickness worse, but it helps a lot of people with that. If you have acid reflux or heartburn problems, don't drink any for a few hours before you lay down, as it could make those conditions worse. Otherwise, no harm! Just don't let your hubby drink any!
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