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Sperm Meets Egg Plan - Anyone joining me?

Just done opk and had darkest line I have seen. Dh thinks it is similar colour to control line so hopefully might catch the last couple of days of week fx. That's if dh agrees to a less romantic time and more of a means to an end (tmi) when dtd as dry chapped lips and nose might be a passion killer!

Smiley- when are you testing again. Got everything crossed that your next test confirms you sd test?

Thanks hun, just gonna wait till Thursday now. AF is due then so may as well sit it out now. Though I really think I'm out now, had a bit of spotting this afternoon and OH is driving me insane!!! He always does round AF's joyous visit! :D x
Keep strong smiley. Avoid anymore tests. There are 3 glasses of wine waiting for u if AF does rear it's ugly head on Thursday. I hope u get a pleasant surprise.

Cbfm gave me a low today. Wish this next 10 days would just go. No symptoms to report Can't think of anything more we could have done this month!!!

Anyone tried the cough syrup to aid cm? I was tempted 2 months ago but couldn't find the stuff (think it's an American brand)

I hadn't heard about the cough mix- may wait a while to try that one.
Smiley you are very strong- I hope it all turns out positive :)
hopingitwill- so glad to hear you got a pos opk, hope you can manage to get some unsexy bring in :)

so I'm testing tomorrow- will try not to be too sad if it's neg as it's so early, but I will of course update you ladies :)
I hadn't heard about the cough mix- may wait a while to try that one.
Smiley you are very strong- I hope it all turns out positive :)
hopingitwill- so glad to hear you got a pos opk, hope you can manage to get some unsexy bring in :)

so I'm testing tomorrow- will try not to be too sad if it's neg as it's so early, but I will of course update you ladies :)

Good luck certainturton - will check in tomorrow! :hugs
Smiley- stay strong til Thursday!:hugs:
Thanks ladies :hugs:

No I havent heard about the cough syrup either, might have to look into that one :D

Good luck CertainTurton - will be checking in 2mrw morning!


Well, without a working opk, I had to wing it, but we should now be past o time, and it's time for the (slightly less than) 2WW! Let the symptom spotting begin in earnest!

I'm breaking out, and I'd love for it to be for a good reason, and not just because God hates me!
Just checking in with you ladies :) I didnt use opk's this cycle as most of you know..going by everything I know with my cycle,cm,calendar,etc...I should have ovulated on cd14 which was 5/23/11....I made sure to cover my bases just incase I ovulated earlier ..so we dtd on cd8,cd10,cd12,cd13,cd14,cd15,and may do today just incase...I am so wore out! and dh keeps asking "can we babydance?" ..."we have to babydance or we might miss the egg!" "haha" hes so cute!!
I am now 1dpo today and eager to get the 2ww done with already :haha:
how is everyone else doing?
smiley- FX crossed for you.

IGotBabyFever- FX that you got those:spermy: to the egg! sunds like you did everything right! good luck and cant wait to hear if you got your :bfp:

i am on Cycle day 10... usually O on CD 15... so excited to O!
smiley- FX crossed for you.

IGotBabyFever- FX that you got those:spermy: to the egg! sunds like you did everything right! good luck and cant wait to hear if you got your :bfp:

i am on Cycle day 10... usually O on CD 15... so excited to O!

Thanks :hugs:
I hope we both get our :bfp: !!!
fxed and lots of :dust:
Smiley- You could well be having post implantation mood swings and not PMS , so chin up !
Certainturton-Good luck!!! :dust: to you...It is a bit early but you never know! Besides, gives us all some vicarious POASing to do :yipee:
MrsFX-Are you supposed to take the cough syrup only after AF and before you O? or is it like a good to take anytime?
IgotBabyFever- You seem to have covered all the bases! Welcome to the TWW

and Rosered- :haha: you really made me laugh!!!!
Smiley- You could well be having post implantation mood swings and not PMS , so chin up !
Certainturton-Good luck!!! :dust: to you...It is a bit early but you never know! Besides, gives us all some vicarious POASing to do :yipee:
MrsFX-Are you supposed to take the cough syrup only after AF and before you O? or is it like a good to take anytime?
IgotBabyFever- You seem to have covered all the bases! Welcome to the TWW

and Rosered- :haha: you really made me laugh!!!!

Thanks!! Ive already made myself comfortable :coffee: :haha:
symptom spotters anonymous here I come!! :wave:
Thanks MrsFX and you all who wished luck and baby dust but unsurprisingly it was a :bfn: today. Oh well just keep POAS and hope for the best :) I dont feel too bad about it but it was hard as I had just woken up from a very vivid dream of 2 dark positive lines!! My mind is def playing tricks with me!

How are we all today?
Hey Certainturton! certainly was a bit early but yeah definitely must have been disappointing...Sorry to hear....Are you gonna POAS everyday from now as per your study?
Thanks MrsFX and you all who wished luck and baby dust but unsurprisingly it was a :bfn: today. Oh well just keep POAS and hope for the best :) I dont feel too bad about it but it was hard as I had just woken up from a very vivid dream of 2 dark positive lines!! My mind is def playing tricks with me!

How are we all today?

Oh, I was really hoping to read how you got an early BFP!! But I guess 8dpo is just too early - Bring on the next few days :D :hugs:

I'm not too bad today, just counting down until I can finally get an answer tomorrow - I really hope if AF is gonna show it's not late!!!
kbkb - yeah i have to as they need to know asap if i get a pos test, so every day now until the :witch: comes along (if she does...ever hopeful :haha:).

Smiley - FX for you tomorrow, it will be good to know either way, but you did have positive signs earlier :)
Thanks MrsFX and you all who wished luck and baby dust but unsurprisingly it was a :bfn: today. Oh well just keep POAS and hope for the best :) I dont feel too bad about it but it was hard as I had just woken up from a very vivid dream of 2 dark positive lines!! My mind is def playing tricks with me!

How are we all today?

Oh, I was really hoping to read how you got an early BFP!! But I guess 8dpo is just too early - Bring on the next few days :D :hugs:

I'm not too bad today, just counting down until I can finally get an answer tomorrow - I really hope if AF is gonna show it's not late!!!

FX and :dust: to you Smiley!!!
Right, I am going to make one last plea this month....

Dear Gods of Fertility,

PLEASE do not let AF come tomorrow. Instead, please let there be a teeny fertilized, implanted in the right place, eggy. I promise to only do good things for the rest of time. :flower:

Many Thanks
Ladies-question for you....I was suddenly besieged by all kinds of doubts..

I'm a real gym bunny...I have been working out for the last 7 years. I do a mix of cardio,weights and functional training..Everything I read says this should not damage my chances of conceiving but I suddenly had this awful thought....What if the zygote doesnt implant at all because I'm in motion..or what if it wants to implant when I am running on a treadmill and gets dislodged?
It sounds super silly I know..but i was getting very worried...Any thoughts please??
Ladies-question for you....I was suddenly besieged by all kinds of doubts..

I'm a real gym bunny...I have been working out for the last 7 years. I do a mix of cardio,weights and functional training..Everything I read says this should not damage my chances of conceiving but I suddenly had this awful thought....What if the zygote doesnt implant at all because I'm in motion..or what if it wants to implant when I am running on a treadmill and gets dislodged?
It sounds super silly I know..but i was getting very worried...Any thoughts please??

In all honesty I have no idea of the answer to this. Everything i've ever read though says that exercise is absolutely fine as long as it's what you're used to. So if you've been exercising regularly for 7 years (amazing!) then you should be fine. I know plenty of people who have gotten pregnant without any problems whilst working out, one of my good friends does marathons (mental) - but didn't stop training at all when she was ttc and had no probs! I guess it's just what your body is used to!

If I on the other hand decided to do some intense work out, my whole body would go into panic and shut down, let alone be able to make a baby!!

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