Sperm Meets Egg Plan - Anyone joining me?

Okay, symptom update: so I've had extremely dull extremely mild cramps/twings. I can barely feel them. One dot/drop of brown discharge. Boobies are still tender. My abdomen feels heavy and/or tight at times.

That's it, I think. :shrug: How about you ladies?
Morning Ladies,

Thanks for all the congrats :) I just still cant believe it! :happydance: So to answer the questions: We only DTD on cd 7,9,12 and 13 (smiley face). We used preseed (just a little before DTD) and I used softcups (once for 4 hours and twice for 12 hrs overnight). I felt ovu pains on cd 15 and a v.sharp pain on cd 16. From then on I had slightly sore boobs (more like twinges, not aching) and small cramps/twinges down below from 3dpo til i got my bfp on 10dpo. But nothing more than i normally get when im not preg. I did get some nausea one morning (8dpo), but put it down to being on a boat (although i never get seasick). I did also have slightly runnier stools from 7dpo but put it down to all the fruit :haha:. I have also been v.tired since 7dpo and its getting worse...feeling knackered now. So basically, not many exciting symptoms...sorry! Now at 11dpo just feeling tired and got the occasional twinge in bbs and down 'there'. I do also have a headache but not sure if thats a 'symptom' or just back to workness...

So ive now done 3 digital tests and all say 'pregnant' the one this morn came up really quickly!! I also did my IC this morn and the line came up but not v.dark. Hehe - so tempted keep POAS but will try to wait until it will show pregnant 3+ :haha:

So Ive spoken to the researcher and ive booked my 6 week scan for the 4th Aug...I cannot wait!! I will also need to book a doc appointment sometime in the next couple weeks.

Really hoping this poppyseed (apparently that big now) will stick!!

Congratulations!!!...Reaaaaallly happy 4 u.....:happydance:
Certain- i had a tight feeling in my throat since 4 weeks- like everything I was eating just stayyyyyyyyyyyyed there (gross, I know). But MS proper started around 6 weeks (i.e. being sick, throwing up, aversion to food, smells), got really bad weeks 8-10..Last 4-5 days (touchwood!!!) really normal!Most people say it kicks in between 6-8 weeks and is usually gone latest by 12 weeks .My 12 weeks scan is 28 July.
MrsFX- wow, Portugal....Now a portugese conception will make our thread proper exotic, go get it!
Beauty and Lolo- Hang on, symptoms sounding good. Brown blood could=implantation!!!
Smiley- :wave: July is your month!!!
Morning Ladies,

Welcome Stinas - what stage are you at?

Beauty - ooo sounding good, the twinges were my main 'symptom' really :) and the spot of blood could very much be implantation...got my fingers and toes crossed for you :) I can also remember when i first heared about IC tests..got v.excited. I cant believe how good you are at avoiding POAS! I may have to join Smiley in the persuasion tactics..

Mrsstru- thanks. Sorry to hear you think the witch is coming but remember your not out until she is here. I really hope the fs can help you :hugs:

ptntly - FX crossed the :witch: doesnt come!

MrsFX- I know they were boring symptoms really, I also forgot to add i was a bit 'windy' from 7dpo... :blush: I have my FX for you! I also thought i would def be preg by the time we went away to Greece and it hadnt happened...I hate to say it but maybe relaxation does work!! I hope you have a lovely time in the sun :)

Smiley- I am sure that you guys have done enough. remember we only did it the day before and day of my pos opk :) it just takes one :spermy:

Steph - I also didnt understand the opks and thats why I am so pleased with my CB digi ov tester...its so much easier just to see the smiley face :) lots of luck!

kbkb- thanks for telling me. I think the throat thing really describes what i had yesterday! Was not very nice :( just drinking lots of water now. I think im coming down with a cold as well :( is that normal in early preg or is it just coz i sat next to a sneezy/coughy woman on the plane!?! humph. Hope your sickness stays away for good now :)
Certain- think you could've caught the cold from her,as your immunity will now be lower... but apparently sneezing is a BIG pregnancy symtom...google it! I was sneezing my head off at 4 weeks.
Hello Ladies!! How are you this morning?

So the few drops have cleared up! I guess that’s a good sign but I feel like AF is going to come on any minute now!! I have some tightness and very little pressure in my abdomen. Not really cramping, though, which is odd for AF due date (today). Not many other symptoms. I really don’t believe it’s my mouth because AF feels like she is arriving any minute. I keep going to the restroom to check! Ugh!! I guess it’s not over until it’s over!

:bfn: keeps me from poas! I’m a chicken!! Yea, I said it :haha: I want to test but I just don’t want to be disappointed. I’ll probably wait a few more days to see if the :witch: will show. Certain and Smiley, your persuasion is starting to work :winkwink:

Lolo – what’s the news, lady? Any more symptoms, bfp, af…anything? I’m anxious for you!! FX!!

Smiley – how’s it going so far? Having fun? Staying relaxing? Enjoying yourself? Keep at it, doll! This is your month!!

Certain – I hope you lose that cold (beginning of a cold) very soon!! It’s true that your immune system is taking a major dive! Stay away from sick ppl! Baby doesn’t like it! :winkwink:

Kbkb – thanks for the advice! You might be right about implantation because it was only a few drops and that has NEVER happened before!! Let’s hope you’re right!!! I’m glad you and baby are doing well!!

MrsFX – I hope you are preggo for your trip!! FX!!

Ptntly – is the :witch: here yet? I hope not!!!

Mrs Stu – I hope the :witch: doesn’t come!! Or is she here yet? Either way…I hope you don’t have to wait another 14months! Ugh! Just give us our bfp’s!!!!

Steph – GL this cycle!! FX!

New ladies – what’s the word??? Give me something to obsess over besides myself :kiss:

I’ll be sure to keep you ladies updated. Here’s some :dust: for you!! GL!! FX for you all! :flower:

Beauty2 - That does sound like it could be IB - FX!! That's really exciting! And always a good sign that AF has stayed away :D Hope this means a bfp is on it's way!

Well I am having a very confusing day, I thought I was 1dpo, but when I went to the toilet this morn had some brown cm - basically thought the witch was on her way (making my cycle this month the most mental it has ever been) - Very down, and had a bit of a cry. But now it has almost stopped... I don't know. I'm clinging on to the tiniest bit of hope that it's not AF, but this is pretty much how AF always starts for me. I also get lower back ache around her visit, and i've got that too.

So yeh, I am in ttc limbo. I don't like it very much!

x x x x x

Beauty2 - That does sound like it could be IB - FX!! That's really exciting! And always a good sign that AF has stayed away :D Hope this means a bfp is on it's way!

Well I am having a very confusing day, I thought I was 1dpo, but when I went to the toilet this morn had some brown cm - basically thought the witch was on her way (making my cycle this month the most mental it has ever been) - Very down, and had a bit of a cry. But now it has almost stopped... I don't know. I'm clinging on to the tiniest bit of hope that it's not AF, but this is pretty much how AF always starts for me. I also get lower back ache around her visit, and i've got that too.

So yeh, I am in ttc limbo. I don't like it very much!

x x x x x

Thats strange, what cd are you on? Maybe it could be ovulation bleeding, some ladies do get that. :hugs: I really hope its not the :witch:
Thanks Certain :hugs: It is very strange. I'm on CD16 today - I got a really small amount of spotting yesterday (wouldnt have noticed if not looking!) that I thought could be ovulation, (which would have tied in with everything else) but today it just seems too much to be that :shrug:

Hope you are feeling ok and not too "coldy" (Is that a word?) x x x
Hello Ladies!! How are you this morning?

So the few drops have cleared up! I guess that’s a good sign but I feel like AF is going to come on any minute now!! I have some tightness and very little pressure in my abdomen. Not really cramping, though, which is odd for AF due date (today). Not many other symptoms. I really don’t believe it’s my mouth because AF feels like she is arriving any minute. I keep going to the restroom to check! Ugh!! I guess it’s not over until it’s over!

:bfn: keeps me from poas! I’m a chicken!! Yea, I said it :haha: I want to test but I just don’t want to be disappointed. I’ll probably wait a few more days to see if the :witch: will show. Certain and Smiley, your persuasion is starting to work :winkwink:

Lolo – what’s the news, lady? Any more symptoms, bfp, af…anything? I’m anxious for you!! FX!!

Smiley – how’s it going so far? Having fun? Staying relaxing? Enjoying yourself? Keep at it, doll! This is your month!!

Certain – I hope you lose that cold (beginning of a cold) very soon!! It’s true that your immune system is taking a major dive! Stay away from sick ppl! Baby doesn’t like it! :winkwink:

Kbkb – thanks for the advice! You might be right about implantation because it was only a few drops and that has NEVER happened before!! Let’s hope you’re right!!! I’m glad you and baby are doing well!!

MrsFX – I hope you are preggo for your trip!! FX!!

Ptntly – is the :witch: here yet? I hope not!!!

Mrs Stu – I hope the :witch: doesn’t come!! Or is she here yet? Either way…I hope you don’t have to wait another 14months! Ugh! Just give us our bfp’s!!!!

Steph – GL this cycle!! FX!

New ladies – what’s the word??? Give me something to obsess over besides myself :kiss:

I’ll be sure to keep you ladies updated. Here’s some :dust: for you!! GL!! FX for you all! :flower:

So far nothing...i am due today as well...symptoms update: nausea here and there but sometimes i feel like that when AF is about to come (but this is more often)...boobs sore and backache (typical Af symptoms) .... the only thing that sticks out is that i went to bathroom earlier and i got a long stretchy amount of whitish/clear CM (I know TMI) there wasn't any blood or anything so i have no idea what that was...I have a horrible cold and runny nose for the past three days as well....I hope AF stays away for you....i am with you on the disappointing BFN's ...i am going to wait a couple of days to test if she doesn't show!!!! GL FX!!!! :hugs:

Beauty2 - That does sound like it could be IB - FX!! That's really exciting! And always a good sign that AF has stayed away :D Hope this means a bfp is on it's way!

Well I am having a very confusing day, I thought I was 1dpo, but when I went to the toilet this morn had some brown cm - basically thought the witch was on her way (making my cycle this month the most mental it has ever been) - Very down, and had a bit of a cry. But now it has almost stopped... I don't know. I'm clinging on to the tiniest bit of hope that it's not AF, but this is pretty much how AF always starts for me. I also get lower back ache around her visit, and i've got that too.

So yeh, I am in ttc limbo. I don't like it very much!

x x x x x
This always used to happen to me during ov time...i think it has something to do with the drop in estrogen....it is normal to have light brown/reddish spotting during midcycle (at least that is what my doc told me)...I am sure this is not AF
GL :hugs:
ptntly wtg - I'm sooo pleased AF has not shown up today for you, all those things sound like pretty strong preg symptoms - Really hope you are about to get that bfp, FX!!

Thanks hun, I think it's just too much to be Ov "spotting" - I don't know, will see how tomorrow goes I suppose.

Good luck ladies, there's going to be some bfp's coming very soon :flower:

x x x
Beauty- she's due today if I'm gonna have a 28 day cycle. I've always had 28 until a couple cycles ago all of a sudden I had a 32 day cycle. Of course this was a first for me so I was just sure I was pg. But no she showed. The next was 30 days, so if it was winding back down to my normal cycle then she'd show today. She's not gonna though cuz I always spot the night before and nothing last night. I still don't feel pregnant though so I'm just gonna give her awhile to show her face. Not getting my hopes up. Hope she stays away for you!
This is our 3rd cycle TTC and we've just started the SMEP plan! I'm on CD 11 so more BD tomorrow! :happydance:

I also just got a darker line than the past few days on my OPK so I should get my surge in 2 days or less!!!! :yipee:
Lolo - I'm with you, doll! I've just given up. I just want to know either way already...Ugh!

Kytti - welcome!!! SMEP plan is fun as long as you don't 'burn' yourself out! Or maybe that's just me :blush: You will enjoy these ladies as they are very informative and sweet :hugs: GL this cycle!! And lots and lots of :dust: your way!! FX for you!

Smiley - I sometimes 'spot' during Ov too. Happened in May...not sure if it's normal or if it means no Ov but I know 2weeks later the real AF came so; don't worry. Just :sex: if you can as much as you can so you can cover you bases. GL and :dust: to you!! FX for you!!

I just want to go to bed :sad2:!!!
Thanks so much beauty! We're holding out pretty well so far! :thumbup: Although it's the 3 days in a row coming up I'm worried about. :haha:
Update: :witch: showed her ugly face so i am out this month:cry:...i kind of expected it even though i was having some weird symptoms but i always look too far into everything during the tww....well here is to next month...time for some :wine:
Hope everyone is doing well!!
So.. I'm on CD 11 and I'm not suppose to BD again until tomorrow if going by the SMEP but I have quite a decent line on my OPK.. it is not a positive but it's almost there! I feel like I should just BD tonight even though I'd be messing up the plan! What should I do!? My OPK may be positive by tomorrow evening, Thursday at the latest with the way the line is looking. I had barely no line yesterday and now it is definitely there! Help! :pop:
Hi ladies, I love to join in!

This is my first month trying SMEP, ok, trying much at all... We started TTC#1 last month, but really slacked off in the BD dept. :sleep:

Tomorrow (Wed) is CD8 and I've got my IC OPKs ready. I actually started testing Monday evening because I just couldn't resist... anyway, tonight's was darker so fx!

What time(s) of day do you think is best to test?

:flower: and :dust: to all!!
Lolo - hope :witch stays away...

My Ov date was 14th and we did BD on 15 as we had an in-laws related fight on 14th ..:( hope we caught the egg as its supposed to last 24 hours

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