Spring Babies

Ok - so any of you ladies getting scared yet? I got an overwhelming sense of fear and a little depression yesterday. It's not terrible, but I was thinking, OMG this is the end of doing whatever I want when I want. I can't just pick up and go to Vegas, or California or on a whim go to a late night concert during the week or even go out and get a pedicure when the hubby works late.

Then I thought, my morning work routine is going to change. I will need to get up so much more earlier to get the baby and myself ready for the day. Then I will have to find a trustful sitter. OMG, this is so insane. I know my hormones aren't helping. I cried eating my cereal this morning, and I have no idea why.

I just feel out of sorts today.

I veer between self-assured excitement and terror :lol: Mostly, I feel calm and confident that it will be a more pleasurable experience than society sets us up for, but occasionally, I think, "Omg, how am I going to get something so big out of THERE?"

Had my three day exhausted period this week - I swear she grows in crazy spurts - and now look at my belly! And the pic in grey leggings is only from 9 days ago. I grew so much in a week! I dread to think how big I'll be full-term :dohh:


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Ok - so any of you ladies getting scared yet? I got an overwhelming sense of fear and a little depression yesterday. It's not terrible, but I was thinking, OMG this is the end of doing whatever I want when I want. I can't just pick up and go to Vegas, or California or on a whim go to a late night concert during the week or even go out and get a pedicure when the hubby works late.

Then I thought, my morning work routine is going to change. I will need to get up so much more earlier to get the baby and myself ready for the day. Then I will have to find a trustful sitter. OMG, this is so insane. I know my hormones aren't helping. I cried eating my cereal this morning, and I have no idea why.

I just feel out of sorts today.

I veer between self-assured excitement and terror :lol: Mostly, I feel calm and confident that it will be a more pleasurable experience than society sets us up for, but occasionally, I think, "Omg, how am I going to get something so big out of THERE?"

Had my three day exhausted period this week - I swear she grows in crazy spurts - and now look at my belly! And the pic in grey leggings is only from 9 days ago. I grew so much in a week! I dread to think how big I'll be full-term :dohh:

You look amazing (and I love that skirt!!!!) I think I am feeling the growth spurt right now. Little tasks like picking up something I dropped is so difficult, even trying to get out of bed. I seriously feel like this...


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:( sorry Tee - I'm not feeling this any more than normal... yet. However, I am really fatalistic in general so have been kinda thinking this for ever since we started TTC years ago. The biggest feeling that I have been having has been that I will miss just having my husband - losing it just being the two of us.

Glad you got some sleep last night!!!

Emma god you look gorgeous! is that outside your apartment?
:( sorry Tee - I'm not feeling this any more than normal... yet. However, I am really fatalistic in general so have been kinda thinking this for ever since we started TTC years ago. The biggest feeling that I have been having has been that I will miss just having my husband - losing it just being the two of us.

Glad you got some sleep last night!!!

Emma god you look gorgeous! is that outside your apartment?

Aw thanks :)

It's in our garden at the side of the house. I swear my belly grew overnight!

I know what you mean about the everything changing feeling; I'm so happy but things will never be the same again and it's so strange. :flower:

This is a video my friend made at our last summer gathering; I'm banning them this year haha okay, maybe a quiet barbecue, but no pool parties. Besides, the pool's green at the moment and I can't see OH cleaning it this year :lol: Anyhoo, my friend made our house look wonderful, but it's quite a wreck lol.

That is an awesome video!!! I want to come party with you all!!! Is that your pool? It's huge? That space is gorgeous! Looks like so much fun!
That is an awesome video!!! I want to come party with you all!!! Is that your pool? It's huge? That space is gorgeous! Looks like so much fun!

Hehe yeah it's all our private back yard. Long Spanish summers rock! We have lots of space to maintain but we just make everyone who wants to hang out at our place chip in with maintaining the garden when they come over :haha:

I'm reluctant to ever move as the rent's so low for what we get, second row villa at the beach, private pool, roof terrace, front terrace, large house, I have my recording studio in the basement and he has his workshop under the house, so any money we save moving somewhere cheaper would be negligible if we had to rent workspaces. My friend who did the video shoots for one of the record labels I work with so it was lovely to get such a good quality memento of the party. Was just watching it then, it went on forever!

We'll have to put a fence and gate around the pool area to keep Maia from adventuring too far when she gets mobile. Until then, I'm wearing her in a sling 24/7 so I know exactly where she is. :lol:
You look amazing (and I love that skirt!!!!) I think I am feeling the growth spurt right now. Little tasks like picking up something I dropped is so difficult, even trying to get out of bed. I seriously feel like this...

:lol: I know the feeling; sometimes, I think she's growing as fast as Jack's beanstalk.
Ok - so any of you ladies getting scared yet? I got an overwhelming sense of fear and a little depression yesterday. It's not terrible, but I was thinking, OMG this is the end of doing whatever I want when I want. I can't just pick up and go to Vegas, or California or on a whim go to a late night concert during the week or even go out and get a pedicure when the hubby works late.

Then I thought, my morning work routine is going to change. I will need to get up so much more earlier to get the baby and myself ready for the day. Then I will have to find a trustful sitter. OMG, this is so insane. I know my hormones aren't helping. I cried eating my cereal this morning, and I have no idea why.

I just feel out of sorts today.

Yep! Although I've been so restricted with what I can do for so long that I think it'll be slightly easier to adapt. It's still crazy though to think that so soon we'll be responsible for a little person! :baby:

karry how are you? you have an apt today?

I'm good! Thanks so much for asking! Still waiting for the call with my blood test results but I'm not worried about them. It's to determine if I need to go on insulin before the baby is born & that's not going to happen so it was a bit of a waste of time. The scan went well! It can be out by a pound either way but they're estimating 8lbs 10oz so now they say I don't need the C section after all! :happydance: She was going to schedule an exam for Tuesday & DH JOKINGLY said I'd do it now if she was willing & she did! While she was doing the exam she went "Oh my God!" & said she was so glad she did it early because apparently the baby is ready to go! If he's not here by Tuesday I'll be induced. This time next week he'll be here - and in time for my very first Mothers Day! So in shock (which is ridiculous I know - should have figured I'd be having this baby at some point!) :happydance:

Hope everyone is doing well? xx
I'm good! Thanks so much for asking! Still waiting for the call with my blood test results but I'm not worried about them. It's to determine if I need to go on insulin before the baby is born & that's not going to happen so it was a bit of a waste of time. The scan went well! It can be out by a pound either way but they're estimating 8lbs 10oz so now they say I don't need the C section after all! :happydance: She was going to schedule an exam for Tuesday & DH JOKINGLY said I'd do it now if she was willing & she did! While she was doing the exam she went "Oh my God!" & said she was so glad she did it early because apparently the baby is ready to go! If he's not here by Tuesday I'll be induced. This time next week he'll be here - and in time for my very first Mothers Day! So in shock (which is ridiculous I know - should have figured I'd be having this baby at some point!) :happydance:

Hope everyone is doing well? xx

eeee! that;s such great news! Hoping everything goes smoothly. take good care of yourself this weekend!!!
Emma - I would definitley stay. It sounds amazing where you live, and very tranquil! Maia will love growing up there! <3

Karry - I am feeling that way too, it's getting so close and that's exactly it, we're going to be responsible for these little tiny humans! Oh my goodness, you are going to have that little precious one so soon! It's so amazing! I know, it's like you think you'll be pregnant forever, but there is an end. LOL I am so excited for you, I can't wait to see pictures. I am sending lots of love and strength your way for an amazing delivery! So so excited for you!!!
Lilly - How are you doing over there hon? <3 Thinking about you.
Emma - I would definitley stay. It sounds amazing where you live, and very tranquil! Maia will love growing up there! <3

Karry - I am feeling that way too, it's getting so close and that's exactly it, we're going to be responsible for these little tiny humans! Oh my goodness, you are going to have that little precious one so soon! It's so amazing! I know, it's like you think you'll be pregnant forever, but there is an end. LOL I am so excited for you, I can't wait to see pictures. I am sending lots of love and strength your way for an amazing delivery! So so excited for you!!!

Totally forgot to say Emma that I totally agree with Tee! I ADORE Spain. If I had to live in another country it would be my top choice & your place sounds amazing!

Thanks so much Tee! I was telling my brother the news & said I'm so in shock - he sent me a message back saying "you did know you were pregnant, right?" Men! Thankfully DH is in as much shock as I am so I don't feel too crazy! Trying to get the house in order now before the madness begins! :happydance:
She was going to schedule an exam for Tuesday & DH JOKINGLY said I'd do it now if she was willing & she did! While she was doing the exam she went "Oh my God!" & said she was so glad she did it early because apparently the baby is ready to go! If he's not here by Tuesday I'll be induced. This time next week he'll be here - and in time for my very first Mothers Day! So in shock (which is ridiculous I know - should have figured I'd be having this baby at some point!) :happydance:

Hope everyone is doing well? xx

All good here, thanks! :happydance: Your baby's coming! Your baby's coming! :happydance:
Emma - I would definitley stay. It sounds amazing where you live, and very tranquil! Maia will love growing up there! <3

Karry - I am feeling that way too, it's getting so close and that's exactly it, we're going to be responsible for these little tiny humans! Oh my goodness, you are going to have that little precious one so soon! It's so amazing! I know, it's like you think you'll be pregnant forever, but there is an end. LOL I am so excited for you, I can't wait to see pictures. I am sending lots of love and strength your way for an amazing delivery! So so excited for you!!!

Totally forgot to say Emma that I totally agree with Tee! I ADORE Spain. If I had to live in another country it would be my top choice & your place sounds amazing!

Thanks so much Tee! I was telling my brother the news & said I'm so in shock - he sent me a message back saying "you did know you were pregnant, right?" Men! Thankfully DH is in as much shock as I am so I don't feel too crazy! Trying to get the house in order now before the madness begins! :happydance:

I hope you get it all done by Tuesday! :lol: Oh it's so much fun here; with us living in Mallorca, we miss all the regular day to day life of cities and enjoy a very laidback pace which I love. Summer gets crazy with the nighttime gigs in Palma and Magaluf but it's bearable 'cause even though we're a stone's throw from drunken Britsville, once we enter our road, it's quiet. Plus it's only a couple of hours away from England for family to visit. :)
So OMG, I have a maternity shoot this Sunday. Girls, I'm so scared!!! LOL I know I know, I'm pregnant and supposed to have a big belly, but I feel huge all over! HAHAH SO afraid of my arms, legs, and face looking huge LOL

Did you all have shoots done? Any advice?
Oooo can't wait to see your photos! Don't worry about looking big, you're pregnant :p I have two shoot, but waiting 'til mid-April so I'm extra belly-o for them hehe.
Hello ladies!

Doing ok thanks - feeling pretty good and am now drinking raspberry leaf tea, taking evening primrose oil, eating pineapple and having baths with clarey sage - i'll try anything to make sure she's on time lol! Dh is so desperate he's even accepted DTD with me:thumb up:

Great news Karry! So awesome you don't have to have a c-section! My friend just had a 9lb 1oz baby and did really well!

Love the pictures of Noah's new presents on FB Tee, the room looks amazing! Loving the pirate theme!

Lily is really active today, as i'm typing my whole belly is just moving around! I should post a bump selfie soon!

I woke up in the night with bad braxton hicks and thought I was going into labour and a wave of fear washed over me. The thought of giving birth just has always seemed so theoretical or too far into the future, now it's just around the corner it's friggin' terrifying lol! Terrifying in a good way, but strange how i'm sitting around waiting to feel pain?! That all sounded pretty morbid but it wasn't intended to be, it's all so exciting.

I know what you mean Qwerty, can't imagine it not just being me and DH, we literally do everything together and spend like 95% of our time together so it'll be weird it being 3 of us (4 counting the dog lol)

Hope everyone has fun planned for the weekend?

Aww thank you, Lilly. His room is really coming along nicely. I think we are about done now and all we need to do is add knick knacks and wait for the baby shower to fill up the drawers and closet. I can't wait. I feel like it's all happening at once now. The maternity shoot then the shower then the baby. No more relaxing time for me. LOL I really can't wait to go on maternity leave.

Omg, my fear is going into labor at work. But, waking up in the middle of the night like that would really scare me too. Like and anixous excited scare. I can't imagine what you are feeling being this close.
The crazy thing is, and I was thinking about this today, I think I'd be totally calm if I went to labour alone, whereas with OH or my mum or the midwife, I'll play the victim lol. I reckon if I was home alone, I'd just deal with it and birth more easily. Can't really tell them that, though :lol:

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