Spring Babies

Lilly - I am so jealous you are on leave!!! That's got to feel so good! I can't wait until I go, and just know that the stupid anxiety and stress at work will disappear is enough for me. I just want to lay around and eat and read all day HAHAHA.

I can't believe you are already almost 36 weeks! SQUEE! It is flying by! Also, I did read that stretch marks will fade a bit after birth. <3
Morning ladies! Just checkin in! I hope you are all doing well!

I had a little scare yesterday, or it's just me being all crazy with worry like always. But Noah wasn't moving hardly all day and I was getting nervous. I was drinking tons of water, eating some candy, and still nothing. Then I put my little music speaker up to my belly and he started punshing around. Then of course I went home and used the doppler. I swear this worry will never go away. Then of course I was "trying" to sleep last night and Noah wanted to party.

I have been reading up online about belly maping and I still don't think I can figure it out, but I do think he is transverse right now. I can't wait to see him at my appointment on Thursday!

Qwerty - happy 30 weeks momma!!! <3
I know - it still hasn't really sunk in yet that I don't have to go back to work! I sort of feel like i'm on holiday!

Me and DH went out for dinner last night and I was good and had a really nice chicken, bacon and avocado salad with a honey and mustard dressing. Got back and immediately started feeling really ill and then for the rest of the night I was throwing up :wacko: Not sure whether it was because the dressing was really rich and that was what made me feel sick? Feeling a bit yuk this morning still but much better!

How is everyone this week? Happy 30 weeks Qwerty and Tee!
We're all flying along now!! It's getting so real! :happydance:

Tee - That nursery looks amazing! He's a lucky little boy! I must upload a new picture of ours with the alphabet done. I'm going to miss the movements too but I'll be so relieved to be able to move myself instead! :haha:

Lilly - Hope you're enjoying your leave! I do get that pressure down low from time to time. It seems to be worse on certain days/times. Like I'll have nothing or it'll be awful. Is yours the same or is yours more consistent? I've noticed that it's definitely getting more painful as time goes on. Sorry to hear you weren't well after your dinner - I had the same thing a couple of weeks ago. I also blamed the richness of the food. Hope you're ok now though? And I don't know how quickly the stretch marks will fade but they will!

The charity stuff has gotten a little better but only because I was diagnosed with GD yesterday which meant I had to go back into the hospital this morning & again next Friday so I told the charity committee I have to cut back on how much I'm doing. I'm part of the administration team & one of the other girls on the team is coincidentally pregnant too & due the exact same date as me! One of the other girls decided to take a break before me & the other pregnant girl have to take time off but she was only due to come back the day before my due date. There are another two girls added to the team but they're only new & still learning the ropes so it's been tough. So of the other four we've one on a break, one getting ready to start her maternity leave in work so busy there & two others that are afraid to do anything on their own! Which only leaves me :shrug: But hopefully after explaining things to the committee yesterday (i.e. that I'll be in & out of the hospital from here on & too tired/sore to do much) things will improve. Wow - that was some rant! Sorry! No heavy lifting involved, I promise! I only work from home at the moment (don't even go to the meetings anymore because it's an hours driving total) & don't go to the kennels at the moment either. Animal wise we currently have dogs, cats, rabbits (including two giant rabbits!), a guinea pig & a goat!

AFM - Had my GD diet class today & back in the hospital tomorrow for my BF class. It'll be my third time in the hospital in as many days - great fun when it's an hour away (if no traffic). And have to go in again Friday week for more blood tests (GD related) & a growth scan & to meet with my consultant & get a date for my C section!! So surreal! I keep going to all these little appointments & just keep focusing on the next one & don't seem to realise that one of these days I'll be going to the hospital not for blood tests or scans but to actually have a baby!!
We're in the last leg of the race, girls! I can't wait. I have my 3/4D scan today, looking forward to it; I hope Maia's in a good position. Thankfully, she was head down at my doc appointment a couple of days ago but not too low so hopefully she's still there. OH is about to get his head lopped off, I just have to bite my tongue a few more hours so I can get a ride to the clinic and then I'm telling him to ship up or shape out. He's decided - without talking it through first - that my 37th week is a good time for him to go to Italy for 10 days to visit friends and his ex-wife, sorry WIFE ( he never got round to filing since leaving Italy), to sort out the house he built that she's been living in rent free for 3yrs; well, he's had 3yrs to sort it and all this pregnancy, so if he thinks this is appropriate, I'm booking a flight to the UK to stay with family until after the baby's born and then I will return to Spain but not to him.

Coincidentally, their dog died yesterday - he's feeling all sorry for himself, as I recall he told me 'animals die, I grew up on a farm,' so that's what I'll be telling him. He booked the flight and then told me about it so if he loses his money, that's his problem, but if he keeps the flight, he's gone. I'm so mad it's going to take all my willpower to keep quiet until after this midday appointment. I also want to stay calm for Maia as I don't want her to pick up the stress, though she probably is anyway. Aaaargh!

My sister says it sounds like he's running from his responsibilities and she, my mum and my friend have all agreed it's out of order; I was so tired this past few days, it didn't really sink in but last night I had a WTF? moment. I put myself in the spare room for a nap at 8pm and stayed there, wanted to process my thoughts and sleep on it but I've just woken up more angry. One thing I won't do is be a doormat, so looks like it's ultimatum time. My friend said she'd drive me to the scan today but I want to be the bigger person so he can't throw it back in my face telling Maia when she's older that I wouldn't let him be there.

Fact is, while I'll likely be overdue like all my family, 37wks is considered full-term and stress can bring on labour, so the fact he's even considered this jaunt, let alone paid for his flights speaks volumes to me.

Anyhoo, onto pregnancy - I'm taking these vile iron tablets but still not paying off energy-wise for me, boo! Hopefully, they will soon. Love feeling Maia's little limbs through my belly; she's so funny, when I know she's awake, I talk to her and she responds by kicking and rolling. Omg don't know how she's going to fit through the exit...

This week's bump pic, taken on Tuesday :)

Karry - yeah they come in waves and don't last too long but are so intense when they are around. Feeling much better on the sickness now thank you - must have been the salad dressing!

How did the hospital appointment go today? Have they booked you in for the section yet? How are you feeling about it? Can't believe you have GD but at least they know about it now and can deal with it?

Emma - I'm so glad that you've made that decision, he sounds literally mental and though i'm sure he'll be a good father (?), he doesn't sound right for you. You need and deserve someone that puts YOU first and not themselves. Loads of first time Dads feel the weight of the responsibility of becoming a father at this time but they don't just book flights away around the time that their OH's are due?! Honestly, just bury him under the patio and we'll all give you an alibi (from various countries lol) :hugs:

arrrggghhh i'm on the last baby on my ticker and 36 weeks today, 4 weeks today i'll be sitting stuffing pineapple in my face bouncing on my ball willing her to come out!

x x
Quick update, told OH my way or highway; so he's going to sort the legal and business stuff out over 4 days, but as for the other 6 days of wetting the baby's head with friends getting drunk in bars in Rome or reminiscing with the ex - OH HELL NO.

My baby! Can't believe she's not even 33wks yet, she's such a little chubster :D

Quick update, told OH my way or highway; so he's going to sort the legal and business stuff out over 4 days, but as for the other 6 days of wetting the baby's head with friends getting drunk in bars in Rome or reminiscing with the ex - OH HELL NO.

My baby! Can't believe she's not even 33wks yet, she's such a little chubster :D


Ah Emma she's so beautiful! Look at her lips - I can't believe how big she looks!
Ah Emma she's so beautiful! Look at her lips - I can't believe how big she looks!

Aw thank you :) I know, she's got a perfect little cupid's bow pout hehe and she looks full-term, she's so chubby! All the pregnancy week-by-week guides say 'week 32, your baby is starting to look less wrinkly as she stores more fat'...um, I think she's definitely ahead there :lol: I love big chubby babies, can't wait to hug and kiss her. She has a little fat bottom and thighs too :lol:
Emma - I'm so glad that you've made that decision, he sounds literally mental and though i'm sure he'll be a good father (?), he doesn't sound right for you. You need and deserve someone that puts YOU first and not themselves. Loads of first time Dads feel the weight of the responsibility of becoming a father at this time but they don't just book flights away around the time that their OH's are due?! Honestly, just bury him under the patio and we'll all give you an alibi (from various countries lol) :hugs:

Thanks, lilly :)

Yeah, I was just thinking when I woke up for my first bathroom dash of the day how much more settled and relaxed I'll be once I'm able to live on my own with Maia. Once I successfully up my income, I'd like a nice little apartment either near here or in the city centre as it's still quaint and has lots of beaches. I like old buildings with new fittings.

My OH is seriously bent in the head; from meeting his family, I think they were all spoiled, especially him, and he could never do no wrong. From hearing about his exes, it seems he always got his own way and they were just happy to go along with whatever he wanted. If that's the case, more fool them and sucks for him I have a mind of my own. Like yesterday, he even admitted STILL having in the back of my mind that I'd cheated with my perennially gay - and slightly annoying lol - gay friend and that's how I got pregnant - I'm still waiting for the apology about him wanting a paternity test if Maia doesn't look enough like him - thank goodness she doesn't!

He is undeserving of being around either of us long-term and I doubt he's capable of change. He has a 28yr-old son and stuck it out for two years then decided the UK was clipping his wings - poor little lamb! - so moved to Italy and didn't have much input into his son's upbringing, leaving his 21yr old wife to do it all (then complains now she spoilt him) but thinks he's done a lot of changing and personal growth over the past almost 3 decades.

Yeah, right. He's still childish, insecure, jealous and weak, and I see this relationship as treading water until I can comfortably swim away. Having a new baby will be stressful and on the one hand I need him there to help out practically and financially, but on the other, the emotional burden is barely worth it. Fortunately, it doesn't make me sad; it's just how it is.

Some people are incapable of bettering themselves and changing, and it's better to have one's eyes open about the fact than keep hoping they'll pull a miracle out of their backsides. What's paramount to me is encouraging a relationship between Maia and her father and if he fails, it will be his own doing and not mine. I have to let her form her own views and be there for her if and when he fails her. Fortunately, we have lots of love and support from my family and friends and she will be much cherished; she is already :)
Lilly - I'm glad to hear you're feeling better! :happydance: How is your pressure feeling doing? Mine was SO bad last night that I thought something was starting but nope :shrug: I haven't been booked in for the section yet. I have another appointment this day next week where they'll do a more detailed scan & then we'll talk about what's to happen next. The GD diagnosis sucks but the diet is fine. When I'm in next week for the scan I also have to do blood tests to make sure that the diet alone is managing it & I don't need insulin - but sure the baby will probably be here before all that is arranged! :haha: I've been eating pineapple too but my new diet only allows one slice! :haha:

Emma - Fair play to for showing your OH the lay of the land. Hopefully he shapes up. And the pictures of both you & your baby are so beautiful!

AFM - Nothing to report. Lots of pressure in lower bump but don't think that means anything. Only other thing is that I'm exhausted today but again doubt it means anything. Hoping to get a good bit done around the house this weekend (meaning roping DH in to help!) so hopefully that might help bring something on. Also have to go to a party tomorrow at my in-laws. Hopefully won't get stuck there too long. Otherwise have my next appointment this day next week where we'll be discussing possibly having a C section due to his size. :coffee:

Anyone else got any plans for the weekend? :flower:
Emma - your little princess is so stinking adorable. Perfect little face. I am so sorry you are going through so much with your OH but you got this shit! You are one strong momma and I love your positivity through all of this.

Lilly - I can't believe you are almost 37 weeks already! For me it's dragging so much it's like waiting for Christmas! I'm so dang excited.

Karry - you are so close too!! I hope you are doing well with the GD. <3

Sorry I haven't been here much the last week. I've been so busy at work and trying to get all this baby stuff together.

I had my 30 check up yesterday and little Noah Wayne is weighing in at 3.5lbs and is head down, WAY down. LOL So that explains the groin pain I've been having lately. I know there's a possibility he could still flip, but I hope he just chills head down the rest of the way. I just can't believe how far down he is. I'm also dead on my due date, she said maybe a day earlier but that's it.


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Karry - pressure was there this afternoon but saw midwife today and she said that the head isn't engaged yet but she expects it to be within the next week or so and was telling me what it would feel like but i read that a lot of women don't even feel it so god knows! Going to sit on my ball a lot now to try and encourage her but I cannot believe that she could still be in there for like another 5 or so weeks?! She already feels so so heavy and I can feel her entire back, knees, feet and arms so where is there to go?! Do you think baby might be here next week then? I guess if you have GD then they'll want to book a c-section before 39 weeks and you're nearly 38 now!

Did you notice your bump getting lower or did it just drop?

Tee - Noah looks so big! I bet you were chuffed with the pictures! Do you have anymore scans before he comes along? Sucks that we only get 2 scans here!

Weekend - tomorrow we're doing stuff around the house and I really have to sort Lily's clothes out, they're just in a massive pile in her bedroom and then i've dumped other stuff in there too. Will have a clear out of the garage and put lots of stuff on eBay. I'm such an eBay addict, both selling it and buying it on there!

Bit late in the day to ask, but what does AFM mean lol???

Hope you all have a fabulous weekend! :hugs:
Karry - pressure was there this afternoon but saw midwife today and she said that the head isn't engaged yet but she expects it to be within the next week or so and was telling me what it would feel like but i read that a lot of women don't even feel it so god knows! Going to sit on my ball a lot now to try and encourage her but I cannot believe that she could still be in there for like another 5 or so weeks?! She already feels so so heavy and I can feel her entire back, knees, feet and arms so where is there to go?! Do you think baby might be here next week then? I guess if you have GD then they'll want to book a c-section before 39 weeks and you're nearly 38 now!

Did you notice your bump getting lower or did it just drop?

Tee - Noah looks so big! I bet you were chuffed with the pictures! Do you have anymore scans before he comes along? Sucks that we only get 2 scans here!

Weekend - tomorrow we're doing stuff around the house and I really have to sort Lily's clothes out, they're just in a massive pile in her bedroom and then i've dumped other stuff in there too. Will have a clear out of the garage and put lots of stuff on eBay. I'm such an eBay addict, both selling it and buying it on there!

Bit late in the day to ask, but what does AFM mean lol???

Hope you all have a fabulous weekend! :hugs:

hee hee AFM means "As For Me"
Karry - I think we posted at the same time. :winkwink: I've been getting so so tired lately too. All I want to do is get home from work, and change in my PJ's, wash my face and play Farm Heroes on my phone hahah or sleep. I swear I could have gone to be after my appt yesterday but it was 5:30 and I know I'd be up at 3am and not be able to fall back asleep.

I have a baby shower to go to tomorrow and then a concert after. Then the next day we're going to an Air Show. UGH I just want to sleep! lol
Lilli and Karry, not long to go for you two, can't wait for thread babies to start arriving! Tee, I reckon Noah will be a big beautiful boy of 9lbs at least hehehe :D
This is going to sound odd seeing as I know exactly how many days are left til my due date but it only really occurs to me how close we're getting when you ladies point it out! :haha:

Tee - The GD is fine. I'm just frustrated that I wasn't diagnosed earlier but apparently the hormones spike again at 34 weeks so even if I was tested at the normal time I might have been cleared then & still have it at this stage if you get me? The diet is no problem at all. To be honest the meals are mostly what I was eating anyways - just smaller portions in some cases. Only major change has been cutting out chocolate. Your new scan pictures are adorable!! And great that he's head down - my guy has been for ages too & hasn't budged so hopefully your guy stays put too! :hugs:

Lilly - What did the midwife say it feels like when the head engages? I was getting a lot of pain last night "down there" so was hoping something would happen but nope. Only six days left til the scan & more info. I'm wondering if I beg my consultant will she do my C section the same day - I very much doubt it but I actually sobbed getting out of the bed this morning :nope: I don't know what's going up with my bump. I take a picture every week but he seems to be moving up & down so I can't decide if he's dropped or not! And don't mention eBay - fellow addict here!
Hi ladies!

Wow so much has happened in a week! Karry you seem so calm and collected about this turn in events. You are such a positive lady and I'm glad that they are taking care of you. Chocolate will be back in your life before you know it :)

Emma ... Thinking lots of you the next few weeks. You have a gorgeous little girl who will love and respect you so much for taking such good care of her.

Tee nursery looks great! I have to figure out how to shrink my pics so I can post some.

Had all my interviews this week. Pretty exhausted. Luckily I have spring break at the two places I teach but had a lot of other experiment work to keep up with. Did have one nice day working in nursery with husband.
Tee hope you have fun at baby shower!!! Hope you gets lots of good stuff :)
Hi ladies!

Wow so much has happened in a week! Karry you seem so calm and collected about this turn in events. You are such a positive lady and I'm glad that they are taking care of you. Chocolate will be back in your life before you know it :)

Emma ... Thinking lots of you the next few weeks. You have a gorgeous little girl who will love and respect you so much for taking such good care of her.

Tee nursery looks great! I have to figure out how to shrink my pics so I can post some.

Had all my interviews this week. Pretty exhausted. Luckily I have spring break at the two places I teach but had a lot of other experiment work to keep up with. Did have one nice day working in nursery with husband.

Aw! Thanks! Just figure there's no point stressing about it now! :shrug: Crazy to think that if baby isn't here by this time next week there'll be a plan in place! Although knowing my luck he'll decide to arrive tonight/tomorrow - my hospital is in Dublin city centre which will be mayhem & have loads of road closures for the Paddys Day parade tomorrow! :haha:

How did your interviews go?

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