Spring Babies

Welp, I hit 38 weeks today. I feel absolutely NOTHING! I think Noah is staying in for the full 40! Little stinker. HAHAH I know it's a good thing he stays longer but omg, I am so uncomfortable lately. At least this Friday is my last day of work. I just can't wait to relax and wait for him to come. I feel much better knowing that I will be home when he decides he's ready. Well, unless he decides he wants to come this week, it is only Tuesday. LOL

I am heading out to get my whooping cough vaccine today, have to take one of my cats into the vet for some dental surgery tomorrow, OB appt on Thursday (internal exam, finally) and then Friday my last day! It's going to be a busy week!

I just really can't wait to meet my son! <3

Emma, how are you doing?? I need to go read the other post you made. I meant to read it yesterday but, work got all demanding. I swear now that I am leaving Friday they are all freaking out like I am never coming back and using the shit out of me. LOL The jerks. I work with a bunch of men, so I really don't think they understand that I am about to scratch their eyes out.
Cervix still closed, dammit. Maia nice and happy and still has space to grow, though, which is good. The amount of bouncing on her head she does makes me think she wants to come out and can't find the exit, poor thing :lol: The hospital have booked me in for another appointment on Saturday to see if there's any progress - I'm having regular contractions showing up on the monitor, but I can't feel a thing so they're only very mild. Poor Maia, trying her best to be born and my body's like Fort Knox :lol: Work sounds a nightmare for you, Tee. I know the feeling! Suddenly, the studios are asking for more recordings - all MEN of course - clearly without kids. Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!!!!
HAHAH I seriously think people panic right before you go into labor, then you want to punch everyone in the throat. LOL

I have a feeling that Noah is going to be the same way. It seems they just want to stay in as long as possible. Did they give you an estimate on how much she weighs? I hope she comes soon for you but it sounds like you are doing fantastic! I wish I was. I can't tell if I'm having contractions or if it's just the weight of my belly. But, sitting here and then trying to get up it just hurts right on top of my belly. I can also feel his head bouncing around down there. I'm just so anxious to meet him.
Cervix still closed, dammit. Maia nice and happy and still has space to grow, though, which is good. The amount of bouncing on her head she does makes me think she wants to come out and can't find the exit, poor thing :lol: The hospital have booked me in for another appointment on Saturday to see if there's any progress - I'm having regular contractions showing up on the monitor, but I can't feel a thing so they're only very mild. Poor Maia, trying her best to be born and my body's like Fort Knox :lol: Work sounds a nightmare for you, Tee. I know the feeling! Suddenly, the studios are asking for more recordings - all MEN of course - clearly without kids. Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!!!!

HAHHAA Fort Knox isn't letting that baby out! glad you have your next apt booked Emma. I'm really impressed your cervix is still completely closed! Mine was at 1cm when we started induction at 37 weeks.

Tee so excited for your week! And for it to be over! Hope that people give you a break or at least avoid your claws.

Baby boy is awesome. breastfeeding going really well but nipples hurt and are cracked and bleeding so we're checking into his mild tongue tie situation with an ENT sometime next week in case they think it might help. i get chills thinking of hurting him with that tiny little clip of the tongue but rationally i realize it might help him eat better and therefor allow me to sleep for more than 20 min at a time lol. plus will stop him from gumming my nips in theory.
Hello everyone.

Qwerty - mine were the same when feeding Lily until I started using nipple shields, they're absolutely brilliant and even if you don't want to use them long term, they're great for when you're nipples are really sore. I use Medela ones!

Emma - can't believe Maia is still in there but she's obviously nice and cosy and you're doing a fabulous job of keeping her comfortable! How's your OH being? Is he excited? Looking after you?

Karry - How you getting on? I bet he's so big now!

Tee - I loved the timeline you did on FB of your bump, I got so emotional watching it! I have to say, when you do those pictures each week I kick myself for not having done the same, I have a few pictures of my bump but nothing as special as what you've done. How's Noah? Still head down?

Lily is doing really well, now feeding every 2 hours and sleeps a lot in the night. She's growing so fast! She weighs around 8.5lbs now! Taking her to baby sensory classes next week, so excited!

P.s Qwerty - he's gorgeous!!! You did amazing and it sounds like you really went through it getting him out. It really makes you realise what our bodies can do and go through doesn't it? I found it empowering almost!


HAHAH I seriously think people panic right before you go into labor, then you want to punch everyone in the throat. LOL

I have a feeling that Noah is going to be the same way. It seems they just want to stay in as long as possible. Did they give you an estimate on how much she weighs? I hope she comes soon for you but it sounds like you are doing fantastic! I wish I was. I can't tell if I'm having contractions or if it's just the weight of my belly. But, sitting here and then trying to get up it just hurts right on top of my belly. I can also feel his head bouncing around down there. I'm just so anxious to meet him.

:lol: My mother is driving me insane. She had the cheek to get pissy and stomp off to bed 'cause I was finally short with her this evening after her being bone idle since arriving and sitting there being waited on hand and foot while I'm ready to drop, so to speak. My contractions today are stronger, but it's hard for me to gage as pre-pregnancy, I had fibroids so always had terrible period pains that would put me out of action for a day or two. Maia's having a good butt/punch of my cervix - she's helping me awww lol - but it's hard to even time contractions as it's just a constant ache, exactly like period pains, really, with tightening a bit higher across my belly. Back not too bad, but I never really get the ache in my back anyway.

Anyhoo, it's still manageable, so I don't think delivery is round the corner, but it's exciting to think it's not going to be too long now. :)
oo emma be a complete witch! it sounds like you are close and then you can just blame labor hormones!

in all seriousness have her go make you some dinner or vacuum your place. you need some pampering girl!
She's being such a pain in the backside! Can't wait 'til my brother and his girlfriend arrive at the weekend - they're staying in a hotel nearby but at least can take her off my hands a bit :lol:

I just posted this in another thread, crossing my fingers! :D


I've been up and down to the bathroom for wees all night and the contractions I've been having for days have finally moved to my back and are stronger - still not worth writing home about, though - I think my temperature's up, but no show or waters breaking yet. Cervix was still closed at appointment a few days ago, but I feel things are definitely moving along. I'm also remembering what period pain was like, boooo! That was a favourite thing about being pregnant, no periods!


Can't wait to meet my LO. If I'm a slow labourer, like my mother, it could be another couple of days yet, but I want to try this sans drugs, so the slower the better, to give my body time to adjust. I know some people have contractions for weeks but I've had nothing really, so I think now it's started, it's the real thing. Just made myself a cuppa - fella gone to a business breakfast, mother thankfully still asleep - so a nice sugary cup of tea for me. I feel a bit nauseous, so if I start puking, yay, I'll know things are moving along nicely :lol:
Eee! Progress! Take a nice walk today. Keep us posted!
:growlmad: j/k cramps died down now

Can't stop weeing, though! Gonna have no fluids left in my body at this rate lol. OH is like, "You need to get out of bed and have a walk," um, piss off, I've been up at least once an hour all night to go to the bathroom, I'm tired and I'll get up later grrrr. I will go for a walk and bounce on my ball when I have more energy, though. He's been at a breakfast meeting since 7 so is horrified I'm still in bed haha.
hang in there Emma. I know exactly how you feel with people telling you what to do. I am getting so irritated with people telling me what's going on. Ummm Like I don't know? It's my body!!!

yesterday I was having some cramping and pain across the top and sides on my belly. But I think it was pains of gas or constipation. It went away after about 10 minutes then an hour later it came back. It happened at home and then I ended up going to the bathroom. But, then it came back and woke me up twice last night., I can't tell if it's labor or gas LOL OH and also I noticed that my breasts are leaking colostrum! I have my OB appt today for the internal check I am so excited and I am praying that I am showing some progression to labor! EEEK
False alarm. boo! I was enjoying the cramps last night, thinking they were going somewhere, but I've felt fine today. RAWRRRRRR. This is a typical family baby; they're all long bake babies in our family lol
hang in there Emma. I know exactly how you feel with people telling you what to do. I am getting so irritated with people telling me what's going on. Ummm Like I don't know? It's my body!!!

yesterday I was having some cramping and pain across the top and sides on my belly. But I think it was pains of gas or constipation. It went away after about 10 minutes then an hour later it came back. It happened at home and then I ended up going to the bathroom. But, then it came back and woke me up twice last night., I can't tell if it's labor or gas LOL OH and also I noticed that my breasts are leaking colostrum! I have my OB appt today for the internal check I am so excited and I am praying that I am showing some progression to labor! EEEK

ee! cool you already have the colostrum! mine was there after birth when the nurse squeezed it. now milk literally pours out when he cries and gets everywhere.

let us know how OB apt goes
hang in there Emma. I know exactly how you feel with people telling you what to do. I am getting so irritated with people telling me what's going on. Ummm Like I don't know? It's my body!!!

yesterday I was having some cramping and pain across the top and sides on my belly. But I think it was pains of gas or constipation. It went away after about 10 minutes then an hour later it came back. It happened at home and then I ended up going to the bathroom. But, then it came back and woke me up twice last night., I can't tell if it's labor or gas LOL OH and also I noticed that my breasts are leaking colostrum! I have my OB appt today for the internal check I am so excited and I am praying that I am showing some progression to labor! EEEK

ee! cool you already have the colostrum! mine was there after birth when the nurse squeezed it. now milk literally pours out when he cries and gets everywhere.

let us know how OB apt goes

hahah yeah I freaked out last night LMAO. This is all so craz, I will let you all know what happens. Man I just want something to be happening. LOL
Morning all. I write you all from the comfort of my home today! :happydance:

I had my 38 week check up yesterday and had my first cervix check. My feet have been extremely swollen and I've been having some braxton hicks so I let my doc know about that. my blood pressure was elevated and they found a little protein in my urine. I got my cervix check and I am dilated 2 cm almost a 3 and 50-60% effaced and cervix is very soft! OMG! I am so excited that I am making progress.

Just to be safe I was sent to labor and delivery triage to be monitored. My blood pressure was staying high and I was told that if it doesn't lower I will be induced. My contractions were 8 minutes apart too HOLY CRAP! I was not ready for all this! But, after and hour it lowered and I was sent home. I must say I was a little bummed out. i got very excited to see my little man. My hubby even showed up with our overnight bags, and cameras, everything. We are so ready for this. I am staying home from work today, which was my last day of work before I started my maternity leave on Monday. I am going back to triage at labor and delivery on Saturday morning for another monitoring session. I have no idea what will happen but I really would love to have Noah this weekend! But, if he's not ready to come out just yet I am OK with that too. I am just so happy that something is happening and it feels like I won't be pregnant forever LOL.

Emma - how are you doing? Is it just you and I left to have our babies?:hugs:
Hey Tee :hugs:

I think it's just us two, yes! I would not be surprised if you have Noah before I have Maia, though; I'm glad to read you're making progress, at least one of us is :lol:

I am feeling positively murderous with my mother being here and the thought of my brother and his girlfriend arriving on Sunday is making me even more antsy - I'm just thankful I told them to stay at a hotel 'cause if they're anything like my mother's been as a guest I don't think I could bear it. So much for bonding and having her help us prepare the house and for motherhood - she's been a hindrance and I hate that because I wanted this to be a special time for her, considering she lives in another country and it's her first grandchild - now all I want is for her to go home. I never thought having her here would risk ruining our (mine and OH's) experience, but it swiftly looks like it will.

I wouldn't be surprised if Maia stays put until their flight home departs and then I go into labour. :lol:

I have another hospital appointment tomorrow to see if I've made any progress - I highly doubt it. I'm also reconsidering the homebirth I've always wanted because the way things are here, I'd prefer a stay in hospital to get some peace and quiet.
Emma I don't blame you for wanting to go to the hospital! You sound very stressed out and that is the WORST feeling. And why is it that it's family that pisses us off the most?! I've felt the same way with my mom and sister. I must say, being home and having no one around me and just being along with my cats is the most relaxed I've been in a long time! These last two months of pregnancy have been so hard and stressful and it's mainly because of family.

I hope you are making some progress. I really thought I wouldn't even be dilated, I thought for sure Noah was going to be stubborn like his momma and stay in for the long haul. I know you are already reaching that point so I am sending my love and thoughts your way that you get some news of Maia about to make her appearance! I really hope that you get some peace before then too. BIG HUGS!!!!
Aw thank you :) :hugs:

I know, family are the worst! They're meant to be the ones looking out for us, dear me. Even the cat took her kitttens down into my studio - did I mention she had three last week? lol anyway, she must be feeling the stress 'cause when we went into the laundry this morning, the kittens had disappeared. I was freaking out, thinking she'd taken them outside through the catflap - and our yard is big - but fortunately, she'd sneaked them into a box on a shelf in the studio (where she's not allowed, naughty girl). So, studio's out of bounds at the moment :lol: Not that I care, I want some time off and the producers are driving me insane. I can't even rip into them because of the language barrier, but they're so selfish to keep demanding I do stuff on their schedule - I told them my due date and that I'm taking time off, so while it's good they're putting new work my way they have no right to get crabby that I'm not doing it to suit their timetable.

One of my sisters transferred her law job to London and is having a ball so the middle sister has become even more of a nightmare - all she does is contact me to complain about her life and I'm past being courteous so just avoiding her now. Family are the worst, sometimes! If I could do this past few weeks over, I would have told my mum to come next month for a visit and expected her to behave like a guest (from hell) instead of expecting her to be helpful. I reckon she knows I'm avoiding her now, but I'm too tired to care. I'll take a shower and pop down to the supermarket and prepare dinner, otherwise she'll starve. Must - not - put - laxatives - in - her - chocolate :lol:

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