Yay another rainbow, congratulations marathon girl!! I hope the labour wasn't too bad for you and you are managing to get some recovery time!
I can't wait to see a pic!!!
Only rainkat, mighty mom and storm left if I am right (I haven't forgotten anyone have I??) I know there are other ladies who haven't been on here in a while that have probably had their babies too or are due as well, I hope you all have/had good labours and congrats to you all!!
We had a bad night with Millie last night which ended up with me having a pounding headache!! She was sick at about 10pm (like almost a full feed sick) then she went to sleep til 3am but then woke and wouldn't feed but just kept crying. Bless her. She went back to sleep at 7am so I've been lazy and stayed in bed til now coz I figure I should sleep when she does!