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Starting a new cycle.....come join!

tried it all hun i never even told him i was using preeseed, tonight i didnt even bother with any preeseed, ive tried absolutly everything i can think of tonight and i mean everything and nothing is happening at all! And to be honest its making me feel like shit cos im just clearly making a fool of myself trying so hard for nothing to happen. We arent speaking now just dont want to talk to him which i know isnt going to help but im so disapointed, 8months of trying and all he has to do is have sex like what he wants evey other bloody day in the month yet on 4 days that i need it nothing happens i tried not telling him when my fertile time is but he knows so im giving up ill stick around to see who gets there bfp this month though :), i mean he managed it day 11 and day 13 last night and i ov today so im not totally out i suppose just feel like i am. :(

Exactly, you could still have got that eggie.

But why are men s**ts when it comes to that time of the month? My dh is just the same though. Tonight he was fine but I haven't got a +opk and I bet he will me a moan on those days that you have too.
Im so sorry dearie i hope OH gets his head out of his arse and decides he wants to be equals with you in Project baby! I hope you get your :bfp: this month! mabe he is just having a bad month (not that he deserves excuses!):hug::hug::hug::hug::hug:
thanks girls, probs just a off month but the months feel like years when yoy TTC, im decorating kitchen tomoz need to take my mind of it all
That sucks Claire, you know sometimes it gets to be too much for them too, and then they think we just want them for :spermy: instead of just good :sex: my dh has in the past made comments about how I want to have :sex: around O. And then when O is done sometimes I don't feel in the "mood" and I already know that it isn't going to help to do it. So I always get in the mood after O to so that we can enjoy each other more. I think you will be fine still, try not to get too down about it, remember every 2-3 days is good enough as well, those little :spermy: can live in there for a while and still catch that egg. Hang in their hun, it will be okay!!

Claire, if I ov'd within the past day or so, you and I got the same about of BD'ing pre-o, and my man is out of commission now (he is citing groin pain:doh:) Either way we are probably in the same boat and I certainly don't consider myself out this month. I am actually quite excited!!
Well girls I think I will ov tomorrow because last night before I went to bed at 1.30am by POAS addiction took over and I peed on a opk. I was really shocked that it came out positive (or near enough the colour of control), this was with a 30miu IC and I also did one this morning with FMU and it was the same. So fx'd when I just my CBdigi later that it is the same. That will then be one day earlier than last month YAY
irish eyes good luck hun lots of :sex: for you!!

Snuggleboot glad to see your excited hunni good luck to you

conswayla, yea i can understand where he is coming from i suppose its still fustrating though i just hope its not broken for ever lol! i thought next month i wont especailly 'try' i will just have sex 3or 4 times every week not use opk or anything dont check my cp or cm i might squirt a tiny bit of preeseed up there in my fertile week only cos my CM is absolutly non existant, i have had no EWCM at all this month.
It can be frusterating thats for sure.

Last night I was checking my cervix (of course) and I noticed a tiny bit of pink/brown cm at it. It was very little, and I wouldn't have noticed it if I wasn;t checking up there. AF isn't due for another 4-5 days, I can't tell if it is there this morning as I am very dyr now. CP is weird, its medium-high and not tilted to the side. I have no idea what that spotting was all about, thats not like me to spot this far away from AF. Sometimes I get it the day before. My body frusterates me!!!
the very earliest i spot is 2 days before AF.....dare i say implantation bleed to you?? :) xx
That is really strange. Sometimes i get a little pink after BD if oh gets too rough. (we want a boy) but just out of the blue? Strange strange.
I'm wondering if it was from checking it too much? But it was just a little and very light. Nothing today, I am some what dry, with a little yellow tinged CM. I think AF may be early, or just around the corner, but I don't usually have anything until the day before (if I do) and I check me CM all the time....but since I am doubtful about being prego this time, its hard for me to think it is implantation.....wouldn't that be nice though?! Everything else is the same, bb's are getting sore, mood swings, emotional, O type pains....all normal stuff. I guess it is possible but its a waiting game from here. Grrr, I wish my body didn't make up new symptoms every month, its starting to wear on me!!!
conswayala well im holding out for your :bfp: keeping my fingers and toes crossed for you xx

because im convinced im out this month im feeling really relaxed, forgot what day i was on earlier and i dont even think ill be symtop spotting this month. Its nice actually not thinking about it i forgot what my life was like before ttc but ive been doing my kitchen today and its just so nice to take my mind of it. :) its also my daughters 3rd birthday on the 11th feb so im going shoppng monday night to toys r us to get sum pressies so i have her party next weekend to look forward to and plan and then her birthday. :)
conswayala well im holding out for your :bfp: keeping my fingers and toes crossed for you xx

because im convinced im out this month im feeling really relaxed, forgot what day i was on earlier and i dont even think ill be symtop spotting this month. Its nice actually not thinking about it i forgot what my life was like before ttc but ive been doing my kitchen today and its just so nice to take my mind of it. :) its also my daughters 3rd birthday on the 11th feb so im going shoppng monday night to toys r us to get sum pressies so i have her party next weekend to look forward to and plan and then her birthday. :)

Me too!! Because I am so sure I am out this month too I haven't sympton spotted at all, and I am taking everything that is happening to me and finally realizing it is normal (well of course other then the spotting at my cervix) but that could be early AF, or something....its funny cause I don't have my hopes up about it either. It is great kinda letting go a bit and focusing on the other things in life!
yea i know what u mean cos my hopes arent up its like im not geting myself up for a big fall, its certainly made me realise ttc is not the only thing in my life and it feels good to think about other stuff, hope i can keep this attitude up

I've been away for the weekend so I've only just had a chance to catch up.
Saw your post from yesterday! You poor thing. I can't imagine how frustrated you must feel. TTC is supposed to be a joyous thing but it sounds like you're having a truly rough ride.

Just wanted to say thanks for your continued support and positive posts.
Must be hard to keep up the good wishes for everyone when you're feeling crappy yourself.

Well I have my fingers crossed for you - we're all in the same boat this time round with a good chance of getting our BFPs.

I'm back with my new-found PMA. I've even updated my pic so you can all see me "posing-while-trying-to-look-natural"!
I'll be testing on Tuesday and if I get even the faintest evap I'll post pictures galore!!!

I'm on day 3 of my 2nd ttc cycle....can I join you ladies.


Laura x
:happydance: cazd so excited for tuesday! i carnt test early im sick to the back teeth of seing a :bfn: how many days past ov will u be on tuesday?

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