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Starting a new cycle.....come join!

Morning everyone, I was wondering if you could look at my post about my surge. Sorry it is a bit long with a pic.


And my temp plummeted the morning from 36.55C to 36.15C. I am putting that down as a disturbance as I did go to bed late last night and I have had less that the 3 hours sleep (yeah going to be shattered today). So I tried again at 6.15am, although awake at this point but I haven't moved out of the bed my temp was 36.55C. I am so annoyed as today was crucial for my temps to let me know if I have O'd. I'll know tomorrow with my temps.
irish eyes - im a bit confused by your post lol i would say you ovulated around 24 hours after your positive result if you got the positives on cd 17 i think u ovulated on cd 18. Not sure how temps really work as i dont do it i get disturbed sleep with my little girl so i dont think it would be accurate. Sonds likeyou BD lots at the right time though i would do a couple more to be on safe side, it doesnt matter that your LH surge was shorter this month last month i had a positive for 3 days this month just 1 day and the night time test was fainter than the afternoon test so really was just a few hours xx

Well im 3dpo! my lower back pain has started already! so im counting my self as out again i always get back pain for days and days before AF :( i knew it hadnt worked anyway. Dont know weather to take a step back from trying next month or to try again i really dont think it will ever work.
I don't know anything about temping and LH surges! Maybe I should learn about it. When I was temping I didn't really know what I was doing. And I wasn't taking it at the exact same time every morning, and I would get up and sometimes do stuff first.....maybe thats why I had such a bad experience?!

CD 26 today! Wow, I can't believe this cycle is almost over!! My bb's were so sore yesterday and today it stopped, that happens before AF they get sore on and off, I usually have back pain like you Claire about a week before AF, and it is sooo painful, but I haven't had that this time. I have had no sing of spotting since Friday night, and just that little bit.....I think I may have irritated my cervix. My CM is very very dry right now, so I am sure :witch: will be here on time on the 4th!!

Welcome Soul Sister! I will be close to you soon, as CD 1 should be in 2 days for me!
conswayla - im still holding out for your bfp!

Well all my AF symptoms usually start around a week before my period is due lower back pain sore boobs very teary last month the lower back pain was a week before but my sore boobs started 4dpo last month, and im only 3dpo and had horrid lower back pain today but looking at my chart this month (i only chart my cm and cp not my temp) i have had lower back pain all month cd11 was very painful so wondering if it has anything to do with AF or is sumthing else going on. my cp has dropped again so its medium hard and closed. and CM is creamy.

U know what i was thinking earlier, does your body know straight away that fertilization didnt take place? i mean it takes what a week for a embryo to implant then your body starts producing the hormones but what about in the first few days after ovulation does my body already know it hasnt worked and is it getting ready for AF how does it know there is no fertilized embryo until it gets to your womb where it wont attatch and turn into your period. The reason i think this as the lower back pain today just 3dpo is my body so shit it really wants to give me 12 days of symptoms before my period actually starts i hate it i dont even get a 2ww my body starts period symptoms so early that i know it hasnt worked and i just carnt keep going on like this month after month. :hissy:
As far as I know (and have read) it is impossible to experience pregnancy like symptoms before the egg implants. The HCG hormone is released just shortly after the egg implants, and the HCG is what creates and causes your symtpoms. There for when you are done ovualting, your body doesn't know you are pregnant and may just carry on with how it usually acts. Many women don't feel pregnant until their period is missed. So your body would not techincally know it is pregnant yet. The very first sign (if you get it) would be implantation spotting or cramping, and only 1/3 women experience that. So if you did conceive, your body wouldn't know it until the egg implanted and released the hormone......I could be wrong about all this, this is just from what I have read.
So it could have happened Claire, even though we both think we are out this month.......lets get some PMA and hang on to a little thread of hope :hugs:
Uggh, I checked my CP/CM, I now have a lot of yellowish CM but my CP feels open now......looks like :witch: is coming! Last month my CP opened the second :witch: came.

Okay, to edit....cause I am obsessed all of a sudden.....I checked CP again and it feels closed, I think it felt open cause there was so much CM....it was very yellow, I have had a lot of yellowish CM this month!! I am starting to go crazy now, I did good for a long time, now 2 days before AF is due and I am starting to freak out!!
irish eyes - im a bit confused by your post lol i would say you ovulated around 24 hours after your positive result if you got the positives on cd 17 i think u ovulated on cd 18. Not sure how temps really work as i dont do it i get disturbed sleep with my little girl so i dont think it would be accurate. Sonds likeyou BD lots at the right time though i would do a couple more to be on safe side, it doesnt matter that your LH surge was shorter this month last month i had a positive for 3 days this month just 1 day and the night time test was fainter than the afternoon test so really was just a few hours xx

Well im 3dpo! my lower back pain has started already! so im counting my self as out again i always get back pain for days and days before AF :( i knew it hadnt worked anyway. Dont know weather to take a step back from trying next month or to try again i really dont think it will ever work.

I went on a real rampage there. :rofl: Well, I got disturbed sleep last night but it could also be want is know as fallback rise. Aparantly this happens at 2dpo and it were you temp rises after O and falls immediately after but goes back up again. I find out if thats the case tomorrow.
Hi ladies!

Irish Eyes - I read your post and I'd say the OPKs show you ov late on CD18 or early CD19.
But... the temps show a rise on CD18 so that'd suggest ov on CD17/ very early CD18.
On average - temps should go up to a consistently higher reading (over .2 of a degree past the coverline) Mine averages 36.2 and goes up to 36.6 post ov.
But... temps aren't so reliable
(Conswayla - No wonder you didn't get on with BBT charting - you're supposed to take your temp the second you wake up after a 4hr+ long sleep. The more you move in bed after you wake the less reliable the readings - I especially hate waking up needing the loo 'cos I have to lie there bursting for a whole minute - waiting for my thermo to beep!)
Anyhoo - I'd say ov was on CD18 and that your BD-ing is well on track for catching that egg. In fact... any BD-ing from now on would probably be 'recreational'!

So.. there's my pennys worth!

I'm full of PMA at the moment - Today is CD23/8DPO so in just 13 hours and I can test! - Yep - I'm that much of a broody desperado.
I've had a constant light AF ache all week - my OH thinks its psychosomatic - but I'm convinced its our new bean! (a phrase that he can't stand but I don't know what else to call it)
Sorry to hear about your suffering Claire. Its strange... I just don't get a physical build up to AF. No... that's a lie... my bbs get a little tender and I get pains about an hour before it starts. but that's it really.
I'm all annoyed that I haven't got more PG symptoms to shout about. Just the cramps, tiredness and random waves of nausea.
Oh dammit. I'll do my test tomorrow - and it'll be too early to pick up hcg - so I'll still be convinced I'm PG and have to test every day 'till AF on Sunday.
oooh - forgot to mention - I've got lots of creamy CM too.
TMI but honestly it felt like AF had come early. I had to keep going to the loo to check!
Sounds good to me cazd!! You sound pretty positive too, and thats great! It helps to feel good about it all. I hope this is it for you!
Aw thanks!

To be honest... I've felt like I should keep my feet on the ground and mentally prepare for what could well be a BFN. Afterall - this is just my first cycle and its unlikely to just 'happen' for us.

But then... I think... Sod It - this is my first cycle and I'm so bloody excited about it all.
Why not think positive and get my hopes up ?
Why not be excited about what could well be the most FABULOUS News in my world EVER!
I'm a big strong girl and I've dealt with a damn site worse.
The test I take in less than 12 hours time just might be 'IT' - so I'll throw caution to the wind...
I'll enjoy the excitement and I'll say... Tomorrow... I could be Pregnant !

(P.S. You girls will be here when its a big sodding negative though won't you!)
Thats the best thing about having this to come to. We are all going through the same thing, and it is so emotional sometimes that it is nice to come and have people that know what you are going through and to help catch you when you fall back. There is nothing wrong with feeling positive about it! It cna happen on your first try, a friend of mine is due in 2 weeks, and she got pregnant on her first month. My son was conceived in 2 months of no b/c. So anything is possible, the less stressed you are the easier it is to conceive!
Unfortunately our business is quite stressful. I spent 3 hours today with my hands in freezing cold ice-water - trying to stop a minor-flood !

My OH and I had a wonderfully open conversation about babies during a 4 hour drive home yesterday and all this stuff about his father and tears and emotion came flooding out of him...
He said I "I used to sit on my windowsill and wait for my Dad to visit - and he'd never come.... I just don't want my child to miss me like that" and we both ended up crying!
He's taken some time to get used to the idea of us starting a family but it just clicked yesterday - he got so emotional about our childrens' future - he said "I guess this must mean we're ready". And that's it for me... its like the last little piece of the jigsaw...
We're both ready - and the timings perfect!

He can't understand why I like BnB so much - but up 'till now he's been a bit indifferent to the whole thing. We haven't told family - we're saving it 'till after 12 weeks so I haven't had anyone to share my excitement with. Coming on here and seeing that there are so many ladies - just like me - feeling the same and sharing our journeys... It makes me feel 'normal'.
Sometimes the CP analysis is more 'normal' than usual - but I love it!
You guys are so down to earth - and Conswayla - you're on the other side of the world!
(what time its it over there?!!!)
I never would've thought I'd be sharing this on a global scale!
So Thanks guys - I really appreciate it xxxxxxx
I know what you mean. You can share all this with your DH but it isn't the same as to share it with people that are in simular situaitons as we all are. It helps to chat about it and mark down how you are feeling, and everyone is so awesome and supportive!! Its also easier to be honest with people on here. I don't know what it is.....like I don't think I would say to a group of my friends "My CM was yellow and snot like" LOL
Its 12:30 in the afternoon here, what time is it there?
cazd your symptoms sound soooooo good i have a really good feeling for you :happydance: and why the hell shouldnt you be positive about getting your BFP! course you should its so exciting and im really glad to here you are feeling so positive carnt wait till u test tomoz XX

Im sorry if i sound like im just moaning on every post i send lol im not a miserable twat 24/7 i promise ;) it just gets me down, but hey i thought maybe my body would just prepare for AF as normal until a fertilized egg implanted anyway so i still have a bit of hope and there is always next month.
Girls, I just have to smile when I come to check this thread after work. There is always some great posts to read! (I admit I do sneak in a quick skim during work but I have a hard time digesting and replying so prefer to do it in the evenings).

I see twinges of hope and possibility in all your posts today! I hope we all get our BFPs this month.

When are you all testing again? I think I am one of the last ones (Feb 14).

Personally I feel like crap right now (not emotionally) just physically. Not early pregnancy symptoms though. I am only 4dpo. Anyways, hopefully a good night sleep is in order. My stupid dog rang his bell at 3 am last night (he has a bell to ring instead of scratching at the door when he wants out). Unfortunately, for some reason he can't sleep through the night.. Anyways, I suppose it is good prep for the sleepless nights that will come if I get my BFP... oh please let me get my bfp!!!!
Snuggleboot awww bless @ your dog! yes its great practice although you would need to be up at 11 then 2 then 4 then 6 then 8 etc lol...when i had my daughter my eyes were hanging out of my head for the first few weeks i was quite often watching crap on tele all night as she thought night was day and day was night haha still so worth it though.

Well im 4dpo today still got the backache but i have charted sumthing differnt this month i have loads and loads of cremay CM today, last month after ov i dried up but there is loads so dont know if its anything at the min but its a change from last month. My CP is med high hard and closed but i have read on so many websites to just not reply on your CP as it changes at differnt times during pregnacy for everyone so its not reliable.

CAZD! have you done your test?? im soooooo anxious to here the result

im not testing till the 14th either thats when im due on period xx
Conswayla - its 12:51pm here.
Looks like you're 8 hours behind me (or 16 hours ahead!) Either way... your lunchtime posts come up while I'm relaxing in the evening...

Claire - Its good to vent - and we're all here for you - whinge away!

Snugglebot - I've been trying to relish my free time - and weekend lie-ins.
My new-mum friend has had about 10 hours sleep since her 17hr labour on Thursday.
She says its not 'cos the babys crying - more that she just can't stop looking at him!
Oh - I did my stupid test BTW and was totally negative.... not even a curious evap!
I'm most put out.
And the worst thing was that I woke up at 5 this morning desperately needing the loo so knew I had to wake up and do the test - when it was negative I was so annoyed that I couldn't get back to sleep.

But still hanging on to the sliver of hope that it's still early.
Gonna test again on Friday.

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