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Starting a new cycle.....come join!

Oh - I did my stupid test BTW and was totally negative.... not even a curious evap!
I'm most put out.
And the worst thing was that I woke up at 5 this morning desperately needing the loo so knew I had to wake up and do the test - when it was negative I was so annoyed that I couldn't get back to sleep.

But still hanging on to the sliver of hope that it's still early.
Gonna test again on Friday.

Im not stalking you, honest :rofl:

I woke up this morning needing a pee real bad and thats not usually like me. I think we are in luck this month hun, i have a feeling!! x
awww sorry posts crossed there! dont give up just yet hunni!!! its not over till the :witch: arrives i know everyone says that but its so true i took a FR at 14dpo with my daughter and it was a bfn and then at 18dpo it was a bfp so really dont give up hope xx
Cazd~The average :bfp: is at 13.6 dpo, so don't get discouraged if you get a neg, it could be a false neg!!
Claire~ lots of creamy cm is a good sign!!

:witch: should be here sometime tomorrow, CP is med and hard and yes...I double checked a million times......still closed :rofl:

lower back started getting more sore last night, and b's are very sore now. (Agan all very normal) Now its a waiting game!!

conswayla im till not giving up hope on you missus i refuse till that :witch: shows :hissy: lol

My CP is now low hard and closed im baffled my my CP it changes thru the day lol last month it stayed up high till the day my AF came its weird it just does as it pleases im only checking it so i can check my CM and lots more creamy CM
thought i may join in if its ok?

im sam ttc no1after mc. af due on mon,tested today and got BFN. Im anywhere between 9-11dpo x
Thanks Claire! I must say I still think it didn't happen, but that spotting last week through me off. Time will only tell!!

My CP moves around on a daily basis, in the mornings it is very high and closer to the end of the day it gets lower. So I really don't even go by that anymore, just my CM which has been mainly dry for the last few days, other then the globs of yellow CM I have been having on and off. I wish tomorrow would hurry up!!
welcome sam and good luck for your :bfp:

well i am absolulty gutted my best friend just told me she is pregnant, she is on the pill forgot to take 1 and now is pregnant she wants it dealing with asap so we all no what that means :cry::cry::cry: i am absolutly gutted how the hell can sumone fal pregnant after missing 1 pill!! and i carefuly time my ovulation for 8 months and nothing i really want her to keep it but she wont how am i meant to be supportive i know i have to be and put my feelings aside but oh mi god im heartbroken :cry::cry:
welcome sam and good luck for your :bfp:

well i am absolulty gutted my best friend just told me she is pregnant, she is on the pill forgot to take 1 and now is pregnant she wants it dealing with asap so we all no what that means :cry::cry::cry: i am absolutly gutted how the hell can sumone fal pregnant after missing 1 pill!! and i carefuly time my ovulation for 8 months and nothing i really want her to keep it but she wont how am i meant to be supportive i know i have to be and put my feelings aside but oh mi god im heartbroken :cry::cry:

Ohhh, Claire! I feel for you, thats so terrible!! I don't understand how people can get pregnant from missing one pill! And she doesn't want to choose adoption? I am so sorry Claire, I can't imagine how hard this must be for you. 2 of my friends are pregnant right now, one is due in 2 weeks, and the other in 2 months. And another one is trying for her 3rd, and she will be pregnant in no time I imagine, she hasn't had any trouble yet! You are going to get your :bfp: claire!!!
ok my boobs hurt 4dpo this happend last month, i thought this was it i was out but then i read on interet after ovulation progesterone rises and this can cause sore boobs and its actually a good sign that ovulation did occur then it will fall if your period is coming and if your preg it will rise to help the embryo implant so it doesnt neccisarly mean im out just yet its just a good sign that i ovulated. This has made me feel a little better.
Well if :witch: comes tomorrow (as I am sure she will) I will still stick around here with you guys, I want to see you get your :bfp:!!

My cervix feels softer, and so does the inside of me (sorry tmi, I know) but it all feels really mushy and wet in there.....boobs sore still, lower back ache went away (which is nice for once).....I wish there was a way your body could just scream out......your pregnant, or your not pregnant!!
ok so much for me not symptom spotting this month lol....:rofl:

im 5dpo and my cervix is high feels a bit softer and it feels a bit open (WTF!) i can put tip of finger in anyway im still 9/10 days away from AF shouldnt it be closed? i had sum more creamy CM today when i checked and my boobs have stopped hurting and no backache today :happydance:

Oh also my OH has had a miracalous recovery from the not being able to finish of when we are BDing :blush: he managed bloody fine last night within seconds infact :hissy: carnt win, he then started laughing and said oh well least its working again....4 DAYS TO LATE!! gotta giggle though least i know what to do next month
My cervix sometimes doesn't close up tight until about 8 dpo or so. But since you have had a child, it will be open a bit more.

Well :witch: is due today! I wish she would just come, I bet you this will be the month she is late....just to piss me off and make me think......damn the :witch: for making me think!! Last month she came later in the day. My back is a little achey, my hip is very sore, my bb's are swollen and sore.
Theres not much to report here.

Conswayla, are you going to test this weekend or are you hanging on to V Day?
Theres not much to report here.

Conswayla, are you going to test this weekend or are you hanging on to V Day?

I don't think I will get that far, I am pretty sure my Cervix feels open.....but I am not 100%, so AF should be coming any second now. If she doesn't come then I will test on the 9th. That will be late enough for me.....even though I thought I was out this month, I think I still had a little teeny tiny thread of hope I was hanging on to. But I am sure it is open and :witch: is going to start :cry:
i prob sound so stupid, trying to feel cervix before but no idea what i was doin. any tips?
i prob sound so stupid, trying to feel cervix before but no idea what i was doin. any tips?

You don't sound stupid at all, up until a few months ago I was in the same boat. I felt around up there looking searching and I thought maybe I didn't have a cervix, or it was in some parallel universe!! But low and behold I found the silly thing, and now I can't NOT find it LOL.

So, place your (i use middle finder) up into there. You can only go back so far in your vagina and then you will hit a wall, its hard to get to. I can do it when I am on the toilet, some poeple find it better by squatting. There will be a ball type thing there. You will notice it as it sticks out quite a bit. When you are ovualting it is very soft and mushy....almost too hard to reach since it will sit v high up there. When you are not O'ing it will drop down and will be easier to find. It will be harder too. There is a whole at the end of your cervix (mine which always stays some what open because I have had a child) your will be closed aftre O and you may feel a little dimple at the end. When you are fertile or about to start your AF it will come open where you can place the tip of your finger in it.....don't force it in. Check out this page here. https://www.webwomb.com/check_cervical_position.htm

We have a link somewhere through this post called "My Beautiful Cervix" and it shows pictures of a womens cervix all through her cycle, very graphic...but Very interesting! I will see if I can find it and re post it! Good luck, happy hunting!!

Found it.....https://www.beautifulcervix.com/photos-of-cervix/

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