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Starting a new cycle.....come join!

Cazd, I Think I missed something. Why are you so convinced you will miss it this month?? Many people get pregnant off one "one time"

Claire, the site that V-posted shows that stats are actually almost the same 2 days before, 1 day or on the day of ov, so it is probably a good thing to give your OH a break. You will be fine.

I got my + OPK tonight! Was so excited! I stopped drinking water at 2 pm, went to the gym afterwork and only filled my bottle half way and wouldn't go to the bathroom until I got home. It was super dark! WHO HOO! Anyways, I showed the stick to my DH and explained to him it was good news for him... the end of the BD marathon is near! :o) Although we have been having fun this week... or atleast I have been! I don't have any EWCM though unlike earlier this week, just watery... oh well.

Fingers crossed for a temp rise tomorrow! I had a slight one this morning but it was a fitful sleep so I chalk it up to that.

Anyways have fun ladies! ;)
Hi ladies can i join u? Cd 1 today. Been ttc for 5 months but have had no af and no bfp for 5 months since my implant was out until yesterday! Red blood today. My first af in 17 months! Oh is very excited. We have tried to stay calm up until now but we are super excited now.
omg my opk is twice as dark as the control line today i think i will ovulate sumtime tomorow although i have no EWCM just watery, my cp is also almost unreachable so i think as long as me and OH bd tonight we will still be in with a chance, i showed him the opk and he said oh getting there then i said no that is the control line the super dark line is the test line he said oh so thats why your being nice to me lol, anyway he has arranged to go to work 10am instead of 8 in the morning as well for sum more BD haha and he is a morning person lol so lets hope tonight and tomorow morning i can catch that egg! I feel so anxious i will be ok once i get sum spermies in me lol
omg my opk is twice as dark as the control line today i think i will ovulate sumtime tomorow although i have no EWCM just watery

That's excellent news!!!
I didn't have any proper ewcm on the day after surge but I did get some the day after that.
Research says that you're most likely to get PG if you do it 5 days before and on the day of ov - its not so usual to catch the egg the day after ov.

Snugglebot - we did lots of :sex: in the week before ov and I'm pretty sure on the day of ov - but fertilityfriend shifted my dates after today's temp (still high btw) - saying I ovd on the day after - which might tally with delayed ewcm!

I've been feeling completely not pregnant so was convinced I was out of the race.

But... check out the 2ww site in my signature (Samzi posted it to me)
Just been on there and today's new symptoms sound positive...
I'm completely knackered - all the time - and I've got a constant, dull ache (like a v light AF cramp) in my lower abdomen.

Sorry girls - but I'm back in the game!!! Hmmm - wonder how soon I can poas :rofl:
Welcome Mrs. Mabrey, glad you finally got :witch: and now you can start ttc!! Glad oto have you join!

I am CD 22 today, I wish this month would hurry up and get over with! I know this isn't my month so I just want to move on to the next. I may.....may try temping again to see if I can catch O day better (I am still uneasy about it). I am not sure my CM and CP are really telling me much anymore. Or I am thinking maybe I will just leave it and wing it every month. I like the idea of not knowing.
cazd ooooo glad to here your back in the race how many days past ov are you now?

conswayla my cm and cp just confusing me my cp is still high but not as high as earlier and still feels hard and CM? what bloody cm i have none lol i hardly ever get cm :(

ok OH hasnt even got in from work yet (he has his owne plumbing and heating buisness works ridicoulous hours) so im of for a bath and im gonna need lots of PMA!!!! cos i think he gonna be to knackered but really must try to get some spermies out of him tonight im just praying he isnt to tierd wish me luck will let u know how it goes....
Go Claire :sex: :sex: :sex: :sex: :sex: :sex: :sex: :sex: :sex: :sex: !!!!!

Get those :spermy:

Cazd, AF like cramping that early usually means one thing!! Dont count yourself out yet!

Well, I had a -opk today at CD15, I was really hoping that I would ov earlier this month but it looks as if its going to be CD19 as last month. However, I had eggwhite cm putting I am putting that down to preseed. Not getting anything tonight as dh is knackered and he has this (what looks like a boil) on his face. This is even giving him a headache. Not worrying about getting :sex: of him tonight but I told him that is it that he has not to refuse :sex: for a week after tonight. He said he'll have a kip before I come home from work tomorrow so that he is ready for me. :laugh2:
Irish eyes lol its good that your OH is going to get a rest for you!! :happydance:

WELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I GOT SUM :spermy::spermy::spermy: :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:

but F**K me that was hard work! it wasnt going to work it was taking ages he said he didnt think it would work but then i just thought one last try and it worked eventually!

Hoping to get sum :sex: in the morning as well but i will be lucky :hissy:

least i got sum it only takes 1 :spermy: plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz work
thank you lol im currently lied on the couch 3 cushions under bum trying to keep me tilted backwards a bit help them along there way. lol
That will help!! Lets hope those :spermy: can catch that egg!! Sometimes I put my legs up in the air.......mind you that is a lot of work, or put them up against the wall with your bum in the air for a bit!!
thank you lol im currently lied on the couch 3 cushions under bum trying to keep me tilted backwards a bit help them along there way. lol

I did that the other night for 45 mins with 2 cushions. Normally its a panto after :sex:. DH normally swings me around, pushes my up toward the head board so I can put my feet on it and lifts my butt so I can get a pillow under it. Its funny because I don't want to move an inch so nothing falls out. But that all didn't work last month so I am just going to but my bum on the cushsion and read a book. :laugh2:
So i am cd 3 today. Dont really have alot of ttc techniques. Trying to get some good ideas. I bought opk's today. The last time i tried to use opks they never showed a test line at all. Only the test line. I am hoping to get this baby in my belly before june so that i can celebrate my 21st birthday the way its suposed to be! OH is wonderful and very energetic. He wants BD everyday anyway so i am trying to keep him from using up all our spermies before i ov! So any suggestions 4 us?
So i am cd 3 today. Dont really have alot of ttc techniques. Trying to get some good ideas. I bought opk's today. The last time i tried to use opks they never showed a test line at all. Only the test line. I am hoping to get this baby in my belly before june so that i can celebrate my 21st birthday the way its suposed to be! OH is wonderful and very energetic. He wants BD everyday anyway so i am trying to keep him from using up all our spermies before i ov! So any suggestions 4 us?

It isn't so much the spermies you have to worry about. every day is fine if male fertility isn't an issue. It is the desire to do it during the fertile period that we run into trouble with our OHs. ...

The tip some ladies have been offering are not to tell him when you are ov'ing and just seduce him and get to it....
So i am cd 3 today. Dont really have alot of ttc techniques. Trying to get some good ideas. I bought opk's today. The last time i tried to use opks they never showed a test line at all. Only the test line. I am hoping to get this baby in my belly before june so that i can celebrate my 21st birthday the way its suposed to be! OH is wonderful and very energetic. He wants BD everyday anyway so i am trying to keep him from using up all our spermies before i ov! So any suggestions 4 us?

My dh was very keen at the start and he was the one telling me to bd. But the novelty wore off very quickly as the mentioning of ov puts him off. Now its a struggle to get him to bd. Men seem to hate the idea that its the sperm you want and not him. So yeh, I agree with snugglebot. Also you don't want to bd too early in the cycle because when it comes to your fertile window he may lose energy etc. You can bd every other day coming up to your fertile window and then if you want do it everyday (but every other day is good too). It really depends, do you know much about your own cycle at the minute? Do you know when you ov, I use opks (ICs and CBdigi) and it has hepled me to pinpoint ov. The control line in your last opks may not have shown as it may not have detect your LH surge.
My guess is that i wasnt testing on the right days or i wasnt ov'ing at all. I had the implant in for nearly a year and no AF to go by. I had regular cycles before implanon that were 28 days so i am trying to go with that 4 now. As far as OH goes, we have only been married for a year and he waited 4 marriage so the new hasnt worn off of sex for him lol. He has been all about BD for the 5 months of blind trying we've done. I should ov feb. Tenth if my math is right.

ok well i had :sex: this morning but no :spermy: cos my little girl woke up eary BUGGER!!!!! i have had ov pains all day as well so im not holding out much hope i have last nights and day 11 but i doubt there still alive so im not feeling at all positive this month and think i might just take a break TTC after this cos i just carnt do this every month :cry:
At least you managed to get some in there!
Like you say... you only need one!

We have the same faff after - moving quickly sos not to 'lose' any.
I managed to stay propped-up for about an hour last time!

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