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Starting a new cycle.....come join!

Girls - I need your advice !!!

I had EWCM about 3 days ago, then it went back to just nothingness really.
The next day I got a strong opk result and the day after it was back to v faint.
Now, a day later, I've got oodles of ewcm.

Conswayla - as our resident CM guru - what do you think?
My temps have been erratic but that's probably 'cos I'm ill.
And now I'm wondering if yesterdays opk reading was faint 'cos I've been drinking lots more - beechams and herbal teas (ta for the honey and lemon suggestion snugglebot - must send OH out later to bring home some lemons!)
So now I'm thinking... maybe we should :sex: again tonight - but honestly after last nights performance - I don't think my OH could cope!

P.S. - I've done lots of research into frequency of sex during ov.
And... 'normally fertile' people should do it every night around ovulation
but if your man has a low sperm count then every other nights better - to give him chance to build up a big enough spermy reserve!
cazd i would try and go for a quickie tonight just to be on the safe side! pinpoinnting ovulation is a nightmare!

snuggleboot i actually think the week of :sex: and trying to figure out when ovulation is the worst week out of the month! more stressful than the 2ww!!

Well its day 10 for me really need to get sum :sex: tonight but my OH's work van got broken into last night and all his work drills got pinched im so annoyed and lets just say i doubt he will be up for :sex: we will have 2 see
Hey Ladies!!
Cazd~ I have had to same trouble with CM this month, I think just keep :sex: and mark your O date the day you usually O. Most of the time you will have EWCM leading up to O and then the day of O. So you may have already ovulated? But I don't know anything about OPK's so maybe keep testing with them too.

Well I have this feeling I didn't O this month. I don't know what is going on really. I had somewhat EWCM earlier in my cycle. So if I did O (crossing fingers) then my guess would have been CD12, we :sex: on CD 11, and that is it. DH was really sick and in very much pain, and then I just spent the past 4 days very ill, so we got hardly any :sex: in this month. I feel relaxed though. If I did O at all and it was on CD 12 then I would be 7 dpo today. I have not been symptom spotting since I think I am certainly out this month. Although 2 nights ago I was laying in bed and I had this weird pulling stretching sensation in my uterus from the bottom almost up to my ribs, it was a strong feeling and lasted about 5 minutes. I have no idea what it was, or if it was anything......but other then that nothing. And I think I am doing well not symptom spotting so far. I just keep thinking I didn't O and if I did I still have no clue what dpo I would be.

Looks like all you ladies are reading for that egg to drop and catch those :spermy:!!! Sorry this was so long, didn't get a chance on here for a bit being ill. Lets get those :bfp: this month!!!!

conswayla - im not going to sit here and go on about keeping your fingers crossed blah blah lol but u know i have heard so many ppl say the month when they BD the least and were chilled and didnt expect it, it happend so lets just see what happes for you hun ;) good luck sorry you have been ill i think everyone is ill at the moment i feel better today but my head is just bangning! :(
Claire~Well I hope so. For some reason I feel doubtful, but it is in a good way. Since I feel that I am out, I am not obsessing (yet hehe). I hope your right!!

I hope you are feeling better soon too!!
I've had the same thing - like a tightness in my lower abdomen - not quite crampy but enough to feel achy like I've been working out!

CLAIRE - CD10 - Finally - your time has come!
spermies erm.. deposited... today could make your new baby!

PMA and Baby Dust (whatever that is!) got my fingers crossed for you xxx
Ladies, I don't have much time to write now... will later... but my temp was pretty low this morning... (lowest ever).... although can't compare too much since the first few days were with a different thermometer... anyways crossing my fingers it signals ov...

Conswayla, my OPKs were still neg yesterday and I have been finding them picky little buggers.... so I don't think I will use them after this cycle. Plan on relying on the BBT from now... That is if I don't get my BFP.

As for BD around OV, here is a post with an interesting link, that includes some great stats: https://www.babyandbump.com/trying-...hing-you-never-wanted-know-fertilization.html
Sungglebot~ I don't use OPK's so that I never really know my O date, which makes it wasier to obsess LOL. And the fact that I have heard a lot of women using them get mized up from them, and often miss the surge since it happens to fast. They seem way to confusing for me. So you may be better off without them if they are just messing you up. BBT seems to work really well for many women out there. I however had a bad experience with BBT and will never do it again. I therefore rely on CM and CP which really messed me up this month, so maybe (if I do try again next month) I will just not rely on anything and just do it!!

That is a very interesting link too! Thank you for sharing!!

I wanted to add.....isn't it horrible what happened to Premomt? Poor girl, I can only hope that she will get better really soon. She must be one strong girl!!
yes poor permont i was really sad and shocked to read her post big hugz to her x

cazd - yeyyy its my fertile week at least i feel like im actually doing sumthing now rather than sitting around waiting and OH has promised :sex: tonight :dance: got a very neg opk today but still going to :sex: anyway i think every other day around this time is good and 3 nights running when my opk turns pos! lets see if i can catch that eggy this month.

Dont know whats going on with my CP its low hard and feels open lol always feels open its weird maybe mine just never closes, it feels like it has a slit in that you could get your fingertip in. I have no CM its wet but no EWCM or anything else but will keep eye on it all.
Well, I have made up with dh so hopefully :sex: will resume. But I have missed 2 days of sperm meets egg plan but I am not worried about that because I don't think it would make a difference since I have not ov yet. Hopefully maybe pin him down on Wed.

Yeh, poor Premomt, I can't believe it. :hugs:
Sungglebot~ I don't use OPK's so that I never really know my O date, which makes it wasier to obsess LOL. And the fact that I have heard a lot of women using them get mized up from them, and often miss the surge since it happens to fast. They seem way to confusing for me. So you may be better off without them if they are just messing you up. BBT seems to work really well for many women out there. I however had a bad experience with BBT and will never do it again. I therefore rely on CM and CP which really messed me up this month, so maybe (if I do try again next month) I will just not rely on anything and just do it!!

That is a very interesting link too! Thank you for sharing!!


lol I think I should have written cazd in my email after reading the posts clearer. That is what I get for checking these forums while at work and trying to be sneaky. *tsk *tsk.:)

I think I remember reading about your BBT experience in your journal. Any guesses on why the temps were high but no bfp? Other than your thermometer sucks ;)

Sounds to me otherwise that alot of ladies (and men) are getting lucky this week!! AH HA. I think I am going to give my DH a break tonight if he wants it...
snuggleboot - yep think everyone is getting lucky this week :rofl: lets hope we all catch the eggs!

Irish eyes :happydance: glad to here you and your oh are :sex: again and i wouldnt worry about the sperm meets egg plan as like u said u havent ov yet so still pleanty of time to catch your egg!

This is the 1st month i have done sperm meets egg plan BD on cd8 and last night cd10 will leave it tonight (as long as opk this afternoon is neg) and then try tomoz, im going to use preeseed as of tomorow was going to last night but only bught 6 individual applicators of it so need to use it when i think it will be most beneificial.

Weird thing today got real bad lower back pain like AF pain! and little sharp twinges ledt side lower down wondering if its my body getting ready to ovulate it doesnt normally start this early though.

:dust: to all of us xx
Ok my CP has gone very high almost unreachable i noticed EWCM when i went to loo and i have crampy pain on the left hand side, im going to hold wee in and do opk this afternoon but im thinking i might be getting ready to ov early this month. So maybe should have :sex: again tonight as well. Damn i should have used the preeseed last night afterall
woo hoo! sounds like you're ready to rock and roll !
(p.s. that cervicular hole sounds massive - TMI but who cares! mines like a slit too - but only about 5mm across - oooh - what if its too small for the spermies to find?)

My OH didn't get in from band practice 'till midnight last night - and was too tired to :sex: with me! GRRRRRRRR
I hope we've done enough to catch the egg this month. OH GOD! PLEASE LET IT HAPPEN!
12 agonisingly long days 'till AF is due.

Snugglebot - new pic? where's that then?
Thats it, I have to bounce on dh tonight. I am taking Maca and B50s and to be honest I definately think its doing something for my drive. :blush:

I'm raring to go. :rofl: :happydance:
:rofl: irish eyes you go get him! lol

Well im confused :dohh: it doesnt take much

i have EWCM and my cervix has gone high but not soft i had twingey crampy thigs this morning on my left side bit like ov pain but not as strong. My opk is completly and uttlerly negative there is barly any line there so do i go with my body or the opk should i just carry on every other night till the opk turns positive then do it 3 nights running or should i :sex: tonight hmmmm i dont want to tire my OH out to early as i do this every month and on the crucial day he is to tierd to do anything. Will do opk when i get in from work about 7 see if it has changed from this afternoon if it hasnt ill still leave the BDing tonight and save the spermies for tomorow, i mean we did it last night anyway so should be sum spermies still hanging around. :hissy: its very confusing
I am taking Vitamin B Complex 50's which is meant to be good to lengthen you LP. My LP was about 10-11 days, although not too bad, I wouldn't mind it being 12 days plus. Also hoping that ov may change this month too. I would love to bring it forward just one day. Maca is natures viagara. It is meant to help in sperm production and both men and women can take it. I got it for both of us but in the arguing with dh he has refused to take it. And I haven't even start taking Horney Goat Weed!!!! I have that too. :laugh2:
Well ladies, you seem ready to go!! How exciting, its good to know that you can get moving on making these babies!!

After you have had a child, your CP will always remain a tad bit open, like a slit or a dimple. I have a hard time telling if mine is closed, but when it is open.....it is really open. I think mine is closing up now. My CP is high every morning (which I heard is common) and then throguh out the day it comes lower and harder. I have had a little more creamy CM so far, but I dont think it is anything. Its not a lot so I know I am not pregnant. They way my CP and CM is (which I know is not a good indicator) seems to tell me that it didn't happen.

Time to get :sex: and get those :spermy: in there! I am so excited for you ladies!!!

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