Starting a new cycle.....come join!

My dog ate my bbt thermometer last night!!!!! :hissy:

I will write about the traumatic experience of discovering it on the floor later ... *sigh*
My dog ate my bbt thermometer last night!!!!! :hissy:

I will write about the traumatic experience of discovering it on the floor later ... *sigh*

Oh sorry to hear that hun but it is a bit funny if you don't mind me laughing. :laugh2: Sure you can get another one.

CD9 for me today and tomorrow I am starting the POAS thing again with opks. Here it goes, this is were I become obsessed. This passed week I have been feeling alive without AF and without the pressure of testing and trying. But going to try and relax more.
sorry to here about your bbt thermometer but it did make me giggle a bit only cos my dogs would do the same but they are still cuties, oh mi god this month is going sooooooo slow its unreal, i normally enjoy the 1st 10 days no stress no poas no period no symtopm spotting no BD for spermies but for fun no PMT! but this month its just crap and its dragging and i already feel like it wont happen again this month and i dont even ovulate for another week or sumthing. Oh well.
oh I feel exactly the same way.
I haven't been bored or sitting about doing nothing - but every day I look at the diary and its still not OV time!
Got a faint line on my opk yesterday so really hoping for a darker one today.
(my temp went up a bit this morning so hope I haven't missed it)

Conswayla - you said something that me and OH were talking about yesterday...
all this :sex: and there's actual living spermies in there... still !
cazd, i wish i was as far along in my cycle as you are ARGH day 8 im still full of cold though so maybe its not a bad thing, i have a problem though those ppl who were in the same cycle buddy thread as me last month know i had my MIL here over xmas and new year and my ov so we were having sex like teenagers quiet as possible and anyway we didnt do it enough cos we just didnt get any time to ourselves so i thought this month would be better house bk and all until i found out last night she wants to visit for another couple of weeks ( i know i sound like a selfish bitch here) but i just need next week for me and my OH so we can give it our best shot. All he says is well im not putting her of its not end of the world if you dont get pregnant yet, he doesnt understand that 1 month feels like 1 year! oh god im so fed up :(
Oh wow! Can't imagine having relatives over to stay so often. Last time I saw my mum was well before xmas - when I travelled to see her.
Having to be quiet when you're a grown-up can't be much fun!

Must be so frustrating that your OH can't see how TTC sends you into a different dimension - where everything goes soooo slooooowly.

Waiting for pre-ov sexytime tonight - its officially the longest day ever !

(P.s. I'm so excited about being CD14 and ready to ov - can't believe its actually here - 1st cycle and actively trying!)
cazd, oooo im so excited for you!! have fun tonight and go catch that egg! ;) what was your opk like today?
check it out!
OPK was very faint at 12pm but full-on at 4pm !

:yipee: :yipee: :yipee: :yipee: :yipee: :yipee:


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check it out!
OPK was very faint at 12pm but full-on at 4pm !

:yipee: :yipee: :yipee: :yipee: :yipee: :yipee:

:) YEAH! BD TIME! :sex:!

I have a question about OPK's being new to this... I had a faint line on Thursday (CD 9 ) so to me that was a negative, then on CD 10 (friday) I had EWCM, but no line, which the opk test didn't surprise me, but I didn't expect to ov so early, but I wonder why I got a faint line on cd 9... anyone have advice?
cazd get busy girl

Snuggleboot sumtimes you can miss your LH surge because it rises and then falls so quickly many woman miss it but spot other signs of ovulation like you said the EWCM i would test around 3pm in the afternoon and again on the evening 6 or 7ish to see if the line gets any darker. Good luck.

I feel so far behind everyone else i dont ovulate till next friday, anyone around the same as me??
cazd get busy girl

Snuggleboot sumtimes you can miss your LH surge because it rises and then falls so quickly many woman miss it but spot other signs of ovulation like you said the EWCM i would test around 3pm in the afternoon and again on the evening 6 or 7ish to see if the line gets any darker. Good luck.

I feel so far behind everyone else i dont ovulate till next friday, anyone around the same as me??

Claire, if my past history of EWCM and my "calendar" history is correct, (evenFF predicts this - next friday is supposed to be my ov day too... I did buy an extra box of OPKs the other day because I figured since it was my first cycle, I wanted to start testing early just in case... ..we shall see.

The problem is I switched thermom. right so if I did ovulate, things might be very messed up with mybbt. So hopefully I catch it with the OPK. Next month won't be a good one for me to figureout my typical ov date, because I travel again ...

Don't sweat being later, like I said, I think I am actually do next week. It might just be all in my head.
keep testing snuggleboot u will get them dark lines im sure xx
DH is super rowdy right now so hopefully he doesn't work it all out of his system before I ov... I may have to "ration" him:rofl:

TMI Alert: Admittedly I got a little dry :blush: last night and I just had to use some KY lube. Which I know is no good for the poor :spermy: I might order some pre-seed so that we have that option if it happens again. *sigh* That said, if they say KY is not birth control, that means, it isn't guaranteed to kill them all anyways! And this stuff wasn't labeled as a spermacide.
preeseed is great when things get a little dry lol i love it! loving the rationing him haha my OH has been horny since i last ovulated haha but i havent given him none, oh gosh that sounds so bad! its cos ive been poorly and we been v busy at work might give in tonight since its day 8 and sperm meets egg plan is mean to kick of tonight anyway...and he did buy me sum mini eggs from asda. LOL ;)
cazd get busy girl

Snuggleboot sumtimes you can miss your LH surge because it rises and then falls so quickly many woman miss it but spot other signs of ovulation like you said the EWCM i would test around 3pm in the afternoon and again on the evening 6 or 7ish to see if the line gets any darker. Good luck.

I feel so far behind everyone else i dont ovulate till next friday, anyone around the same as me??

Me! I am on CD10 but I don't ov until CD19 which I think thats Sunday!!!!
its day 8 and sperm meets egg plan is mean to kick of tonight anyway...and he did buy me sum mini eggs from asda. LOL ;)
Oh that is so lovely!

I woke up with a nasty ear, nose and throat combo that's had my head on the verge of exploding all day.
I can totally sympathise with you Snugglebot - my temp was up by .8 of a degree this morning but I don't know if that was being ill or if I've ovd.
Feel absolutely rotten and all worried that being ill might affect implant!
Just crawled out of bed to do an opk but was back to faint again - like yesterday lunchtime. Gonna try again at 5pm.
You might be right though... if I hadn't tested yesterday pm I might have missed that LH surge - seems like my window to catch a positive opk result is super-small.

Hmmm.. Maybe a 4pm test and then an 8pm test might be better.
Or on the hour every hour - I'm that desperado I might just try it next month!

Just love the idea of having an October baby.

What do you guys think of a December baby - could you resist TTC in March?
well this is my 3rd day of being in bed with the flu/cold horrible bug that i have got! hope its gone soon its awful my head was pounding all last night i remember rumagin thru draws at 4am for painkillers and im not 1 to take tablets. Hope my OH doesnt catch it or he wont be up for any :sex:!

Well im doing the sperm meets egg plan this month so i had :sex: last night day 8 will leave it tonight and then try again tomorow night. I ov late last month so will start ding my opk on day 12 i think.

I really wanted a september baby the weather is still kinda nice and not to cold, october baby i would love as well, However dont think i want a december baby i mean i know i shouldnt be picky but i dont want to miss my daughters christmas or mess it up for her she is only 3 and i dont think she would be impressed with mummy not being here on christmas, will have to see how i feel in march may well skip that month.
my travel schedule pretty much rules out march anyways, so no Dec baby for me. My temp was back down again this morning, so it definitely was affected by the beer :oops: and I am pretty sure I haven't ov'd yet.

Get better cazd and claire! Drink some lemon tea and honey!
ok I am pretty sure what I am finding is EWCM...also getting some "cramps" on my lower left ab...although my opk I took in the early afternoon was neg. I have been drinking tons of water and juice today because I have been so dry for BD'ing it has been uncomfortable, so I don't trust my urine to be strong enough. I am going to take an OPK tonight before I go to bed, and I will limit my fluid intake. We shall see...

I will be watching my temps for sure...

gosh this determining ov date and luteal length for me is worse than the 2ww right now!

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