Starting clomid in February... buddies?

I'm sorry Ursaula that's terrible to have to wait. I hope metformin does the trick for you!

Angela are you still trying the opks? Pretty soon you will have to start with the hpts!

Afm I called dr bc of irregular cycle and they offered for me to come in Monday to run some blood tests. But AF showed her face today! Ugh so finally on CD1
That's amazing news dogmommy that means you can start taking Clomid I took mine at night so slept throughly side-effects I may have had so didn't really suffer from any side effects. What's days you been told to take it and what Mg.

Yes I'm still doing Opks I got my blood day wrong went a day early on Cd20 don't know how I messed my dates up but docs said it doesn't as my results where extremely positive, I'm actually on CD23 today and still neg on OPK I'm doing clear blue digital ones, I'm guessing I have already Od with blood results like mine and am in my TWW AF due on/around 22nd Feb so not going to test till then as I know it's far too soon to know anything and will be just a waste of a stick. I've got sensitive nipples, my boobs feel huge, I'm getting dull cramping, backache, constantly going the loo and my belly is bloated. I've lost my appetite aswell and my sense of smell is increased my husband has I'll breath he breathed on me before (not on purpose) and I honestly nearly threw up I've also gone off coffee I normally can't function without two cups in the morning. But I'm not getting my hopes up just yet as both of us have come down with the flu hubby's worse than me and my symptoms could Bedon to this. 9days to go to see if AF shows or BFP wish me luck xx
Dogmommy don't mean to sound stupid I'm still new to this thread thing what does htps mean xx
I'm sorry you're sick :( but some of your symptoms sound very promising! I bet you did O already bc numbers wouldn't be that high before an O I don't think. But the highest I've ever had post was an 8. Not stupid at all Angela! I mean home pregnancy tests. I know I was relieved she showed today now I'm on the right track! I believe he told me cd 5-9 I could be wrong tho! Ill have to go before cd 5 I know to get an ultrasound to check for cysts. Did they check anything on you before they prescribed clomid. I'm actually getting cold feet about taking it bc on another site it said clomid is terrible for endometriosis. But my dr would know if that was the case right?
Hun if it wasn't safe for you to take your doctor wouldn't have prescribed it, plus they will monitor you closely so don't worry take it at night so you sleep through your symptoms and no I wasn't monitored only CD21 blood test that is it but if AF shows its ugly head then I'll start follicle tracking next month. I'm hoping my symptoms are pregnancy but I wouldn't have that many symptoms so soon would I, symptoms aren't supposed to start till around 4-6 weeks so at the mo I'm putting it down to the Flu xx

Keep me posted about your ultrasounds keep positive I'll cross everything for you that you will get your bundle of joy xx
Angela most my friends knew before they missed their period bc of breast changes! Are you feeling any better? I'm going tomorrow for an ultrasound so I'm excited! Haha it's the little things. I'm suppose to do follicle tracking too I believe but we have a vacation coming up in March. So we might not be able to go every time they want me to but I'm hoping to get a BFP before vacation!
I'll keep my fingers crossed for you hun and let me know how you get on with your scan I hope it's all clear for you no cysts so you can start your journey xx

Last night I had really bad backache and stomach cramps even though I don't suffer from period pains. Today I've just been the toilet and had a tiny amount of brownish/pinkish discharge in my knickers I'm not due AF till another 8 days could this be Imbedding bleeding I'm so eager to hpts but I know it's far too early xx
Angela fingers crossed its implantation!!! If it is you could get a BFP in a couple days!!
Here's hoping I really don't wonna get my hopes up I'm still going to wait till 22nd see if AF shows and try not to read to much in to it even though it's hard not too xx

Not got long to wait only 8 days it's going to be torture this waiting game xx
Hello all, I'm in school right now and it a lot challenging and stressful. So I don't get the time to post as I would like.

Angela..I do no have the time to go to the doc to get check I'm kind of winging it right now hoping that the opk works. I explained that to the doc and he did not show any concern.

Dogmommy...the clomid was ok I was worried I would gain weight due to all the reviews I read saying they gained about 10 lbs for the cycle but I actually lost weight while eating Balance meals but small portions. I did, I think? get the cold sweat only for a few seconds nothing crazy other than that I was good and the metformin only gave me the runs for about two days and i was good to take the whole 2000mg. One thing I did different was drink coconut water with all my meds and that helped with the nausea a lot. I guess you have to find what works for you because milk did not work for me....tmi I could not stay in a room with myself after I drink it :)

Afm I am on CD12 started using opk on CD10 not feel any twinges yet as I use to before I ovulate. Fx the clomid helped me this cycle. I hate the fact that I can't see if I produced any eggs much less to have them grow to size so this cycle is killing me softly.
I hope you get good news this month Mocha2 keep us all posted.

Well I had a tiny bit of spotting yesterday but nothing at all since then. I did the stupid thing and did a hpt which of course came back BFN the tests I've got can be taken up to 4 days prior to AF but I'm around 7 days off AF yet, I'm not going to test at all now till 22nd xx
Mocha fingers crossed you get a positive opk soon! Keep us updated we understand with school :)

Angela waiting is so hard but I get it! Don't worry about the BFN . I've heard if you get a BFP too early it may be ectopic so silver lining!

Afm I'll get my ultrasound results on Wednesday and my clomid if all is good!! Finally!! Dr did some genetic tests too to see if I'm carrier for anything so I'll find that out in two weeks. Kinda nervous for that bc hoping nothing comes back positive.
Well I think I maybe out the running this month guys and AF is showing its ugly head a week early I hate irregular AF I just want it to regulate again, I'm now thinking all my symptoms where due to the Flu as now that my flu is subsiding so are my symptoms. I guess I'll know more in the next couple of days if AF shows but I'm not hopeful, I've had a bit more brown discharge today so that's two days on the row now and normally when I'm due AF that's the tell tale sign to tell me its coming I normally get this for 2-3 days prior to AF commencing. We shall see but like I said I'm not holding any hope no more. On a positive side I guess if AF does show they're going to start follicle tracking so I'll get more info about what's happening down there xx
Good morning girls!
Brandi have you started clomid yet?
I'm sorry AF got you Rami. Fingers crossed this cycle.
Bee I'm sorry for your loss. Baby dust to you!
Krissie any updates?
AFM still waiting on AF to get this ball rolling...
Oh and just curious have any of you been diagnosed with endometriosis?

Hey there! I've been MIA for a few days, sorry! Tomorrow is my first day. I will be on CD5. I am so nervous and excited! I am really hopeful, but also trying to remember that since I basically never ovulate on my own, 50mg may not do the trick, and I need to be patient if it doesn't. I will definitely keep you all updated! I'm debating if I want to take the medicine in the AM or PM.
Well I think I maybe out the running this month guys and AF is showing its ugly head a week early I hate irregular AF I just want it to regulate again, I'm now thinking all my symptoms where due to the Flu as now that my flu is subsiding so are my symptoms. I guess I'll know more in the next couple of days if AF shows but I'm not hopeful, I've had a bit more brown discharge today so that's two days on the row now and normally when I'm due AF that's the tell tale sign to tell me its coming I normally get this for 2-3 days prior to AF commencing. We shall see but like I said I'm not holding any hope no more. On a positive side I guess if AF does show they're going to start follicle tracking so I'll get more info about what's happening down there xx

Let us know!!! Fingers crossed that you aren't out yet!!!!
Angela: Don't lose hope just yet. There are some women who have af early and it ended up just being strong implantation bleeding. I'd still test around the 22nd if I were you! Fx'd :)

AFM: I had some spotting when I wiped on 1000mg of metformin. One day on of spotting, one off, then another day of spotting again. Since then, nothing. No signs of anything. I'm so frustrated. I'll be calling the ob/gyn tomorrow to see if they received my referral and will hopefully be making an appointment.
Thanks for the support guys, well I'm not meant to have AF for another 6 days, I've had 3 days now of dark brown discharge which has increased its not loads but I've also got cramping. I called my Obgyns secretary and told her, she's going to get her to call me up this afternoon to discuss it and they might need me to go in for testing for things like polyps, endometriomas, cysts etc.. So we shall see, I'm hoping nothing is wrong but it's best to be safe than sorry with me being on Clomid as if I have any other conditions then I'll need to get them addressed to give me the best chance of pregnancy.

Wish me luck guys, I'll keep you posted x
Angela I'm sorry girl! How many mg did you take of clomid? Hopefully they order some tests and see what's going on.

Brandi good luck with the clomid I start in two days . Update us and let us know how it treats you!

Ursaula I'm sorry it's giving you such a hard time. Hopefully they can give you maybe something extra to jumpstart it.

Afm just counting down days to start opks and bding!
Dogmommy I'm on 50mg, I heard back from RE who told me not to worry about the discharge it could be nothing at all but they're sending me out an appointment for the fertility clinic for possible further tests just in case and if AF still shows then I'm still to go for follicle tracking xx

Good luck dogmommy I hope this month is your month fingers crossed for you xx
Well I'm definitely out guys AF has showed it's ugly head a week early so Clomid round two begins tomorrow and I'm off to a fertility clinic and begin follicle tracking so here's hoping next month will give me more answers on what is going on x

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