Angela...keep using you opk and go with your gut feelings too because If you are cd9 today by 3 March you will be about cd17 I think. Depending on how long your cycle is you might O before then. I am a 30 day cycle and this cicle I got pos opk on cd15 and Oed on cd16. I know everyone is different but always think about the earliest you could O and not the latest then you can guarantee that you didn't miss o so keep testing and bd even more if you start feeling twinges by your ovaries. Fx you get a pos soon sweetie.
Dogmommy and Angela just make sure you are not puting all your trust in the docs get to know your body because while you are waiting for that appointment you body is not waiting to do its thing.
I say this because my last iui cycle after my MC I went to get the follicles checked and the nurse told me how big they were not sure if she was suppose to share this info with me. On my way home they called me to say that the doc recommend I take the hcg shot Sunday night and come in on Mon for iui. I was a little confuse because I started doing the math and said if my follicle was this size now and it grows 1-2mm a day then I should ovulate this weekend, but I thought my doc knows best so I followed instruction while still in doubt. When I went in on Monday there was no follicle I Oed on the weekend and I felt it but wanted to believe that there was no way my doc would miss this. Well that was the last time they saw does not grow on tree and I had some out of pocket expenses so I was HOT!! that my cycle want to waste. So here I am trying on my own after getting to know my body.
Angela.....temping is easy and there is no guess work with temping when done correctly.
Just calculate what wake up time in the morning would be best for you every morning. I get it one or two morning might be off but it won't do any damage. For me I set the clock for 1:30am to use the bathroom and 5am to take temp even though my actual wake up time is 7am for work.
Reason I started waking up at 130am is because I find myself waking in between the 3hrs of solid sleep to go pee. So between 130 and 5am it is the pefect solid sleep to get a good temp. I know.......I am very technical about everything but you should have seen how crazy my chart looked before now.
I need this baby so I am willing to try anything if that will give me a

one of these months.
Ashley.....I am so sorry AF showed her ugly face
Fx clomid was the missing ingredient to your much needed

this cycle.