Sticking Together Until We All Get BFP's!!!!

Wishing it looks like u ovulated yesterday :)

I'm not so sure yet, won't believe it until I see a sustained thermal shift :) we did go ahead and BD this morning for good measure :)

Did you have any lower back pain around O? I have a very dull but def there pain in my lower back (right around my right hip). Just wondering if it's the Clomid :)

And I see that your AF is going away, woohoo! BD!!!

I think u probably oed yest too but I was going to say maybe today too but u bd'ed so either way, uve got it covered! :-)

I woke up feeling horrible this a.m (emotionally). I looked in the mirror and thought "you are an infertile woman and will most likely only conceive through IVF". Its so painful to think about! I know it all COULD change but it just sucks knowing there's a good chance it won't change. I may not be on as much for a few days, It'll really just depend on how I'm feeling. My friend who found out she was preggers just recently (the one that upset me bad), she calls this a.m and asks if me her and my other pregnant friend could go to lunch today! She clearly doesn't understand how I feel at all. I def don't want to go to lunch with TWO pregnant women the day after I find out my only tube is blocked. Ugh. Had to vent real quick. This is eating me up inside :'-(
Jrepp, I hope ur surgery goes great and ur healed fast!! That sounds so painful with ur uterus :-(. Its not fair our bodies can do this to us and mess with fertility. I just hope procedures work wonders for us both so we can have our sticky beans in no time. <3
Wishing it looks like u ovulated yesterday :)

I'm not so sure yet, won't believe it until I see a sustained thermal shift :) we did go ahead and BD this morning for good measure :)

Did you have any lower back pain around O? I have a very dull but def there pain in my lower back (right around my right hip). Just wondering if it's the Clomid :)

And I see that your AF is going away, woohoo! BD!!!

I think u probably oed yest too but I was going to say maybe today too but u bd'ed so either way, uve got it covered! :-)

I woke up feeling horrible this a.m (emotionally). I looked in the mirror and thought "you are an infertile woman and will most likely only conceive through IVF". Its so painful to think about! I know it all COULD change but it just sucks knowing there's a good chance it won't change. I may not be on as much for a few days, It'll really just depend on how I'm feeling. My friend who found out she was preggers just recently (the one that upset me bad), she calls this a.m and asks if me her and my other pregnant friend could go to lunch today! She clearly doesn't understand how I feel at all. I def don't want to go to lunch with TWO pregnant women the day after I find out my only tube is blocked. Ugh. Had to vent real quick. This is eating me up inside :'-(

I think it's a good idea to avoid that lunch. Your emotions are rightfully all over the place. You got some news that made you feel like your world was ending, you can be selfish right now and focus on yourself! I know you are going to conceive without IVF, maybe it will just take a bit longer: :) why don't you go shopping or maybe just lay on the couch and watch your fave movies! Make today about you, you deserve it!
I know this probably sounds silly, but if I could just do IVF, I totally would..Having the chances of conceiving so much higher, it seems like it would be so nice! I know there is a lot more to it than that, but, other than being insanely is nice to know it exists, too. I'm glad we have the modern medicine we do, unlike I'm sure millions of women years ago.

Trying not to stress as fertile time approaches...Hate how it is so timed and just going through the motions...trying to keep it fun and relaxed...but, easier said than done. Bought my OPK yesterday, had a blank smiley face at 6dpo yesterday, and a flashing smiley at 7dpo this AM...Mike has a long long day today, isn't a good day for him, he has a late meeting tonight after a chiropractor appt for his neck...We had breakfast on Saturday and were going over our schedules and he just was not thrilled with today being a day we need to BD...but he said 'well we have to, so it will just have to work out'...i don't want him to feel like that...but I guess at the same time I'm glad he does? At least he is trying and I know wants it as much as I do...would be so much easier if we lived together already. Argh. Anyway!

Then we have my spinal nerve ablation procedure on Thursday that he is taking me to...for my RSD in my foot...Hopefully it goes well...and we are able to BD that day too...apparently we did after my last procedure (I was so drugged up I don't remember lol) Although this one is going to be much more invasive than a simple injection...ick.

Then Sunday is my At least having Mike turning 40 in October makes me feel young :) haha. But I hate birthdays...Every birthday for the past 10 years I have spent if not all day, a portion of the day crying. Last year, my ex completely stood me up...told me he was coming over ALL day long...then finally at 8pm, I was ready to kill myself...crying my eyes out...called my mom, who thought I had plans, so went out to a movie and had her phone off - So I went and bought myself a bottle of wine, a cake and sushi...the Japanese people at the sushi place were all hugging me and going off about my ex in Japanese, it was pretty sweet...finally my mom called and was crying too, had me come over and we watched a movie at like 9pm. It was awful.

So Mike and I are going to go LOOK at rings at Trice on Saturday, and probably go to dinner or something..he asked what I said fun baby making sex and flowers or something.

Anywayyy...I totally don't feel like working today...

Love you girls! Been praying for you aidensmommy and jrepp <3

Hope everyone is off to a nice morning! Come on 5 o'clock!!

:dust: :hug:
Amy, I agree, if I had the money to pay for the IVF, id def do it!! But we don't have it right now. I wish we lived somewhere where it only costs $1000 or something or maybe we will have to move down to Massachusetts to work and get health benefits down there because they cover ivf and ALL fertility procedures 100%. Its a state law that insurance through work has to provide it but that'll be hard to do with my sons father living here..i already know that'd be a huge issue! So ivf being my only choice worries me greatly just because I feel like Itll be forever until we'd be able to afford 15grand at once :-\. Ugh hopefully everything goes better than It looked.

I didn't know u were having surgery! I must have missed that some how! How long is recovery supposed to be and is it supposed to be bad? I'm not quite sure what that surgery is..ill have to ask Dr google about it..good luck hun!

& that's awesome u and mike are going to look at rings! That's exciting! :-) I hope you guys have a good day! We all deserve it!!
Wishing it looks like u ovulated yesterday :)

I'm not so sure yet, won't believe it until I see a sustained thermal shift :) we did go ahead and BD this morning for good measure :)

Did you have any lower back pain around O? I have a very dull but def there pain in my lower back (right around my right hip). Just wondering if it's the Clomid :)

And I see that your AF is going away, woohoo! BD!!!

I think u probably oed yest too but I was going to say maybe today too but u bd'ed so either way, uve got it covered! :-)

I woke up feeling horrible this a.m (emotionally). I looked in the mirror and thought "you are an infertile woman and will most likely only conceive through IVF". Its so painful to think about! I know it all COULD change but it just sucks knowing there's a good chance it won't change. I may not be on as much for a few days, It'll really just depend on how I'm feeling. My friend who found out she was preggers just recently (the one that upset me bad), she calls this a.m and asks if me her and my other pregnant friend could go to lunch today! She clearly doesn't understand how I feel at all. I def don't want to go to lunch with TWO pregnant women the day after I find out my only tube is blocked. Ugh. Had to vent real quick. This is eating me up inside :'-(

I think it's a good idea to avoid that lunch. Your emotions are rightfully all over the place. You got some news that made you feel like your world was ending, you can be selfish right now and focus on yourself! I know you are going to conceive without IVF, maybe it will just take a bit longer: :) why don't you go shopping or maybe just lay on the couch and watch your fave movies! Make today about you, you deserve it!

thank you wishing! :-) you always find the right words to make me feel a little better. Idk how you do I keep just trying to forget about it and trying to tell myself "maybe it was just a spasm from all the pain I was in" but idk. I guess time will tell. Dh stayed home today too and we are just watching tv & laying in bed being lazy. It feels good only I wish we were celebrating instead :-\. FX we will be one day!
How are you feeling? Sorry I haven't been replying much to posts, my hsg was ALLS I could seem to think about! I almost wish I didn't find out but its good I did so I can start enzymes before my repeat hsg and hopefully that'll help. Next time I'm asking for pain meds or general anesthesia because for me the pain was almost unbearable. Its diff for everyone but mostly on whether ur tube is opened or closed or if there's a spasm it can hurt bad too so dont be scared if u ever need one! Lol (FX ull have ur bfp this cycle tho!!!) plus as I was saying to mega, itd be easier for them to possibly push any blockage through if they don't see me in excruciating pain. My doctor actually cried with us after discussing the results...she tried turning her head but when she turned back she had a few tears rolling down and ive never had a doctor cry with me before. That really showed me she is def going to be looking out for my best interest and I'm glad I ended up getting in contact with her because my OB just isn't good in the fertility field, terrific in pregnancy and for annual exams but not for this! I'm grateful I have my original surgeon helping me through this & helping us figure out the next step. She gave me a DVD with my hsg pics on it for it I see a specialist and just for my personal records. I didn't know they did that..
Thanks aidensmommy! I hear ya! 15 grand is crazy! I wish all states were like that :(

It isn't a surgery, per se - I've been getting these spinal injections called lumbar sympathetic nerve blocks - well the last one went horribly wrong and caused a ton of pain and spasms in my thighs - so dr put me back on a light pain medication, the butrans patch - since the other injections all went fine when i was on some form of opiate medication - but I was off of them when I had the last one - so for all of these i am only lightly sedated, but for this one, it is where he will burn a nerve in my spine that is related to my foot, so I won't feel the pain at all or as much afterwards (assuming it all goes well) but this one involves several needles entering the spine, then one needle will burn off something from the nerve - from what i have read it is much more painful than the injections, and given how sore my back was after just 1 needle going in, I'm sure with 5 or so, it'll be very painful - hopefully he uses more sedation for this procedure - they are quick - the injections took about 15 minutes, most of the time spent is him using this xray table to guide the needle to the right spot - but they use some benzodiazapine and fentanyl for the injections, I assume it will be the same for this one. Just hoping my insurance approves it in time - if they don't approve it by tomorrow at noon, have to reschedule :( so FXed they approve it so I can get it over with and not be in pain constantly! RSD/CRPS is the WORST :( It is better than it used to be, since i've had injections - before I was on 210 mg of oxycodone a DAY...which is like 42 percocet - minus the tylenol - it was awful. I still was in and out of the ER with pain, even on that much medication. Praying this nerve ablation really does the trick! :hugs:
Thanks aidensmommy! I hear ya! 15 grand is crazy! I wish all states were like that :(

It isn't a surgery, per se - I've been getting these spinal injections called lumbar sympathetic nerve blocks - well the last one went horribly wrong and caused a ton of pain and spasms in my thighs - so dr put me back on a light pain medication, the butrans patch - since the other injections all went fine when i was on some form of opiate medication - but I was off of them when I had the last one - so for all of these i am only lightly sedated, but for this one, it is where he will burn a nerve in my spine that is related to my foot, so I won't feel the pain at all or as much afterwards (assuming it all goes well) but this one involves several needles entering the spine, then one needle will burn off something from the nerve - from what i have read it is much more painful than the injections, and given how sore my back was after just 1 needle going in, I'm sure with 5 or so, it'll be very painful - hopefully he uses more sedation for this procedure - they are quick - the injections took about 15 minutes, most of the time spent is him using this xray table to guide the needle to the right spot - but they use some benzodiazapine and fentanyl for the injections, I assume it will be the same for this one. Just hoping my insurance approves it in time - if they don't approve it by tomorrow at noon, have to reschedule :( so FXed they approve it so I can get it over with and not be in pain constantly! RSD/CRPS is the WORST :( It is better than it used to be, since i've had injections - before I was on 210 mg of oxycodone a DAY...which is like 42 percocet - minus the tylenol - it was awful. I still was in and out of the ER with pain, even on that much medication. Praying this nerve ablation really does the trick! :hugs:

oh wow, that sounds awful! I hope this one goes better then ur expecting..ugh the things we all have to endure! :-(. Ill be praying for you! And my fingers are def crossed that ur insurance goes through on time! Definitely update! :-) And again, good luck. Hopefully u just feel the first needle and it just gets easier after that, u never know til ur in there... FX this takes care of it!!
Jrepp, I hope ur surgery goes great and ur healed fast!! That sounds so painful with ur uterus :-(. Its not fair our bodies can do this to us and mess with fertility. I just hope procedures work wonders for us both so we can have our sticky beans in no time. <3

Thank you. I am an emotional wreck right now and with the timing of my sisters baby shower isn't helping much.

Wishing it looks like u ovulated yesterday :)

I'm not so sure yet, won't believe it until I see a sustained thermal shift :) we did go ahead and BD this morning for good measure :)

Did you have any lower back pain around O? I have a very dull but def there pain in my lower back (right around my right hip). Just wondering if it's the Clomid :)

And I see that your AF is going away, woohoo! BD!!!

I think u probably oed yest too but I was going to say maybe today too but u bd'ed so either way, uve got it covered! :-)

I woke up feeling horrible this a.m (emotionally). I looked in the mirror and thought "you are an infertile woman and will most likely only conceive through IVF". Its so painful to think about! I know it all COULD change but it just sucks knowing there's a good chance it won't change. I may not be on as much for a few days, It'll really just depend on how I'm feeling. My friend who found out she was preggers just recently (the one that upset me bad), she calls this a.m and asks if me her and my other pregnant friend could go to lunch today! She clearly doesn't understand how I feel at all. I def don't want to go to lunch with TWO pregnant women the day after I find out my only tube is blocked. Ugh. Had to vent real quick. This is eating me up inside :'-(

I personally would call the friend and let them know that while I appreciate the offer for lunch, I am having a hard time emotionally and will not be able to attend. I think if they knew what you were going through they would be a bit more sympathetic.

Amy, I agree, if I had the money to pay for the IVF, id def do it!! But we don't have it right now. I wish we lived somewhere where it only costs $1000 or something or maybe we will have to move down to Massachusetts to work and get health benefits down there because they cover ivf and ALL fertility procedures 100%. Its a state law that insurance through work has to provide it but that'll be hard to do with my sons father living here..i already know that'd be a huge issue! So ivf being my only choice worries me greatly just because I feel like Itll be forever until we'd be able to afford 15grand at once :-\. Ugh hopefully everything goes better than It looked.

I didn't know u were having surgery! I must have missed that some how! How long is recovery supposed to be and is it supposed to be bad? I'm not quite sure what that surgery is..ill have to ask Dr google about it..good luck hun!

& that's awesome u and mike are going to look at rings! That's exciting! :-) I hope you guys have a good day! We all deserve it!!

Here in Colorado, ivf runs between 25 and 30k. Amy, I hope your procedure fixes your ankle. You have been in pain long enough!
OMG look at this OPK!
OMG look at this OPK!

omg i have a feeling maybe u weren't truly oung before and now u are because that is a beautiful positive opk and ive never seen one like that from u!! Omggosshh!! I have such a good feeling for u! I really and truly hope you get it this cycle! I actually just said that to dh because i went "omg yes!!" out loud lol. I'm so excited for u wishing! This is o-some! (awesome haha). I bet ull have a nice rise tomorrow :-) my opk is a little lighter then urs was yest so unless i have delayed O, ill prob O in the next 3 days. I hope its 3-5 days away because idk if i can bd tonight and want to get at least 2 sessions in before O this cycle. We'll see if its meant to be.. I cant wait for u to be testing! I think clomid will help u greatly!
Haha. I'm so happy for you wishing! Looks like that clomid gave you one strong O! :happydance:
Thank you so much Aidensmommy and Confuzion!! I'm so happy right now that I can't even stop smiling. You would think I got a BFP by my excitement lol.
Lol aw! I get excited for positive OPKs too! For me they're more exciting than a BFP because they've never let me down!
Thank you so much Aidensmommy and Confuzion!! I'm so happy right now that I can't even stop smiling. You would think I got a BFP by my excitement lol.

lol I'm very excited for u too! I keep smiling and im not very happy but seeing that put a smile on my face. I always pray for u and the other girls. We all have worked so hard and have been through so much that we all deserve it asap! I have the best feeling about this!!!
That is one awesome pee stick wishing!! Yay!! :)

Thank you ladies! And thanks Jrepp! Ugh I talked to the dr's office today :( My insurance denied the frickin procedure :( So i have an appt for Thursday at 1:30...and I asked if I can at least get an injection because my insurance approved that before...I have to wait until tomorrow to find out :( I am so mad! i have been in and out of the hospital for this, I think it is crazy that they denied it!! :( I have been trying to get through work but so close to crying :( I texted my Mom because she has the practice manager's cell # - hoping to get him to help...ugh! :( FXed now they can do SOMETHING for me thursday :( My insurance is crazy... I have cost them hundreds of thousands of dollars because of this RSD, and they won't approve something that could help I love working in insurance, but i fucking hate insurance companies! :(
I'm sorry amy :-(. I hope it all goes through ok. I feel like insurance companies should have to cover everything! It makes me so mad when stuff like that happens!!

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