Sticking Together Until We All Get BFP's!!!!

Ok guys. Im home from my iui. We had 7 million sperm put in my uterus!!! Such a high number compared to the past! We will bd later today just to add some extra!!
Ok guys. Im home from my iui. We had 7 million sperm put in my uterus!!! Such a high number compared to the past! We will bd later today just to add some extra!!

Woohoo! Come on little swimmers! \\:D/
Jrepp, you hair is awesome!! The cut suits you very well, so adorable! And the butterfly wall is so awesome as well! Made me smile looking at it! And good for you taking care of yourself and having fun :)

Yeah, I saw some stupid stuff on Facebook Yesterday as well. I work with a bunch of guys but told them all how girls posting that stuff is extremely hurtful to those who cannot conceive. Then, one of my friends who had a still born baby boy at 38 weeks posted the pic below:
Then, I was glad someone else cared.

We BD on (if FF agrees with the other site, yest was O)
O-3, O-2, O. I think we did pretty well, but I guess we could have done more!

I love that picture! I kind of want to steal it, but I think at this point it would be overkill. I have received a lot of support on my Facebook post though, which makes me feel like I'm not the only one sick of it.

I think your timing is perfect! I always feel like we could do more too, but it seems to be enough to concieve anyways.

Wishing, I was just thinking...maybe with how dark ur opk was for you, maybe u had TWO easter eggs pop out! :-D lol FX for u!

Lol, I won't lie that I thought of that for a split second! Hahaha, but will be happy if one egg popped out gets implanted :)

How are you feeling?

I'm feeling better. Still down of course but a little better. Physically I feel alot better but I still keep getting cramps in my tube and spasms which is a little weird but it doesn't hurt as bad. I didn't BD last night because I checked my cp and even that was sore to do so we are going to this am/afternoon. Dh took the rest of the week off ahead of time before the HSG..good thing he did w the results we got. It looks like I MAY be O'ing today. We will see what my opk says around 10-11a.m. FX O waits until at least tomorrow for me. Maybe, just MAYBE a fertilized egg may just slip right through my tube this cycle after the procedure (that's why she told us to still try this month) but we'll see. I def wont be let down or in shock if I dont get a bfp this cycle but at least I can feel a tiny hope for myself this month. You and ur first round if clomid (and hopefully only!) is my excitement in the ttc world this month :-) really though, since I'm not too excited for me, ive just been getting excited looking at ur chart and stuff lol. I really hope u get it! But u better still come on here and talk to us afterwards! :-D

I hope this doesn't sound insensitive, but with this hsg results and the pain it brought, does the doctor think a repeat hsg with some pain killers could completely unblock the tube? I know how you feel from having the sis, and I had 2 LOL! It will get better, but your cervix is probably going to take quite a few days. Mine didn't close up until like a week after ovulation (which was a week after the procedure)

Hey,can i join please. I'll be testing 6th xx


Ok guys. Im home from my iui. We had 7 million sperm put in my uterus!!! Such a high number compared to the past! We will bd later today just to add some extra!!

Wholly sperm-oli! That's a lot of swimmers who successfully made it to the uterus. Can I ask why you had to do an IUI? Really, I'm just a curiously nosy person.
Well dh has a a low sc. He was averaging about 3 million 33% motility. He was on clomid for about 6 months and it didn't help. So he has been off of clomid for two months and started taking a supplement called horny goat weed. We decided we will still do iuis because it only takes one, and with them put directly into my uterus it makes the trip less stressful for them. Our first iui was 3 mill with 33 % motility, so 1 mill was put in me, last month was 24 mill with 6 mill mobile and now this month was 20 mill with 7 mill mobile. So I think the horny goat weed is actually benefiting him more than the clomid!
Good luck froggy! I am out really doing stuff moving around ALOT for the first time after the procedure and my uterus area is hurting pretty bad...idk if this is normal. I am on antibiotics. I'm getting a little worried so I'm going to call the doc if it doesn't go away.
Jrepp, did u have cramps/shooting pains in ur uterus/ovary area for a couple days after yours?
Looks like I'm out already guys. BFN this morning at 13dpo and spotting has started. :( Better luck next cycle for me I guess.

Good luck to all the rest of you ladies! Hope this is your month.
Im sorry your in so much pain aidensmommy. I dont remember it hurting that bad after my hsg. Maybe you should call your dr
Im sorry your in so much pain aidensmommy. I dont remember it hurting that bad after my hsg. Maybe you should call your dr

were ur tubes blocked at all? I saw a whole bunch of women on a thread describing what I felt and most of them had blocked tubes (at least at the beginning) and then the ones with no blockage had a good experience...not mine at all! :-(. Dye did struggle at first n then started moving slow and just wouldn't make it through to my uterus so it did look like it broke through some stuff but didn't clear my tube from the looks of it but yea I'm wondering if the pain is from what was unblocked maybe...idk. This is CD 10 and it was done CD 8 so if its not better by tomorrow I'm going to call..unless it gets worse before then of course. Fxed that doesn't happen! Ugh this is all a nightmare. Ill get through it. I know I will.
Nobi didn't have blockage, but it had a hard time coming out of my left side. She had to push it through. I remember that it hurt really bad and I could hear ger say oh its not coming out of the left side ill try it again, and bam it came out. I bled that whole day with lots if tissue in my blood. But yours is probably different. And you will get through this! Its just a stepping stone! You got one more step over with.
Nobi didn't have blockage, but it had a hard time coming out of my left side. She had to push it through. I remember that it hurt really bad and I could hear ger say oh its not coming out of the left side ill try it again, and bam it came out. I bled that whole day with lots if tissue in my blood. But yours is probably different. And you will get through this! Its just a stepping stone! You got one more step over with.

yes the blockages are veryyy painful! Ugh. But I am willing to do another one if it'll help. My doc said that's one of my options if I csnt so ivf right now (which I can't) but we didn't really discuss the next steps too much. Ill have an appt in a month to talk with her about the options. I know it'll be okay sometime. I just stinks knowing I cant have it now. I guess I have to be patient...darn it! Lol :-(
my lower back is hurting a little, did you have this at all froggy? I'm someone who gets alot if kidney infections and that's kinda what it feels like at times :-\. Hoping the antibiotics are doing their job inside me!! I'm still having brown stuff come out too (guessing dried up blood) did u have this 2 days later? There's not much at all today but still there...
Good luck froggy! I am out really doing stuff moving around ALOT for the first time after the procedure and my uterus area is hurting pretty bad...idk if this is normal. I am on antibiotics. I'm getting a little worried so I'm going to call the doc if it doesn't go away.
Jrepp, did u have cramps/shooting pains in ur uterus/ovary area for a couple days after yours?

I had really really really bad cramps for about a week, to where I was taking tramadol to get through the day. I also bled for about 4-5 days too.
Good luck froggy! I am out really doing stuff moving around ALOT for the first time after the procedure and my uterus area is hurting pretty bad...idk if this is normal. I am on antibiotics. I'm getting a little worried so I'm going to call the doc if it doesn't go away.
Jrepp, did u have cramps/shooting pains in ur uterus/ovary area for a couple days after yours?

I had really really really bad cramps for about a week, to where I was taking tramadol to get through the day. I also bled for about 4-5 days too.

ok this makes me feel much better that someone I actually talk to has had the same experience. Ive seen women on other threads say they had pain but never said if it turned out to be normal or not. Thank u! I really can't believe the things we have to put our bodies through! Its all worth it for a little bundle of joy though! :-)
So I think I will be O'ing a lil late or at least not until CD12, I hope opk was still pretty light today and it usually gets darker as it gets closer and I've gotten pretty good with guestimating from the shade of it :-P so we should be able to bd on time just incase. I wasn't able to again earlier because of my cramps and sharp pains but I'm going to suck it up tonight and do it lol I make it sound like a chore. Its not like that tho, id love to do it, I'm just a little scared I guess lol...ill make it! :-)
my mother in law said the dreaded "relax, it'll happen when you stop trying so hard" words and i was like well if I had both my tubes and no blockage to my remaining one, maybe that'd work but in our case, the harder we try and the more I do, the quicker it'll happen for us and I let her know nicely how much we hate that dreaded word...i just couldn't handle hearing it anymore! Its not just her, my mom says it all the time too but neither have ever struggled to get pregnant so they don't get it. Thank god for u ladies!
I hear the same stuff, Aidensmommy... And i feel that if it was going to happen by just relaxing, it would have happened for all of us by now. Sometimes, we have to intervene with medicine or procedures. It doesn't mean that it's not meant to be, just means we have to try harder to get what's meant for us :)

It will happen, don't give up :)

I emailed this link to my mom and asked her to email it to the rest of my family. People don't really understand What words hurt. So maybe try to share this with the people you surround yourself with so they can make an effort to not say these hurtful things
Froogy thank u for that! I'm having my family and pregnant friends read that. It made me cry reading some of it. I am so damn emotional, I truly do feel like I'm grieving the loss of a loved one as that article stated. Being told u are probably infertile just made me feel like I had lost a huge part of me. I'm trying to be more positive about it but it still just eats at me at least once every 20-30mins or less. I wish this feeling would just leave my body! Thanks again for that link..I think it'll come in handy for me :-)
Your welcome. I really liked it too. I have another article about what life is like for people suffering infertility I can share if you would like
I am very pleased to say that I was able to bd tonight and it didn't even hurt lol so lets see if I fall in that huge miracle group of women who get a bfp after being told their tubes were blocked after their hsg :-) I kno we will get the bding done and the rest is left in gods hands :-). My dad always said I was a miracle baby, a true gift from god (I will tell u all the story soon..its amazing) anyways, so maybe ill get my gift from god as well :-)
As I'm laying here propped up with a pillow, my ovary area is cramping pretty guessing just pressure after bding. Oh well, it was worth it lol :-)
Awesome!!!! if you were able to handle it tonught then maybe as you get closer to o it will be even easier!

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