Sticking Together Until We All Get BFP's!!!!

Haha me too. Yes going to User CP works too but it only shows you the threads that have new stuff. If you want to see every thread and manage which ones you get notifications for and everything, that's in the Subscribed Threads section.
Wishing, r those blue strips the ones that are just like the red strip wondfos? Ive read bad things about "the blue handle ones" but idk if thats the same as what u have. Well not bad things but just that they take longer then they say they take. These may not even be the tests u have but I wouldn't let them make u give up hope yet. I'd give the wondfo another day or two before u rule the ones from yesterday and tonight out :-) FX! (this is alls I can talk about to seriously praying so hard for u!!) <3
Hey awesome! Didn't know that little stat. Well, if it happens this cycle, I'll be so happy. One of my colleagues actually told me "Hey you'll be able to get a tax deduction if your baby is born in 2014!" HAHA. I was like, wowww, I totally wasn't thinking about that. But it's funny because the EDD would be December 29. Right in between Christmas and New Years, but of course the likelihood of baby being born a few days either direction is higher.

I'm sorta in this mindset this cycle that I want to put off testing as late as possible. I've never felt like this before. I guess I don't want to feel the anxiety anymore. I never understood why people did this but right now I do. Haha, probably just because it's only the first week of the 2ww, just wait a week and see how patient I am then!!
Hey awesome! Didn't know that little stat. Well, if it happens this cycle, I'll be so happy. One of my colleagues actually told me "Hey you'll be able to get a tax deduction if your baby is born in 2014!" HAHA. I was like, wowww, I totally wasn't thinking about that. But it's funny because the EDD would be December 29. Right in between Christmas and New Years, but of course the likelihood of baby being born a few days either direction is higher.

I'm sorta in this mindset this cycle that I want to put off testing as late as possible. I've never felt like this before. I guess I don't want to feel the anxiety anymore. I never understood why people did this but right now I do. Haha, probably just because it's only the first week of the 2ww, just wait a week and see how patient I am then!!

LOL my mom said the same to us about taxes! That's funny. I too wasn't even thinking about that lol. And boy do I know what u mean about testing! I was saying I was going to wait until 12dpo and then I saw wishings early test and now I probably won't make it past 7dpo lol. I wanted to wait until 12-13dpo (Easter day) but at the same time, I may wana just test until 11dpo and then just wait to see if AF shows if no bfp before 11dpo. I get down if I get a bfn when I hit 12dpo so if I stop at 11, I can see if I could get a very early test or I can wait for AF. I have been slowly getting better with POAS the last couple months. I dont expect a bfp this cycle, I just hope I have my serrapeptase enzyme to start for next cycle! I want to do the repeat hsg in 4 months and I figure maybe after all that time on the enzyme, maybe it'll at least loosen the scar tissue up so the dye could push through it completely next time. FX! :-) this cycle im pretty much just excited about a later O and curious to see how the rest of the cycle goes with the vitex :-). I wish my tube would have just cleared and then I would have more hope then everr!! (the odds go up by 25% the 3 cycles following an HSG bcuz the "cobwebs get cleared" in alot of cases) One day it'll happen... :-)

that is veryyy weird that ur temp went down, its suppose to increase after O. Have u had ur progesterone levels tested? It sounds to me that u either haven't truly o'ed yet (an opk can detect a surge but then ovulation can delay, its quite common) or if u did actually O, u may have a hormone deficiency. Do u take ur temp at the same time every day? And do u know if ur a "mouth breather" when u sleep? That can cause lower/higher temps as well. If ur doing all correct and ur charts doesn't show higher temps after O in the next couple cycles...................................
Also, have u just come off of birth control or anything like that that would cause an annovulatory cycle?[/QUOTE]

hah I sometimes breath with my mouth.... I test every morning the same time, before i get out of bed, I don't really know how to do it, I've never charted my BBT, so I am not really even sure what to expect.... so when I ovulate I should dip down or go up? I will have to start taking that vitex.... I just got the makings of either beginning of af or implant bleeding, I'm 7dpo i believe, if my +opk was right (or if i wasn't just sending of random surges, which could very well be possible) so i'm not sure how soon i would get implant bleeding but when should i come up + on a hpt ? if it is IB? ..... oh also i haven't been on birth control for 2 years and i'm on average 45 day cycle....

FX for NO AF!!!!! stay away :witch: !!!!!!
:cry: so I know some of you know how I have some issues with cutting myself, and suicide attempts...tonight has been a bad night :( mike got home from his meeting around 10:30... I had cleaned and done laundry for him...his job is sooo stressful, I try to take little chores off of his plate when possible.

We had sex tonight, and he was just not into it, totally forced..I got another flashy smiley tonight :( anyway, I could tell he was upset..after we finished he got up and asked if I got a solid smiley... When I said no, he got so upset that he punched the window and then his closet. I have been in really horrible physically abusive relationships before, and have PTSD from a particular event when I was 14..then likely from when I was 19 and my bf strangled me constantly..and next bf would get mad and break things and punched me once.

Mike hurt his hand pretty badly. I immediately dissociated and was ready to leave to hurt myself (such a bad habit)

He said he felt like a failure that i wasn't pregnant yet, and he is so overstimulated with work and everything. We decided if I'm not pregnant this month to go to the dr. I told him I was going to go home, he begged me to stay..I cried for a good hour. He held me and apologized. I decided I was going to have a drink and smoke and take my anxiety meds. Then I ended up bringing him his set of knives, which he was really proud that I did. He got a box cutter out of the garage too so I wouldn't be tempted.

I told him it would be a lot easier if we A lived together and B I had a key..he agreed about the key. I asked him if he really wanted this...all of it..if he was still attracted to me..wants a baby and to marry me, etc. He said of course and he was sorry. He has a ton on his plate at work, then was expecting 6k back from irs but ended up owing 2k. I told him I want to help him more with everything. I am sitting outside now crying and having a drink. I feel so pathetic that I have to give him knives to keep from cutting myself (which I have to get stitches every time I cut now, so he was proud that I at least didn't let them tempt me...but still)

I feel awful I haven't had a positive test yet, usually i do by now.i just feel so worthless. I'm glad he wanted me to stay..even though I know part of it is because he thinks I will hurt myself.

What is wrong with me?


Injection is tomorrow morning. At least I have the day off of work. I want him to be able to vent to me without wanting to hurt myself. I feel so pathetic.
:cry: so I know some of you know how I have some issues with cutting myself, and suicide attempts...tonight has been a bad night :( mike got home from his meeting around 10:30... I had cleaned and done laundry for him...his job is sooo stressful, I try to take little chores off of his plate when possible.

We had sex tonight, and he was just not into it, totally forced..I got another flashy smiley tonight :( anyway, I could tell he was upset..after we finished he got up and asked if I got a solid smiley... When I said no, he got so upset that he punched the window and then his closet. I have been in really horrible physically abusive relationships before, and have PTSD from a particular event when I was 14..then likely from when I was 19 and my bf strangled me constantly..and next bf would get mad and break things and punched me once.

Mike hurt his hand pretty badly. I immediately dissociated and was ready to leave to hurt myself (such a bad habit)

He said he felt like a failure that i wasn't pregnant yet, and he is so overstimulated with work and everything. We decided if I'm not pregnant this month to go to the dr. I told him I was going to go home, he begged me to stay..I cried for a good hour. He held me and apologized. I decided I was going to have a drink and smoke and take my anxiety meds. Then I ended up bringing him his set of knives, which he was really proud that I did. He got a box cutter out of the garage too so I wouldn't be tempted.

I told him it would be a lot easier if we A lived together and B I had a key..he agreed about the key. I asked him if he really wanted this...all of it..if he was still attracted to me..wants a baby and to marry me, etc. He said of course and he was sorry. He has a ton on his plate at work, then was expecting 6k back from irs but ended up owing 2k. I told him I want to help him more with everything. I am sitting outside now crying and having a drink. I feel so pathetic that I have to give him knives to keep from cutting myself (which I have to get stitches every time I cut now, so he was proud that I at least didn't let them tempt me...but still)

I feel awful I haven't had a positive test yet, usually i do by now.i just feel so worthless. I'm glad he wanted me to stay..even though I know part of it is because he thinks I will hurt myself.

What is wrong with me?


Injection is tomorrow morning. At least I have the day off of work. I want him to be able to vent to me without wanting to hurt myself. I feel so pathetic.

I am so sorry Amy. I am very glad you did not hurt yourself! Please keep your chin up and try to see the positive things in life <3 I think it is hard not being under the same roof all the time, but I am glad he is going to give you a key. I hope your injection goes well!!

It may take more time to get a BFP, but you will get it! I am glad you are going to see a doc if no BFP, I doesn't hurt to get checked out.

Hang in there girl, you are beautiful and have a long life ahead of you. No one else is worth hurting yourself in any way. You are so much better than that.

I too was in an abusive relationship before DH. I was beat, thrown down stairs, locked in a room for days on end with no food...just ridiculous. Thankfully, I stood up for myself and got the hell away from him but it did take me about a year to do so. After all this time, I'm still jaded from all of that. I never feel good enough even though DH is so great to me. I just try to take each day at a time and I am so much better now than I was 4 years ago or even a year ago for that matter :)
Lol, Aidensmommy! You are all about the March thread :) I appreciate you rooting for me!! I have seen a few convincing wondfo Evaps online the past few days so I'm just awaiting a temp drop at this point then AF. :) oh and my temp did go back up today, Ms. psychic!!! :)
Thank you girlie <3 <3 praying to see so e pretty pink lines here soon for you!! Everything crossed!!!!

that is veryyy weird that ur temp went down, its suppose to increase after O. Have u had ur progesterone levels tested? It sounds to me that u either haven't truly o'ed yet (an opk can detect a surge but then ovulation can delay, its quite common) or if u did actually O, u may have a hormone deficiency. Do u take ur temp at the same time every day? And do u know if ur a "mouth breather" when u sleep? That can cause lower/higher temps as well. If ur doing all correct and ur charts doesn't show higher temps after O in the next couple cycles...................................
Also, have u just come off of birth control or anything like that that would cause an annovulatory cycle?[/QUOTE]

hah I sometimes breath with my mouth.... I test every morning the same time, before i get out of bed, I don't really know how to do it, I've never charted my BBT, so I am not really even sure what to expect.... so when I ovulate I should dip down or go up? I will have to start taking that vitex.... I just got the makings of either beginning of af or implant bleeding, I'm 7dpo i believe, if my +opk was right (or if i wasn't just sending of random surges, which could very well be possible) so i'm not sure how soon i would get implant bleeding but when should i come up + on a hpt ? if it is IB? ..... oh also i haven't been on birth control for 2 years and i'm on average 45 day cycle....

FX for NO AF!!!!! stay away :witch: !!!!!!

your temp goes up after O. Like jrepp had mentioned, def get a bbt thermometer, it really makes a difference. Either way ur temps all went down instead of up after O so I really don't know if u oed, it sounds like it was an ALMOST ovulatory cycle but ended up ovulatory. :-\. And I think that's a great idea to try the vitex! :-) also if u are unsure or what a bbt thermometer is or where to get them, just go to either ur local pharmacy or if u have a WalMart and they have $7-$10 ones and it comes with good instructions in the box. I just got my crosshairs today making me 3dpo so if u want to click into my fertility friend chart in my signature it'll show what I mean about it rising higher than all other temps 1-3 days after O. I have I think 5 or 6 charts in there u can look at :-) good luck! Oh also, while charting temps, bd BEFORE u see the temp rise because once u get a good sustained temp rise, u wont be fertile anymore so def keep using the opks while u try and get ur body to O! Coming off birth control can DEF be the reason u aren't truly O'ing yet. Some women have no issues at all and others have tons of all thing ttc, it depends on the person :-\. I have seen alot of bbt charts that show it was their first cycle off BC and some of them took vitex to help them O naturally quicker and it actually worked for them. I'm sure ur body will be back into business in no time! :-) good luck and FX for u!
Do you see the 2nd line making the cross ladies?


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:cry: so I know some of you know how I have some issues with cutting myself, and suicide attempts...tonight has been a bad night :( mike got home from his meeting around 10:30... I had cleaned and done laundry for him...his job is sooo stressful, I try to take little chores off of his plate when possible.

We had sex tonight, and he was just not into it, totally forced..I got another flashy smiley tonight :( anyway, I could tell he was upset..after we finished he got up and asked if I got a solid smiley... When I said no, he got so upset that he punched the window and then his closet. I have been in really horrible physically abusive relationships before, and have PTSD from a particular event when I was 14..then likely from when I was 19 and my bf strangled me constantly..and next bf would get mad and break things and punched me once.

Mike hurt his hand pretty badly. I immediately dissociated and was ready to leave to hurt myself (such a bad habit)

He said he felt like a failure that i wasn't pregnant yet, and he is so overstimulated with work and everything. We decided if I'm not pregnant this month to go to the dr. I told him I was going to go home, he begged me to stay..I cried for a good hour. He held me and apologized. I decided I was going to have a drink and smoke and take my anxiety meds. Then I ended up bringing him his set of knives, which he was really proud that I did. He got a box cutter out of the garage too so I wouldn't be tempted.

I told him it would be a lot easier if we A lived together and B I had a key..he agreed about the key. I asked him if he really wanted this...all of it..if he was still attracted to me..wants a baby and to marry me, etc. He said of course and he was sorry. He has a ton on his plate at work, then was expecting 6k back from irs but ended up owing 2k. I told him I want to help him more with everything. I am sitting outside now crying and having a drink. I feel so pathetic that I have to give him knives to keep from cutting myself (which I have to get stitches every time I cut now, so he was proud that I at least didn't let them tempt me...but still)

I feel awful I haven't had a positive test yet, usually i do by now.i just feel so worthless. I'm glad he wanted me to stay..even though I know part of it is because he thinks I will hurt myself.

What is wrong with me?


Injection is tomorrow morning. At least I have the day off of work. I want him to be able to vent to me without wanting to hurt myself. I feel so pathetic.

I am sooo sorry amy. Seriously. Again I can relate. I used to be a cutter when I was 16-18 that stemes from an abusive relationship as well :-(. It took a while for my mom and my bff to catch onto what I was doing cuz I hid it good and ended up needing an evaluation and a bunch or counsiling. I never actually wanted to kill myself, I guess I did it as a stress "reliever" most of the time (there were a few really bad days). Anyways, it's just a hard thing to go through. And ur not pathetic for having to give him the knives...u made a very good decision by doing that and I'm proud of u for it. I remember my mom took EVERYTHING from my hidden spots in the bathroom back then because I wasn't strong enough to just hand it over to her at that time. U are strong and made a good choice by protecting yourself from getting hurt ahead of time. And I know how stressful it can get when ur not getting pregnant and dh starts getting activated and then the "forceful sex" comes into play. Sometimes I feel like its a chore for dh and it does hurt inside to think about. Ugh. I just hope u feel a little better this a.m! And hey, now u have a key! :-) lol that's one good thing that's coming out of that whole argument and you got reassurance that you ARE still what he wants :-). Good luck hun and I hope u just get ur bfp so u dont have to stress anymore...i wish we all would! Our lives would be way less stressful! :sigh: soon enough I suppose...
Do you see the 2nd line making the cross ladies?

I do but is this test wet or dry? Ive had bad evaps on these exact tests (even after only 10mins!) and I got them on 3 of the tests and I was so excited thinking I got my bfp cycle #2 of trying but all the other brands (pink dye brands) and the bloods came back as BFN :-(. I'm not saying this is the case for u but its something to be cautious about so ur heart doesn't get broken like mine did. I hope that's a true bfp for u! Also, can u get ur hands on a frer? If that test is showing a positive, frer would almost def show up as well since they're very sensitive and then ull know for sure that blue dye didn't just run on ur test or anything like that. GL & baby dust!
I got my c/hs today!! :-) so a CD 15 O and I'm 3dpo today :-) hope my temp goes and stays super duper high! :-)
Do you see the 2nd line making the cross ladies?

I do but is this test wet or dry? Ive had bad evaps on these exact tests (even after only 10mins!) and I got them on 3 of the tests and I was so excited thinking I got my bfp cycle #2 of trying but all the other brands (pink dye brands) and the bloods came back as BFN :-(. I'm not saying this is the case for u but its something to be cautious about so ur heart doesn't get broken like mine did. I hope that's a true bfp for u! Also, can u get ur hands on a frer? If that test is showing a positive, frer would almost def show up as well since they're very sensitive and then ull know for sure that blue dye didn't just run on ur test or anything like that. GL & baby dust!

I can't get one until this evening as little man has the pox so we are in quarantine. These are the same tests I got my positive on with Dylan and it came up straight away. Oh I don't know now lol :wacko:

I'll speak to Rob when he's home and go and get a FRER or a digital and see. I got a line on an opk done the same time as the test too if that means anything.
Wishing, ur bbt this a.m was EXACTLY what I pictured ur chart to do! And I'm pretty sure ur chart is considered triphasic now...not positive tho. Either way its lookin good! :-) FX! Cant wait for a pic of a wondfo today!!! U should pull out a frer tomorrow :-) lol. 9-10dpo are very common days to get a bfp on frer:-) I see alot of frer bfp even before 9dpo but I know u want to wait before going to a frer. Eek! I'm getting more n more excited!
Do you see the 2nd line making the cross ladies?

I do but is this test wet or dry? Ive had bad evaps on these exact tests (even after only 10mins!) and I got them on 3 of the tests and I was so excited thinking I got my bfp cycle #2 of trying but all the other brands (pink dye brands) and the bloods came back as BFN :-(. I'm not saying this is the case for u but its something to be cautious about so ur heart doesn't get broken like mine did. I hope that's a true bfp for u! Also, can u get ur hands on a frer? If that test is showing a positive, frer would almost def show up as well since they're very sensitive and then ull know for sure that blue dye didn't just run on ur test or anything like that. GL & baby dust!

I can't get one until this evening as little man has the pox so we are in quarantine. These are the same tests I got my positive on with Dylan and it came up straight away. Oh I don't know now lol :wacko:

I'll speak to Rob when he's home and go and get a FRER or a digital and see. I got a line on an opk done the same time as the test too if that means anything.

how many dpo are u? It could very well be the start to ur bfp! I just wanted to share my sad story with those tests cuz I see women on here get their hearts broken by blue dye tests too much :-(. I hate that! Lol anyways, for me, ill still use those tests but I dont let myself FULLY believe it until I see something darker. Ur line is a decent shade so FX for u! Hopefully ull have a nice dark bfp tomorrow a.m! :-) also, did that line show up right away on this test or with ur last pregnancy? Plz dont let me get ur hopes down, this was simply just a "warning" msg but I'm sure that's not the case for u. if the line came up right away and everything then I think ur most likely in order for a congrats! Congrats!! :-)
Wondfo and other test were completely negative. But it feel relieved as there is not doubting any longer. I feel like I can relax now and will call the doc Monday and ask him for round 2 of clomid. :)

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