so I know some of you know how I have some issues with cutting myself, and suicide attempts...tonight has been a bad night

mike got home from his meeting around 10:30... I had cleaned and done laundry for him...his job is sooo stressful, I try to take little chores off of his plate when possible.
We had sex tonight, and he was just not into it, totally forced..I got another flashy smiley tonight

anyway, I could tell he was upset..after we finished he got up and asked if I got a solid smiley... When I said no, he got so upset that he punched the window and then his closet. I have been in really horrible physically abusive relationships before, and have PTSD from a particular event when I was 14..then likely from when I was 19 and my bf strangled me constantly..and next bf would get mad and break things and punched me once.
Mike hurt his hand pretty badly. I immediately dissociated and was ready to leave to hurt myself (such a bad habit)
He said he felt like a failure that i wasn't pregnant yet, and he is so overstimulated with work and everything. We decided if I'm not pregnant this month to go to the dr. I told him I was going to go home, he begged me to stay..I cried for a good hour. He held me and apologized. I decided I was going to have a drink and smoke and take my anxiety meds. Then I ended up bringing him his set of knives, which he was really proud that I did. He got a box cutter out of the garage too so I wouldn't be tempted.
I told him it would be a lot easier if we A lived together and B I had a key..he agreed about the key. I asked him if he really wanted this...all of it..if he was still attracted to me..wants a baby and to marry me, etc. He said of course and he was sorry. He has a ton on his plate at work, then was expecting 6k back from irs but ended up owing 2k. I told him I want to help him more with everything. I am sitting outside now crying and having a drink. I feel so pathetic that I have to give him knives to keep from cutting myself (which I have to get stitches every time I cut now, so he was proud that I at least didn't let them tempt me...but still)
I feel awful I haven't had a positive test yet, usually i do by now.i just feel so worthless. I'm glad he wanted me to stay..even though I know part of it is because he thinks I will hurt myself.
What is wrong with me?

Injection is tomorrow morning. At least I have the day off of work. I want him to be able to vent to me without wanting to hurt myself. I feel so pathetic.