Of course you can join. We are a pretty happy and easy going group of women. Sorry to hear about your loss. Are you actively trying or just kind of going with the flow?
Actively trying but not tempting or charting, it makes me stress out so I am just baby dancing every other day and figure that would cover the bases hahaha
well this should work!

good luck and FX! What CD are you on and how long are ur usual cycles?
I am on CD 5 and just ended today so.....my cycles are normally 28 days
ok. I'm CD19 and 4dpo. I was just curious as to if u were close to testing or closer to O'ing

. How many cycles have u been trying? (sry if u already answered this question, this thread usually moves pretty fast!)
No I haven't answered it yet

But this makes my second cycle trying. So hopefully it works this time around.
hopefully!! I dont wish for anyone to have to do this month after month after month, u kno? So I hope u get it quickly! Just don't get discouraged if it takes a little longer then u hope (FX it doesn't!) but IF it does just always remember it can take even the healthiest couples in the world 6-12 months so don't give up! And we all will be here for u until ur BFP comes!

I have a feeling u will be a lucky one though! FX!
Aww thank you so much babe
I really needed to hear that. My last two pregnancies with DH I got pregnant first time off of bc...both ended in miscarriages though. I am not going to temp or chart because I find that it stresses me out more and being a military spouse, student, worker, furparent lol I def dont need added stress. So I will dtd every other day and just hope for the best