Still no AF! Who's with me?!

=/ I recently stopped taking the pill. I had a withdrawl bleed at the beginning of Dec., then a 32 day cycle after that. I'm now on cd 39. I think I might have ovulated late because for the past few days I've had sore nipples. That happened around the time I was ovulating in December. It's confusing....
CD111 here. There are no words to describe this. :nope:

I forgot I hadn't updated here; My gyn had to reschedule me. I would've been getting ready for my appointment right now, but instead it's next Monday. By then I will be on CD117!

Good cause was wondering about you. Thats such a long cycle. :( I have an appt with a new dr. april 12th I doubt I have pcos but im thinking the depo is my issue. I used it for 3yrs. Been off of it for 2yrs come june... But what else would.cause no periods. Ya know.

Thanks for wondering. :hugs: I might have to agree that the depo is still the cause. I KNOW that's what's causing my lack of AF. I was also on it for 3 years, but I've only been off for a year as of May.

Otherwise; I've been having loads of CM. Enough to make me run to the bathroom because I'm paranoid it's (finally) AF, but it's not. Also, been having some pains in my lower abdomen, but mainly in the middle, not off to one side so I'm not thinking (finally) ovulation pains. Any ideas?

It might be your body working. I would have pains too and then a day or so later I would start af. I can feel it coming 2days in advance. But cramps can be anything. :( I have em random days and its frustrating.
My gyn just freaking cancelled on me AGAIN! I'm furious. If they can't reschedule me for next week at a time where I don't have to rearrange my work schedule, AGAIN, I'm finding a new one!
My gyn just freaking cancelled on me AGAIN! I'm furious. If they can't reschedule me for next week at a time where I don't have to rearrange my work schedule, AGAIN, I'm finding a new one!

Wow how frustrating, I've had my regular GP cancel before but never my GYN. I think it's time for a new doctor.
Apparently she's been on Jury Duty. The only things they had available was next Thursday between 10 and 2.. I'm not rearranging my work schedule AGAIN so they can cancel on me AGAIN.

I now have an appointment with a new gyn Monday at 11. No need to rearrange my schedule! :happydance:

I think I'm calling it a night early though. I feel like I got hit by a bus and I have a fever of 100.5 :sick:
Aw good to hear about the doctor!
Bad to hear about you being sick. I just got over an upper respiratory infection. When I was finally able to leave work and go to the med center I was almost passing out and my temp was 103! I was asleep for 48 hrs after that.
Got on some antibiotics and all better now, good luck!
Oh man, that is terrible! Glad you're doing better! I will definitely rest up and get better too!
So I am on CD49 am 19 days late, have had 2 BFN and also a negative blood test, have no idea what is going on with my body. GP said to wait two weeks from last blood test and if no AF to come back for another test, it's been a week since then and still nothing. I hate this waiting its so frustrating, one more week and I will go get more blood test. Have read through this post and is good to know that I am not the only one with this issue. Really want either AF or BFP either would be fine with me it's the limbo state that is killing me. I mean if it's not BFP then want AF so I can ttc again, very frustrating...

Not getting AF can be very frustrating! This happened to me once. The blood tests and the HPT's are very accurate. If you don't have any HCG in your system, you aren't preggo. However, if you haven't ovulated yet, you could always do OPK's and possibly catch the egg and then be preggo?

The Dr. can give you medication to help start AF again. Usually they want you to go 3 months without it first. I went on Prometrium and it worked like a charm to bring on AF and I haven't had a problem since. All the best to you!

Not getting AF can be very frustrating! This happened to me once. The blood tests and the HPT's are very accurate. If you don't have any HCG in your system, you aren't preggo. However, if you haven't ovulated yet, you could always do OPK's and possibly catch the egg and then be preggo?

The Dr. can give you medication to help start AF again. Usually they want you to go 3 months without it first. I went on Prometrium and it worked like a charm to bring on AF and I haven't had a problem since. All the best to you!

Thanks, I know that I did ovulate, I use the Maybe Baby Ovulation tester kit and it tells you when you are ovulation and it definitely indicated that I was ovulating and had all the other signs, so I know that I did ovulate, I have had a few early symptoms the last two weeks I have had large blue veins appearing on my breast, also I have noticed today that my nipples have darkened in colour. I have had continual CM for the last few weeks, when I had my blood test the doc said that there was a very low percentage of HGC in my bloodstream but to low to be pregnant, I just don't know if maybe it was to early to have the test. Don't want to get my hopes up though...

Do you know what DPO you are? The sensitive HPT's can pick up a faint line at 11 DPO, sometimes even 10 DPO if implantation occurred sooner. And that is great that you ovulated!! :)

Not getting AF can be very frustrating! This happened to me once. The blood tests and the HPT's are very accurate. If you don't have any HCG in your system, you aren't preggo. However, if you haven't ovulated yet, you could always do OPK's and possibly catch the egg and then be preggo?

The Dr. can give you medication to help start AF again. Usually they want you to go 3 months without it first. I went on Prometrium and it worked like a charm to bring on AF and I haven't had a problem since. All the best to you!

Omg woman.congrats! When did you find out your preggers! Huge happy hugs for you. Take care of that little seed.
Well LADIES I have very very exciting news!! Im on CD 94 I believe and yesterday was my husbands 25th birthday and af hadnt shown for feb. And I was talking with a friend and she asks well when will u start? I said if my calculations are right my body is off for 3months the. Reg 30day cycles for 3months then off again. I had horrible lower pains on my left side. So I didnt think anything of it. I have a digital ovulation tests 7 to begin with and I had 2 left Im so used to negatives I decided to test right before getting in the shower. Well it blinks for eternity I kinda brushed it off as if well I dont ovulate. I took one last peek and there sits a :) face. I grabbed it hubby was out side starting the grill ran down the hall butt naked screaming for him he comes running inside and I said I have an egg waiting he gave me a huge hug and kiss because I showered at 7 and we BD @4:30 went out to the bar for his birthday and BD again @2. Hadnt anydays before this hadnt for 8 days because he was gone which is frustrating. Im praying we caught this. He goes how can u ovulate when u hadnt had a period in 3months. Tell you the truth I dont know. March 10th my next af was due anyways so hoping for a BFP!
Oh forgot to mention took my last ovulation test this morning @10 and it was negative. Soooo :( yea hoping we caught it in time.
I am freaking out! My DH told me to just start taking the Agnus Castus, so I did today... but now I am freaking out, what if I AM pregnant? Do you think 1 capsule would harm a baby? I'm not going to take anymore until I speak to a doctor.
Omg woman.congrats! When did you find out your preggers! Huge happy hugs for you. Take care of that little seed.

Thank you MrsHamstra!! I found out on Saturday. I tested Friday and nothing. Tested on Saturday and the lines were faint. I did an OPK and it was positive (which will be when preggo) so I pretty much resolved that I was yesterday. Today I took a digital and it said yes. I am excited and praying for a sticky bean!

And congrats to you on your positive OPK!! :) I am praying for your BFP!! :) Mine was the same way. I had a positive at 11 PM and then it was negative by 2 PM the next day but it worked! :) Keep us updated!

Do you know what DPO you are? The sensitive HPT's can pick up a faint line at 11 DPO, sometimes even 10 DPO if implantation occurred sooner. And that is great that you ovulated!! :)

Sorry I'm new to the forums what does DPO mean? Well I have 4 days till my next blood test so I will try to wait it out. I am really hoping that the changes I am experiencing are related to pregnancy and not just hormone imbalance.

Also Congratulations on your BFP, very exciting :happydance:
DPO is days past ovulation. Some women get a positive pregancy test at 9dpo others have to wait till 12-14dpo

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