Still no AF! Who's with me?!

Welp, CD116 and I may finally get some answers. :flower:

Off to the gyn I go! I'll update after my appointment.

BTW: Congrats Leikela! Fxed for a sticky bean! :happydance:
Hope it goes well Minnie!

I called the Dr's office again, even though I can't see my regular doctor I can see another one in the same office. The receptionist said she'll have all my files and notes so she should be able to treat me just as well without having to answer 6,000 questions! Soo... I got in today at 5! I am going to ask about Provera and Clomid.
Sorry I'm new to the forums what does DPO mean? Well I have 4 days till my next blood test so I will try to wait it out. I am really hoping that the changes I am experiencing are related to pregnancy and not just hormone imbalance.

Also Congratulations on your BFP, very exciting :happydance:

Thanks Mesh! DPO=days past ovulation I got my BFP on 11 DPO. It is amazing how quickly it comes on. 10 DPO nothing! Let us know when you test! Fingers crossed for your BFP! :)

Welp, CD116 and I may finally get some answers. :flower:

Off to the gyn I go! I'll update after my appointment.

BTW: Congrats Leikela! Fxed for a sticky bean! :happydance:

Thanks Minni! :)

And I hope your appointment went well today. Let us know! :)
Welp, CD116 and I may finally get some answers. :flower:

Off to the gyn I go! I'll update after my appointment.

BTW: Congrats Leikela! Fxed for a sticky bean! :happydance:

Hope its a good result, keep us posted, fingers crossed for you
Sorry I'm new to the forums what does DPO mean? Well I have 4 days till my next blood test so I will try to wait it out. I am really hoping that the changes I am experiencing are related to pregnancy and not just hormone imbalance.

Also Congratulations on your BFP, very exciting :happydance:

Thanks Mesh! DPO=days past ovulation I got my BFP on 11 DPO. It is amazing how quickly it comes on. 10 DPO nothing! Let us know when you test! Fingers crossed for your BFP! :)

Thanks for the info Leikela, it's Tuesday night atm in Australia so I am going to the Doc Friday after work, will get results on Saturday so hopefully all will be revealed in 4 days, will keep you all posted. Is really great to have people I can chat to about this, really glad I found the forums... Thanks for all your help ladies :)
I am new to this forum. Hello All!

I am so glad I found this site and this topic. I have Insomnia right now after sleeping practically the whole day. I usually work at night so my sleep schedule is all over the place. I am babbling...

So I am on CD 45, I had this app my phone called period tracker, it is has been really pretty darn helpful in the past but lately, things have been all over the place. I am 10 to 14 days late as of today. My :witch: is a mysterious one. comes when she pleases! Last month she came on CD 28 (which NEVER happens).

This month is feeling different for me. I am really starting to believe that I am preggers despite the fact that I tested DPO15 and of course :bfn: Something is just off about me and I cannot put a finger on it. I am noticing the unusual symptoms, not the common ones. I usually can feel when the :witch: is going to come but she no where to be found. I dont want to test because I don't want my heartbroken. I rather just have my AF come and surprise me. My boyfriend is fine with it of course but I dont want to get him all over excited and freaked out again, I really do not know what I should do.

Here is my experience with DEPO. I took it when I was 16 until I was 18. When i stopped taking it. My period didn't come for at least 8 or 9 months when it came it lasted for 2 months straight. After that was all over with my AF decided to literally come back a week and a half later. It was horrible. I have been TTC ever since on and off.

I just want this to be my month. :dohh:
Woke up to some brownish blood, have been getting AF lower back pain and cramps... thought I'd get full flow but haven't had anything but a spot since. I hope she comes today!!!
Well LADIES I have very very exciting news!! Im on CD 94 I believe and yesterday was my husbands 25th birthday and af hadnt shown for feb. And I was talking with a friend and she asks well when will u start? I said if my calculations are right my body is off for 3months the. Reg 30day cycles for 3months then off again. I had horrible lower pains on my left side. So I didnt think anything of it. I have a digital ovulation tests 7 to begin with and I had 2 left Im so used to negatives I decided to test right before getting in the shower. Well it blinks for eternity I kinda brushed it off as if well I dont ovulate. I took one last peek and there sits a :) face. I grabbed it hubby was out side starting the grill ran down the hall butt naked screaming for him he comes running inside and I said I have an egg waiting he gave me a huge hug and kiss because I showered at 7 and we BD @4:30 went out to the bar for his birthday and BD again @2. Hadnt anydays before this hadnt for 8 days because he was gone which is frustrating. Im praying we caught this. He goes how can u ovulate when u hadnt had a period in 3months. Tell you the truth I dont know. March 10th my next af was due anyways so hoping for a BFP!

Yay sending :dust: :dust:
Well LADIES I have very very exciting news!! Im on CD 94 I believe and yesterday was my husbands 25th birthday and af hadnt shown for feb. And I was talking with a friend and she asks well when will u start? I said if my calculations are right my body is off for 3months the. Reg 30day cycles for 3months then off again. I had horrible lower pains on my left side. So I didnt think anything of it. I have a digital ovulation tests 7 to begin with and I had 2 left Im so used to negatives I decided to test right before getting in the shower. Well it blinks for eternity I kinda brushed it off as if well I dont ovulate. I took one last peek and there sits a :) face. I grabbed it hubby was out side starting the grill ran down the hall butt naked screaming for him he comes running inside and I said I have an egg waiting he gave me a huge hug and kiss because I showered at 7 and we BD @4:30 went out to the bar for his birthday and BD again @2. Hadnt anydays before this hadnt for 8 days because he was gone which is frustrating. Im praying we caught this. He goes how can u ovulate when u hadnt had a period in 3months. Tell you the truth I dont know. March 10th my next af was due anyways so hoping for a BFP!

Yay sending :dust: :dust:

Thank you. And I didnt even realize I can test @ 14dpo which ks feb25th not march 10th. Completely forgot about (dpo) considering I havent ovulated in 3 months either. Yay for feb 25th. Thats my brother inlaws birthday, and then my other brother in laws bday on march 10th. Brothers born 2 weeks apart exactly thats funny.
Well LADIES I have very very exciting news!! Im on CD 94 I believe and yesterday was my husbands 25th birthday and af hadnt shown for feb. And I was talking with a friend and she asks well when will u start? I said if my calculations are right my body is off for 3months the. Reg 30day cycles for 3months then off again. I had horrible lower pains on my left side. So I didnt think anything of it. I have a digital ovulation tests 7 to begin with and I had 2 left Im so used to negatives I decided to test right before getting in the shower. Well it blinks for eternity I kinda brushed it off as if well I dont ovulate. I took one last peek and there sits a :) face. I grabbed it hubby was out side starting the grill ran down the hall butt naked screaming for him he comes running inside and I said I have an egg waiting he gave me a huge hug and kiss because I showered at 7 and we BD @4:30 went out to the bar for his birthday and BD again @2. Hadnt anydays before this hadnt for 8 days because he was gone which is frustrating. Im praying we caught this. He goes how can u ovulate when u hadnt had a period in 3months. Tell you the truth I dont know. March 10th my next af was due anyways so hoping for a BFP!

Yay sending :dust: :dust:

Thank you. And I didnt even realize I can test @ 14dpo which ks feb25th not march 10th. Completely forgot about (dpo) considering I havent ovulated in 3 months either. Yay for feb 25th. Thats my brother inlaws birthday, and then my other brother in laws bday on march 10th. Brothers born 2 weeks apart exactly thats funny.

lol That is pretty cool actually. Keep us updated. I got a :bfn: I am going to go see a Dr. to see if there isn't anything else going on with my cycles.
Thanks for the info Leikela, it's Tuesday night atm in Australia so I am going to the Doc Friday after work, will get results on Saturday so hopefully all will be revealed in 4 days, will keep you all posted. Is really great to have people I can chat to about this, really glad I found the forums... Thanks for all your help ladies :)

You're welcome! Definitely keep us posted! Fingers crossed for a BFP! :) And this forum does rock! Everyone has been so helpful to me too.

I am new to this forum. Hello All!

I am so glad I found this site and this topic. I have Insomnia right now after sleeping practically the whole day. I usually work at night so my sleep schedule is all over the place. I am babbling...

So I am on CD 45, I had this app my phone called period tracker, it is has been really pretty darn helpful in the past but lately, things have been all over the place. I am 10 to 14 days late as of today. My :witch: is a mysterious one. comes when she pleases! Last month she came on CD 28 (which NEVER happens).

This month is feeling different for me. I am really starting to believe that I am preggers despite the fact that I tested DPO15 and of course :bfn: Something is just off about me and I cannot put a finger on it. I am noticing the unusual symptoms, not the common ones. I usually can feel when the :witch: is going to come but she no where to be found. I dont want to test because I don't want my heartbroken. I rather just have my AF come and surprise me. My boyfriend is fine with it of course but I dont want to get him all over excited and freaked out again, I really do not know what I should do.

Here is my experience with DEPO. I took it when I was 16 until I was 18. When i stopped taking it. My period didn't come for at least 8 or 9 months when it came it lasted for 2 months straight. After that was all over with my AF decided to literally come back a week and a half later. It was horrible. I have been TTC ever since on and off.

I just want this to be my month. :dohh:

Usually a HPT is very reliable. Most likely, AF is just hiding and will appear soon. Have you tried using OPK's? They are pretty reliable if you ovulate frequently. Definitely see your Dr. I hope your cycles straighten themselves out.

Thank you. And I didnt even realize I can test @ 14dpo which ks feb25th not march 10th. Completely forgot about (dpo) considering I havent ovulated in 3 months either. Yay for feb 25th. Thats my brother inlaws birthday, and then my other brother in laws bday on march 10th. Brothers born 2 weeks apart exactly thats funny.

Feb 25th it is!! Fingers crossed for the BFP!! Let us know! :) :dust:
Well, no AF. Just spotted small amounts yesterday. Dark brown blood, so it's not new AF. Nothing all night and today.

Hubby is getting impatient, he wants me to be pregnant already. Doctor doesn't take me seriously since I am healthy, "only 22 and have plenty of time" (mind you DH is 30!) the right weight, ovaries, etc look good, no PCOS. Said to come back in APRIL... yes APRIL if I don't get my period yet. She would not refer me to the obgyn like she previously said she would. I am waiting until March 1 - that's the latest. I am so sick of this.
Well, no AF. Just spotted small amounts yesterday. Dark brown blood, so it's not new AF. Nothing all night and today.

Hubby is getting impatient, he wants me to be pregnant already. Doctor doesn't take me seriously since I am healthy, "only 22 and have plenty of time" (mind you DH is 30!) the right weight, ovaries, etc look good, no PCOS. Said to come back in APRIL... yes APRIL if I don't get my period yet. She would not refer me to the obgyn like she previously said she would. I am waiting until March 1 - that's the latest. I am so sick of this.

I just went through that. My Dr. put me on clomid but never monitored me and then when I miscarried omg I litterally had to scream at them to test me in 2 weeks. They kept saying oh its just a bad period. Really? It wasnt that it was awful. Sure enough It was a miscarriage. Ill be 22 this may. And he treated me the same way "oh shes young nothings wrong" bull I havent had a reg cycle since before depo 3 years ago. Im getting tested for pcos april 12th if I dont have that im afraid of what else is keeping my body from having AF every month. Best advice switch dr.s I have a female Dr. now just because women may be more understanding. I called the secretary when looking for a new Dr. and said listen it has been almost 18months of us trying really hard from clomid to preseed to yoga and a new diet to fertilaid. And still nothing somethings wrong and I want answers damn it! Paid fucking 300 for NOTHING! sorry girls it feels so good to vent. And yep that was all out of pocket. My next visit wont be I now have bluecrossBS. Good luck.
MrsHamstra - Sounds promising! I can't wait for you to test on the 25th!

MESH - Good luck when you see your doctor! Keep us posted!

No REAL answers yet, but we're getting there! She did say it's not normal for me to have gotten AF back for one cycle and then have it disappear again. :dohh: So she is running some blood work. She's testing for everything, and she did mention PCOS is a possibility. I'm REALLY hopeful that PCOS isn't the case. :nope:

She has started me on Prometrium, which is basically progesterone. Once I've finished taking it, I should start a cycle! Woohoo! :happydance:

I'm so excited at the thought of having a cycle again!! Most people hate AF, but right now I'm thinking "BRING IT ON!" :haha:
She has started me on Prometrium, which is basically progesterone. Once I've finished taking it, I should start a cycle! Woohoo! :happydance:

I'm so excited at the thought of having a cycle again!! Most people hate AF, but right now I'm thinking "BRING IT ON!" :haha:

I was put on Prometrium once. It worked like a charm!! The side effects for me were crazy mood swings. I would get so angry at my husband. LOL He was literally scared I would stab him in the middle of the night. LOL But it worked and my periods have been great ever since and that was 6 years ago.
@Leikela I have tried them before but I had no success, It was weird I got the one with the Smiley Face but never got a smiley face :wacko:, I figured I didn't do it right (eventhough it isn't rocket science) so I stopped using the OPK. I Hope the :witch: will stop making magic and come on already!!![-o<

@TTCBean My OB/GYN was like that too, I have always had abnormal pap smears when I was younger and they told me, "Oh, you are young and it will clear itself up as you get older." REALLY? come on. sometimes I wish I would of kept pushing for answers because now I am starting to think that maybe there is a link to what is happening with my irregularity.

I am starting to notice more frequent pulling sensations in my lower abdomen, I doesn't hurt but it is a wierd feeling that I have never felt. If I am laying down in a certain way I can feel it too. I told my DB "my ovaries hurt" haha. I got a :bfn: yesterday, so it cannot be stretching. Has anyone else felt this with no AF? CD46
@Leikela I have tried them before but I had no success, It was weird I got the one with the Smiley Face but never got a smiley face :wacko:, I figured I didn't do it right (eventhough it isn't rocket science) so I stopped using the OPK. I Hope the :witch: will stop making magic and come on already!!![-o<

I never used the Smiley Face ones because it doesn't tell you much. With the internet cheapies (Wondfo's), you can at least see that you have LH in your system and you can see when it starts to get darker so that you know you are getting close to a surge. They are dirt cheap and worth a try. :)

($13.85) 50 OPK's and 20 HPT's:

Or ($10.80) 40 OPK's and 10 HPT's:
@Leikela I have tried them before but I had no success, It was weird I got the one with the Smiley Face but never got a smiley face :wacko:, I figured I didn't do it right (eventhough it isn't rocket science) so I stopped using the OPK. I Hope the :witch: will stop making magic and come on already!!![-o<

I never used the Smiley Face ones because it doesn't tell you much. With the internet cheapies (Wondfo's), you can at least see that you have LH in your system and you can see when it starts to get darker so that you know you are getting close to a surge. They are dirt cheap and worth a try. :)

($13.85) 50 OPK's and 20 HPT's:

Or ($10.80) 40 OPK's and 10 HPT's:

Thanks that is pretty cheap! I am going to start using them after I make a appointment to make sure I am all good
Minni no AF no new egg! Its so difficult to become.pregnant without the witch... Love her and hate her all at the same time.

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