Still no AF! Who's with me?!

Ladies... the witch officially decided to visit, and this time with a vengeance. Holy macaroni is this ever painful! BUT I am glad, as we can soon start another cycle of baby makin'!

I started temping yesterday so I hope I can see if I actually ovulate. My dr seems to think I haven't been.

GOOD LUCK to all you girls!!!! FX!!!!
She has started me on Prometrium, which is basically progesterone. Once I've finished taking it, I should start a cycle! Woohoo! :happydance:

I'm so excited at the thought of having a cycle again!! Most people hate AF, but right now I'm thinking "BRING IT ON!" :haha:

I was put on Prometrium once. It worked like a charm!! The side effects for me were crazy mood swings. I would get so angry at my husband. LOL He was literally scared I would stab him in the middle of the night. LOL But it worked and my periods have been great ever since and that was 6 years ago.

Oh, man. For DH's sake I hope it doesn't have that effect on my mood! DH deals enough with my anxiety driven mood swings! Hahahaha. But, I am very happy to hear it works like a charm!! :happydance:

Minni no AF no new egg! Its so difficult to become.pregnant without the witch... Love her and hate her all at the same time.

Precisely! It's a very strong love/hate relationship we women have with AF! :haha:
Ladies... the witch officially decided to visit, and this time with a vengeance. Holy macaroni is this ever painful! BUT I am glad, as we can soon start another cycle of baby makin'!

I started temping yesterday so I hope I can see if I actually ovulate. My dr seems to think I haven't been.

GOOD LUCK to all you girls!!!! FX!!!!

Glad to hear AF arrived!! It's funny how we dread it but when going without it how much we want it! LOL Here's to a shorter cycle for you! :)
Ladies... the witch officially decided to visit, and this time with a vengeance. Holy macaroni is this ever painful! BUT I am glad, as we can soon start another cycle of baby makin'!

I started temping yesterday so I hope I can see if I actually ovulate. My dr seems to think I haven't been.

GOOD LUCK to all you girls!!!! FX!!!!

I Am really glad you got your AF! rejoice :happydance:

Been trying not to obsess over mine not being here! Today was a better day because I am trying to just forget about AF and focus on other things.
Day 2 of 10 on Prometrium. :thumbup:

I kinda wish this would go a little faster!
Leikela- I'm feeling alright on it. It does make me quite dizzy about an hour after taking it, but luckily I head to bed right around then so I don't feel it too much. Doc told me to take it at bedtime so I take it around 8 and DH and I go to bed around 9. [Well, on work nights] Other than that the only side effect I'm noticing is that my face is breaking out with acne! I've NEVER had an acne issue, but since starting Prometrium, my face is covered. :blush: Well, technically it's mainly my mouth area and my chin. But still annoying!
How are you feeling? Do you have an appointment with docs/mw yet?

Angelface - Thanks. I'm trying not to think about it, but I'm just SOO excited to see if it works and if my body gets back into the swing of things! :flower:
I can totally understand the excitement. :)

So NO :af: , CD 49 for me. :wacko: I have been having these cramps I have never experienced before in my lower abdomen, like where my ovaries are. It throbs on and off. If I am sitting a certain way I have to move in order for it to stop. :nope: It almost feels like I have air trapped or something. My AF cramps are completely different then what I am experiencing.

My mom keeps bringing up pregnancy!! I told her "stop, I am not pregnant." Lol but today my DB and I were texting and he said randomly "I think you are pregnant, you have like all the symptoms" I got two BFN with FRER so I can't be. I have decided to go Monday to the clinic and get a test if AF doesn't show up by then. I am completely positive I am not pregnant, I don't even feel pregnant at this point.

Is there a possiblity of being pregnant with it not showing on a HPT? My mom is certain that it is possible. Has anyone ever heard of this?
A woman I work with told me that with her second pregnancy, she didn't find out until she was 4 months. And that was because of all negative HPTs! She went to a dentist appointment and they wouldn't do x-rays because she had the gums of a pregnant woman. :haha:
Wow four months! I Wonder how common that is? I am also curious to know what "gums of a pregnant woman" look like? I have never heard of that one before. :haha:
Leikela- I'm feeling alright on it. It does make me quite dizzy about an hour after taking it, but luckily I head to bed right around then so I don't feel it too much. Doc told me to take it at bedtime so I take it around 8 and DH and I go to bed around 9. [Well, on work nights] Other than that the only side effect I'm noticing is that my face is breaking out with acne! I've NEVER had an acne issue, but since starting Prometrium, my face is covered. :blush: Well, technically it's mainly my mouth area and my chin. But still annoying!
How are you feeling? Do you have an appointment with docs/mw yet?

Minni, I am glad you are doing ok on the Prometrium! At least you aren't wielding sharp objects at your hubby! LOL :) I don't recall if I experienced acne with it. It is the influx of all those hormones I bet!

I am feeling ok. A bit fatigued, sore breasts and mild cramping right now. My first appointment is on the 24th. I am excited! :)
You know what... I was just thinking, could be a coincidence or not but I took an Agnus Castus capsule last weekend, felt odd about it because I wasn't sure if I was pregnant or not so didn't take another until Monday evening. I took my next dose with breakfast on Tuesday, and that evening I started to spot... and then I had a full period that just ended yesterday.

I read so many good things about AC it seems like it possibly could have been factor. I mean, I didn't have my period for 62 days... I wonder if I didn't take that AC if my period still would have come.

So maybe it could help some of you ladies?
My mother inlaw didnt get a pos pregnancy test with my husband. But she knew she was she felt pregnant. Finally because AF hadnt shown in over 3 weeks (late) she went to the dr. got blood work done and that was NEG too! So the dr was going to give her prometrium to jump start her cycle. And she said DR I am pregnant and im not taking that. She said the dr treated her like she was crazy. But she threw a fit in the dr.s office and they agreed to do an ultrasound to set her mind at ease. Ha ha sure enough there was a baby! She probably felt little things too. I think she was almost 8 weeks in. good luck. I keep a careful eye on my symptoms just because before I miscarried I kept getting negatives too. And I think my husbands offspring could cause me not to get a pos HPT. She had 3 others and it never happened again.
Mrs Hamstra,

The chances of your mother in law's predicament is very, very rare. You hear of it happening to people but I don't think I have seen anyone on here have it happen to them. 8 weeks without any HCG in your system? I don't even know how that is possible. LOL :) But obviously it is, but rare.
My mother inlaw didnt get a pos pregnancy test with my husband. But she knew she was she felt pregnant. Finally because AF hadnt shown in over 3 weeks (late) she went to the dr. got blood work done and that was NEG too! So the dr was going to give her prometrium to jump start her cycle. And she said DR I am pregnant and im not taking that. She said the dr treated her like she was crazy. But she threw a fit in the dr.s office and they agreed to do an ultrasound to set her mind at ease. Ha ha sure enough there was a baby! She probably felt little things too. I think she was almost 8 weeks in. good luck. I keep a careful eye on my symptoms just because before I miscarried I kept getting negatives too. And I think my husbands offspring could cause me not to get a pos HPT. She had 3 others and it never happened again.

This is a great story! :D

I know a girl I use to work with who didn't know she was pregnant until six months. She had gotten in a car accident and was in and out of the hospital. She took urine tests and they were negative so they but her on all these harsh medications (steriods was one of them) she was finally going to get some surgery done on her arm. When the doctor said she might have a tumor in her stomach because it was very hard in one spot. She wasn't showing either! So they were going to give a x-ray! YIKES for the baby, but the baby decided to move and thank god he did because thats when they did an ultrasound and there was a healthy baby boy. They even told her because of all the medication she was on, the baby might have problems or possibly die, but he didn't!! he is happy and healthy and extremely smart.

When she told me the story I was shocked. That is a MIRACLE. God works in mysterious ways! This is extremely rare.

That is an incredible story as well!! WOW!! I was actually on steroids for a very bad back injury and got my BFP while on them. Since I only had 4 days left, the Dr. said to continue to take them as they were most likely not harmful. So I am reassured! That is such a miracle that her baby is a happy and healthy boy. :)
Oh wow, I learned something new, maybe steroids isnt that harmful afterall, I guess four days isn't that bad either! I am glad that made you feel better about the steriods. Stories like these make me smile because it gives me a ounce of hope, I am about 3 weeks late myself. I was going to get the angus castus to jump start my AF but I decided to go to the doctor first. I am hoping I have a awesome story to tell too! I doubt it but it would totally be worth the wait for my overdue AF. This week would have been ovulation week. Boo!! that I am still stuck in my last cycle!

All the best to you!! I am hoping that Dr. gives you good news!! :) Good idea to hold off on the cactus stuff for now until you're totally sure. You never know! :)

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