Still waiting to O after chemical 2 weeks ago..anyone else? :0(

I want the medication, i really dont want a D&C at all.. she said there may be some tissue left the bleeding has lightened up a bit i am not soaking through a pad over night or anything. i couldn't get an ultrasound until Monday . which i think is silly, because can't you get really sick if you still have tissue? and wouldn't it be weird to begin to bleed actually 10 weeks after the fact not 8? id think id feel really sick and have a foul odor and i dont have either of those things. i only bled for 2 1/2 weeks after labor, it was heavy but then it went away on March 14 and I got AF on April 19th, now i have AF again, atleast i am hoping thats what it is
It took me 3 1/2 weeks to pass everything for an early loss. It was not the norm but what my body did. I had no pain or infection either.
Did they test the hcg out? If it went down to zero then I wouldn't think it was from leftover tissue. If you didn't test it out, I would guess you had leftover tissue, hence why you didn't ovulate yet. This bleed could be your body expelling the last of the tissue on its own. If the bleeding is dying down and goes away, that would be my guess. What you describe is exactly how my last bleed went for my first loss. (it just happened in a shorter time frame) i did test out my hcg and it didn't go back down to non pregnant level till that last bleed was over
My HCG is at a non pregnant level.. my hormones are all normal and when i got my blood test last month at cd6 my LH was at a normal follicular level. I mean, i never have worn pads in my life, always tampons. They were always saturated too, maybe I have always had a heavy flow but never really noticed because i never felt it coming out. Also i couldn't get an ultrasound till next Monday, i think if my doctor was mostly sure that it was retained placenta she would have sent me to the ER. She said if the ultrasound is normal and I dont O this month she would start me on clomid if i wanted. I don't know how i feel about that. Maybe I should give it a few more months. I don't know much about clomid
I wouldn't think it was any retained product then. Maybe just a heavy flow. Especially since its let up now. Your AF can be heavier for a few months after a loss. My SIL took Clomid. I don't know much about it either, but I will take it if my dr thinks it might help me get and sustain a pregnancy. After a year of ttc I'm ready to try just about anything
Your dr must not be too concerned. Normally they get you in right away if suspected retained products because it is a dangerous situation and can lead to hemmorage. It would be odd for you to only have symptoms this late after loss. I'm sure she's just ordered the scan to make sure it all looks ok
I hope because having a D&C will be a big blow, i have an incompetent cervix and there is a chance the D&C will weaken it even more. That is a no no for me. It will put off TTC, this month is my only chance of getting a BFP before my due date. It is crazy to think I would have had my Sophia in 7 weeks..:cry: I have got to stop dwelling on that but I cant,every week I am just thinking about how far along I'd be now. I started thinking about it today, that i am going to be terrified with my next pregnancy. I can not, not, not, lose another baby.
Aww i am sorry you have been trying for a year? When is your appointment with the fertility specialist? Keep me posted, I hope he can help you guys get your sticky bean!
I hope because having a D&C will be a big blow, i have an incompetent cervix and there is a chance the D&C will weaken it even more. That is a no no for me. It will put off TTC, this month is my only chance of getting a BFP before my due date. It is crazy to think I would have had my Sophia in 7 weeks..:cry: I have got to stop dwelling on that but I cant,every week I am just thinking about how far along I'd be now. I started thinking about it today, that i am going to be terrified with my next pregnancy. I can not, not, not, lose another baby.

I've learned not to put too much emphasis on deadlines. My first due date came and went with no bfp. Try not to put so much focus on that date. It will only drive you mad and make the healing process harder. And when that due date comes, take the day to grieve and be sad, then pick yourself up and keep going. It's gonna be tough, but just try to remember that it will get better.
Aww i am sorry you have been trying for a year? When is your appointment with the fertility specialist? Keep me posted, I hope he can help you guys get your sticky bean!

Yep, a very long year. My appt is tomorrow afternoon. I think I may even get started with some bloodwork. So happy to be on my way to answers.
I hope because having a D&C will be a big blow, i have an incompetent cervix and there is a chance the D&C will weaken it even more. That is a no no for me. It will put off TTC, this month is my only chance of getting a BFP before my due date. It is crazy to think I would have had my Sophia in 7 weeks..:cry: I have got to stop dwelling on that but I cant,every week I am just thinking about how far along I'd be now. I started thinking about it today, that i am going to be terrified with my next pregnancy. I can not, not, not, lose another baby.

I've learned not to put too much emphasis on deadlines. My first due date came and went with no bfp. Try not to put so much focus on that date. It will only drive you mad and make the healing process harder. And when that due date comes, take the day to grieve and be sad, then pick yourself up and keep going. It's gonna be tough, but just try to remember that it will get better.

That is good advice. I almost feel like things will get harder after the due date because I will know I am supposed to have my baby with me. I am hoping that once my cycle gets to normal (maybe it is doing so now) that i will get a BFP within a few months. My last pregnancy wasn't planned. I am also thinking of switching doctors. I do like my OB but when i was still pregnant I called the office and told them I had pressure, was not feeling my baby move and was passing globs of cervical mucus. They said all was well and 2 days later I lost my baby. I try not to point the blame on them but i think i would feel more comfortable with a different ob. I will be seeing a High risk Dr of course but they will be working with who ever my OB is. I really like my doctor but i think i would feel better with a different one. Then i also feel like my Doctor knows my whole situation. Not sure about that one yet. Fiancee wants me to go to a whole new doctor.
I hope because having a D&C will be a big blow, i have an incompetent cervix and there is a chance the D&C will weaken it even more. That is a no no for me. It will put off TTC, this month is my only chance of getting a BFP before my due date. It is crazy to think I would have had my Sophia in 7 weeks..:cry: I have got to stop dwelling on that but I cant,every week I am just thinking about how far along I'd be now. I started thinking about it today, that i am going to be terrified with my next pregnancy. I can not, not, not, lose another baby.

I've learned not to put too much emphasis on deadlines. My first due date came and went with no bfp. Try not to put so much focus on that date. It will only drive you mad and make the healing process harder. And when that due date comes, take the day to grieve and be sad, then pick yourself up and keep going. It's gonna be tough, but just try to remember that it will get better.

That is good advice. I almost feel like things will get harder after the due date because I will know I am supposed to have my baby with me. I am hoping that once my cycle gets to normal (maybe it is doing so now) that i will get a BFP within a few months. My last pregnancy wasn't planned. I am also thinking of switching doctors. I do like my OB but when i was still pregnant I called the office and told them I had pressure, was not feeling my baby move and was passing globs of cervical mucus. They said all was well and 2 days later I lost my baby. I try not to point the blame on them but i think i would feel more comfortable with a different ob. I will be seeing a High risk Dr of course but they will be working with who ever my OB is. I really like my doctor but i think i would feel better with a different one. Then i also feel like my Doctor knows my whole situation. Not sure about that one yet. Fiancee wants me to go to a whole new doctor.

I agree with your fiancée. If you are not comfortable with your OB, see a different one. I dont know if they should have told you to come in or not, but my OB had me come in when I called about having frequent Braxton hicks contractions around 30 weeks. It was happening every minute for an hour. They said better to safe and check it out. I know it's not the same situation as your symptoms, but I would hope if i called with concerns like yours they would have at least let me come in and be checked
Yes, I think they also know they should have done that. My fiancee wants to go to a lawyer. I feel weird about it like i am trying to make money off of my baby's death. Is that your son in the picture?
Yes, I think they also know they should have done that. My fiancee wants to go to a lawyer. I feel weird about it like i am trying to make money off of my baby's death. Is that your son in the picture?

I'm sure they know they should have now. I guess you could ask a lawyer if they think you have a case.
Yes that's my son. He's gonna be 2 next month. Conceived easily and pregnancy went well except for they found a birth defect at 20 week scan. He has a right club foot but was corrected at 2 months old. Now he wears the Ponseti brace for 12 hours a day till he's 4 or 5 years old. No big deal really. It was before he was born but not now. When the dr told me-same dr I'm seeing tomorrow- he told me there was something wrong with my baby, then said he had to go check something and left me in the room by myself for 5 minutes. Inwas freaking out wondering what was wrong with my baby. I guess he was checking on whether it was in both feet or just one, but he should have known that before he came in to talk to me. After the birth I switched OB 's cause I was and still am so upset that he did that to me. But, he is the best FS in the area, so I just have to suck it up. He is a very good dr, but a horrible people person
I'm sure they know they should have now. I guess you could ask a lawyer if they think you have a case.
Yes that's my son. He's gonna be 2 next month. Conceived easily and pregnancy went well except for they found a birth defect at 20 week scan. He has a right club foot but was corrected at 2 months old. Now he wears the Ponseti brace for 12 hours a day till he's 4 or 5 years old. No big deal really. It was before he was born but not now. When the dr told me-same dr I'm seeing tomorrow- he told me there was something wrong with my baby, then said he had to go check something and left me in the room by myself for 5 minutes. Inwas freaking out wondering what was wrong with my baby. I guess he was checking on whether it was in both feet or just one, but he should have known that before he came in to talk to me. After the birth I switched OB 's cause I was and still am so upset that he did that to me. But, he is the best FS in the area, so I just have to suck it up. He is a very good dr, but a horrible people person

He is adorable :hugs: I am glad that he is okay. UMM that is crazy that the doctor did that. You can't tell a pregnant women something is wrong with the baby then leave the room with no further explanation! He should not have said anything till he checked whatever he was checking. Glad it was nothing life threatening. Were you really upset when your son got surgery so young? I would be a mess .
I know! He was always like that do I shouldn't have been surprised. Scared the crap out of me many times during my pregnancy. I know now to take what he says with a grain of salt. DS did not ever need major surgury. His foot was slowly stretched through a series of 5 castings. Before the last cast was put on, they made a needle sized incision and cut the heel
Cord to lengthen it. Took 10 minutes! After 6 weeks he was fully corrected and into the shoes/bar. It just maintains correction at this point. The theory is that when they get a bit older their bones harden and stop the foot from relapsing. He has a 6% chance of relapse after age 4-5 so it will just be a waiting game.
I hope all is well with him. Is he able to walk if you don't mind me asking?
Yes he walks and runs perfectly. His right foot and calf are permanently smaller than the other, but not extremely noticeable. A shoe size difference of 1/2-1 size smaller and the calf is about 1/2-1 inch smaller. It shouldn't affect much later in life. That calf and foot will always be weaker than the other but not by much. Some athletes have been born with club foot and it didn't stop them from doing what they love.
We did have the best dr for him. We travel to a different state for his treatment. We go about every 8 months now. Dr just looks at his foot and sends us home again
:hugs::hugs: i am glad to here it. How old was he when he began walking? Did it delay it at all?
He was about 14 months. He rolled over at 5 months crawled at 9 months. He was on the later side but still within normal range. But he also had to learn to do it all in a brace too. The brace/shoes weigh a pound. That's a lot when you are small. He wore the brace 23 hours a day from about 2-5 1/2 months, then for about 20 hours a day for a couple months, and slowly less and less till 12 hours a day at a year old. He first learned to roll over and crawl in the brace before out of it!
Google Ponseti method or Ponseti brace and you will see what I'm talking about.
wow he sounds like a tough little guy !! What is his name?

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