Hey ladies so sorry I haven't updated much.. I have about an hour before we have to get up for our morning session and figured I'd update you all.
Nipples are tender this morning, I've been having a bunch of reflux, I feel like I smell everything, I had a small bought of diarrhea (i'm assuming from something I ate as I've been dealing with constipation for six months from anxiety) and I'm feeling very bloated. All probably from traveling I'm sure.
Last night we got a call from my husband uncle saying my father in law hasn't eaten in two days so he's taking him to the ER.. Well he got admitted and he's back in CHF. They are keeping him to iron out his meds and get some of the fluid out of his lungs... It's so hard to deal with things 9 hours away. We head back home today, but since we went be back until 1 am, we will go see him tomorrow. I told my husband I'm going to be stern with his dad, because if he's been smoking again which we are almost completely sure he is, he's bringing this upon himself and he's really hurting my husband. My husband grew up with just his dad as his parents got divorced when he was nine and during my husband sophomore year in college, his dad was diagnosed with kidney cancer and had one kidney removed, so my husband decided to stick around in PA and only look for jobs there after college. It truly burns me inside that his dad is doing this to himself and here we are trying for children... I truly hope that he is willing to stop this time because if not, I don't know what else to do to show him we need him around.