You ladies crack me up! I'm getting such a kick out of this over here. And I might just have to try this later...
Mkyerby, sorry your bd'ing has been pretty non-existent here lately. I hope you guys can get back into a good groove with it! I've found that sometimes when it dies off a little, it's kind of hard to get back into the swing of things. Hoping that happens soon for you!
MrsH, I'm so sorry that you didn't get the house.
I know it's hard to look at it like this, but try to see it as that just means there's a better house for you and your needs, that you'll find SOON!
MsElizabth, sorry that you're having trouble trying to sell TWO homes! Man, I can totally guess how frustrating that must seems stressful enough to sell one, much less TWO! Good luck!
Patience, you're still well above your cover line, so don't give up yet! I still have everything crossed for you, I really hope AF stays away!
Well this morning my temp SKYROCKETED. Like, went WAY up. Higher than it's ever been with temping, even after a night of heavy drinking (it was 98.54, compared to 97.72 yesterday). So I got really hopeful this morning and tested, but still bfn. And I'm now 14dpo. I'm just pretty confused over here. And that high temp is giving me a lot of hope! I can't decide if I'm going to test again later today or just wait until tomorrow morning. I'm scared that I'm getting my hopes up for nothing!