
again. I'm so sorry that you won't be able to fly out to see her before she passes. But like Twinkie said, she'll hear you say your final goodbyes when you go after it's happened. And I'm sure she understands why you can't be there now. I'm so sorry you're going through this!

I do understand how it is, my grandma keeps getting worse and worse...yesterday the decision was made to put on her palliative care. So we'll no longer be trying to treat her and rather will be just trying to keep her comfortable until the time comes. We're honestly hoping it will be very soon so she won't have to be released back to that terrible nursing home...and so she can finally be out of pain. So I understand right where you are, with the waiting on edge for any news and just wanting them to be pain-free again, while also feeling so heartbroken inside. Vent away hon, we're here for you!!!
Patience, how are you doing over there from your concussion? I hope you're feeling ok! Your temps are still looking really good, do they normally stay up this long and just plummet right before AF? I still have my FX for you!!!

As for why FF changed your crosshairs to dotted, I have no idea? That's really weird?
MrsK, welcome! Happy to have you here with us! I hope your AF can start soon for you, so you can get on to your next cycle of trying! It's such an exciting, yet frustrating time! Don't hesitate to ask us whatever questions you need to and we'll do our best to answer them...and don't hesitate to vent either when needed.
MrsH, good luck on the house offer! Have you heard anything back yet? How exciting! I have everything crossed for you that you get it!
Charmed, so sorry about your job and the stress that it's causing you.

If you don't mind me asking, what do you do exactly that requires you being on a bike all day? That's impressive, and I can understand how it would be causing both physical pain and a lot of stress!

I really hope you can figure out something else soon, so you don't have to keep putting yourself through this!
Afm, I had what I thought was the start of AF yesterday, but just turned out to be heavy spotting (which stopped by later that afternoon). I was really confused as to why AF was starting yesterday when my temp was still well above my cover line (temp was 97.70 and cover line is I think 97.47), and now I at least feel better about that, since it turned out not to be AF after all! I still think it's just pre-AF spotting, as that always happens to me and then stops at least a few days before she arrives. But I'm now happy about 2 things: 1. My temps weren't all wacky with AF starting after all and 2. This will be at the very least lengthening my lp some. I was going to test this morning based on what my temps did (just in case, although I REALLY think this is pre-AF spotting) but my temp was pretty much the same as yesterday (97.72). So I don't think AF will be arriving today since it hasn't dropped near the cover line yet, but again, yay for longer LP! I'll see what they do tomorrow in deciding if I should test or not then. I know it's silly since I'm sure I won't be getting my bfp this cycle, but I still have some hope and still have everything crossed that I do!