MrsH, no offense taken.

Kansas City is a great city to live in and has become increasingly better over the last few years. But I can see how it would be a boring place to visit. Especially compared to Colorado...we certainly don't have the beautiful mountains and nature that you have!
Twinkie, I was most recently on the generic for Portia bc for about 3 years, coming off it in June 2014. I've been on one form of bcp or another though for 15 years, with a 1 year break in there about 9 years ago. Thanks!
MrsH, I'm really sorry about the chemical. I don't know how I would feel about that either. I'm sure that's got to be really weird realizing it so long after the fact, especially when you weren't trying back then.

! I hope you had a safe flight and are able to find comfort with being with your family right now. I'm sorry that you're going to be away from DH during your O but I totally understand; I wouldn't have missed it for anything in the world either. I'm also sorry that DH wasn't able to go with you to the funeral, as I'm sure his support would have helped you get through this.

I know he's supporting you, but I'm sorry he couldn't be there to physically do so. I agree that it's really strange that we're both dealing with it at the same time! I hope you're hanging in there too. PM me if you'd like to talk.
Danna, I have really only read about the spotting and strong O on here so I don't really know for sure, but that's what everyone says! I hope for your sake that they're right and that you catch it!
Cdex and MsE, sorry that your getting pos opk's but no indications that you've actually O'd yet! I hope it happens for you soon, and that you catch it as well!