Aw, patience, I demand kitty photos! I eventually fell back to sleep last night & I dreamt that you got a bfp!

What's that about?! How is the diet going? Getting cats to lose weight cms be so tough! I remember the vet telling me & my bro that our cat needed to lose weight a while ago & told us to exercise him more! He's the laziest cat

He was never massive anyway! FX for you today! Are you testing?
Sounds like you had a fun break, lavender!

Aw, I'd love a big cat! I've always liked the concept of tea but can't get past the bitter taste. Maybe I'm making it wrong?
Afm.. well, tested again this am & bfn. I did wonder if there was a faint line, but I think it was probably just the indent for the dye. I took some gaviscon last night & my heartburn hasn't gone away yet. It's so weird & sudden! Well, 11dpo & my only symptoms so far seem to be heartburn, sore nipples, lots of creamy cm & a bit of cramping/backache. The test I took was SMU at around 5am

I never know when is best to take them! I've ran out of tests now so I'll have to wait until AF is due to take any more! Normally my temps would be dipping by now, but my sleep has been so broken that I'm using the earlier temps, which are all super high! And that's before I've adjusted them!