Stopping BCP to TTC***Updates & Progress/Noted Changes Since Stopping BCP***24BFPs***

How many dpo are you, Charlie? I know the digis can take a while to show up as bfp as they're not as sensitive as some other tests. Maybe try a frer or similar? FX for you hun!

My temp has dropped below the coverline & I'm still spotting on & off. I'm expecting AF to start properly tomorrow. I'm not too upset, or at least, I'm trying to see the bright side of it! Getting my bfp on a later cycle means I get maternity pay.. That's probably the only positive! Anyway, I've got a list of jobs to do today so that should keep me busy! I'm also looking at new crafting projects on hobbycraft (a big crafting store in the UK).

How are you feeling today patience?
Thanks Charlie! I think I actually hurt myself with BD today, ack! Sadly this isn't the first time with my chronic pain issues, but muscle spasms really don't make for fun times TTC, ahahaha. :blush: I suppose it's worth it in the end if it means a BFP later.

I second the FRER for you, Charlie! Your symptoms could be something good, so FX over here for you. :thumbup:

I'm glad you're looking on the bright side Charmed. Maternity pay is definitely a big plus. What kinds of crafts do you like? I've been a huge sucker for origami-type lucky stars the past few months - I've filled so many jars and bottles with the things. It's soooo addictive!

Still sending good thoughts for you Patience. Hang in there girl. :hugs:
Charlie, fx'd for you!!!

Patience, I hope you're doing OK and charmed im really glad you're looking at the upside of it.

Lavender I can't imagine that hurting yourself during bd could make things fun :-/
Looks like I have a nurse visit this afternoon to do a hcg beta. Nervous and excited. They probably won't check for doubling but at least I'll know how my numbers look at 18dpo.
Well definitely a little crampy today and more spotting. I think AF has actually arrived. Blarg.
Patience, I see that you have on your chart that AF arrived yesterday, and that it's been light both days. But your temp still looks well above what your coverline was. Are you SURE this is a light AF, and that it's not just heavy spotting? Are you still getting any lines are your tests? Sorry if that's giving you hope, or overstepping my bounds by asking that. I just want this so badly for you! Big, huge :hug: headed your way, lady! I really, really hope for some fantastic news for you soon! I'm really sorry that you're feeling so down about it, I can only imagine how frustrating and sad this must be for you. :( Did you have any luck at the midwife today??

Charmed, did you start the new job today?? Or is that tomorrow? If today, I hope you're loving it so far! If tomorrow, well then good luck for tomorrow! :) I'm sorry that your temp dropped again today. :( But that's such a good way of looking at it, I love your positivity! :)

Danna, good luck with the new form of temping! I know they say you get more accurate results like that, I just don't think I could bring myself to do that! Good for you! :)

Lavender, yay for positive opk! I really hope you catch that eggie! Oh no, so sorry for dtd injuries! That doesn't sound fun at all! (And on a side note, a friend of mine made some delicious homemade ice cream a few months ago with pieces of lavender and chocolate in it, and every time I see your name it makes me crave that ice cream! :dohh:

Charlie, so sorry that AF has arrived. :( I'm excited for you to have your next month of Clomid though, where you're actually in the same state as DH around O time! :thumbup:

Cdex, good luck with your blood draw today! I hope your numbers come back looking great! :)

You guys have inspired me to try to have a cute way to tell DH when our time arrives too. We both love Subarus (and we both drive one), so I found a onesie that says "Subaby" with the outline of a WRX above it (that's one of our Subarus). So...I just bought it online! I think he'll be excited for it, once the time comes. :)
Turtle I LOVE that! DH and I are into four wheeling, so ours has to be Jeep related lol. BTW I totally feel you on the friends getting pregnant. I've had that happening and it makes my heart drop every time I hear it. We're for you though!

Patience, how was the appointment? Are you sure it's not IB? I want you to get a BFP so bad.

AFM we had a crazy busy weekend packing and buying stuff for the house. Our closing date is Thursday, so if I go MIA for a few days that's why. AF has not showed up for me but I am cramping a bit and had a dip in my BBT. I expect it soon.

Last night we went to DH's brothers' and his parents kept asking me over and over when to expect their next grandchild. I mean they sort of know we're trying but after this month that is not what I wanted to be asked. Then the brothers' girlfriend was talking about her coworker and how "crazy" she was temping and charting and it seemed to consume her. Couldn't get out of there fast enough.
Thanks Lavender :) I hope you're ok after your rough BDing earlier! You poor thing :( The things we do TTC, eh? I'm mostly into card crafts, like card making, scrapbooking etc, but I've just seen felting, which looks really interesting! Origami is amazing, I used to have a massive book of Origama as a teenager! Do you have any photos? I'm determined to make xmas presents this year (I did a few years back & they all went down really well!)

Cdex - that's really exciting! How did it go?

Really sorry Charlie, I'm hoping it's not the case :( FX still for you

Aw, Turtle, thank you for remembering! That's so sweet :) I start tomorrow & I'm a bit nervous, there's so much to learn! AF officially got me today, so maybe next cycle! I love the idea of how you're going to tell your DH!! That is TOO cute! I am sure he will love it :D

Patience, I really hope you're ok *hugs*

MrsH, Ah, I hate family pressure! My Mum keeps referring to our baby already & it's not even been conceived yet. So awkward, esp considering we had probs TTC last time. Ugh. My bro made a comment not too long ago about people who go OTT TTC, doing temps etc.. He said "what happened to just getting pregnant by accident??" Aw, man, I wanted to throttle him! He knows about our troubles too. I think he realised he said something stupid & soon shut up, but still! Argh. His baby girl was an accident, his GF was on the pill, they were using condoms & still managed to get pregnant! It was so hard when they announced it.. I would love to get pregnant by accident! I hope you're ok. I really hope AF doesn't get you!

AFM... Nothing new really, officially CD1 again. Bleugh. I'm going to try harder to lose weight this month, I've been slacking a bit lately & I don't like that :( Spent the day with my bro & his little girl, she is adorable. We had lots of giggles and some cuddles.. she's only around 1yr old. She met some of my pets & wasn't too impressed with them. Hoping for a decent AF this cycle, given my temps! Although only a 12 day LP.. It keeps changing?! Here we go again..! xx
Thanks ladies! Definitely CD1 today AF is full force. Evil biznatch tricked me yesterday. Sigh. Oh well.
Turtle I'm excited to be in the same state as the DH for O too!!! Lol!!!
I'm kinda laughing over the BD thing. My neck and shoulder do not feel good today but watch as i get a BFP and of all times that's what did it, haha. My OPK today showed up even darker, so we might be just in time to catch the egg. Hope so cause there definitely won't be any BD tonight! :p

Scrapbooking is so cool, Charmed! I had a friend who was into it and she'd make really pretty things. I'll have to get pictures as soon as my internet comes back up! I'm posting on my phone now. :p

Turtle that ice cream sounds delicious! I loooove the scent of lavender so much. Tastes a little odd for me in teas, so I'm curious to try it in other foods. I swear I heard about lavender cookies so as soon as I find a recipe I'm going for it!
I so wish I was crafty. but I'm not. I have an awesome imagination and everyone thinks I'm artsy but I can't execute the ideas I have. It's awful.

So I just used the restroom and I think I have a UTI. I've been drinking water all day so there's no reason my wee should burn but it did. It's probably from me not going after DTD because I want to keep those swimmers in. And of course, like everything, it's a symptom of pregnancy. If it turns out to be one, I'll make the doc do the test. I'm sick of POAS.
Patience I'm hoping you're ok over there. 💜💕💚💜💞

You ladies and you're cute ideas to tell your SO when you get a BFP! I used to think of ideas I wanted to do for him but its been so long of us trying I have given up on that lol. But still have ideas as to tell our family.

I'm not very crafty either but I try things here and there. I have lots of half finished projects. Lol
MrsH there must be something in the water cause I have one now too. It just popped up out of nowhere this evening! Hanging out at the ER since it got really bad quick. I can't wait until this awful burn is gone! What a nutty day!
MrsH there must be something in the water cause I have one now too. It just popped up out of nowhere this evening! Hanging out at the ER since it got really bad quick. I can't wait until this awful burn is gone! What a nutty day!

I'm sorry! I hope you feel better soon.
DH was going to take me to urgent care last night, but they were closed. It's not quite bad enough for the ER so I'm going to try and stick it out at work and go to urgent care on my way home.
Hey ladies :)

Looks like lots of AFs, bummer :( at least now there'll be cycle buddies ! FX for everyone this round !

I just needed a couple of days, a 5th chemical just really hit me bad. Turtle my AF is always light, part of the problem I think, that the lining is too thin for implantation so I get these squinter lines which aren't enough HGC to make my body stop having AF :(

Well I finally got to speak to the specialist today, my surgery is booked for 8th dec cuz they couldn't do it on 24th nov, so close to AF. I've come to terms with the fact I won't ever be able to get a sticky BFP on my own, no matter what diet, exercise, BD or potions and lotions I use. 1,2, even 3 chemicals can be considered normal, but 5 in 8months is a little excessive. So i'm going to take my first NTNP cycle and just shut everything off, no BnB, no OPKs, no temping, nothing. Just need to get away when I can't do anything to help :( and i'm not emotionally strong enough to handle your much deserved BFPs !

I'll be back though, after the surgery, the Dr referred me to someone who is specialised in uterine lining issues supposedly, or something of the sort. So i'll see when I can get in and see this new person, it has to be after the surgery.

Lots of love n hugs, i'll miss you girls, just need to turn off TTC for once ! Will be looking forward to coming back and hearing what i've missed :) <3 <3
Aww Patience I totally understand. I can't imagine how hard it's been for you :hugs:
We'll be here for you when you decide to join again. I'm happy that something is finally happening for you.

I wish you luck!
Oh Patience, I'm so sorry. :( I'm not going to pretend like I understand how hard this must be on you, I will just say that I can only imagine. Of course we will miss you terribly during your break, and we completely understand. Sometimes taking a break from all of it is the best thing for our sanity. Please just know that we'll all be thinking of you and hoping that everything is going well on your end. I'm looking forward to you coming back and joining us when you feel ready! And I really hope everything goes well with your surgery. I think it's great that your Dr is FINALLY listening to you about your concerns with your lining and recommending you to a specialist that deals with that! I really hope that does the trick. Just know that you're in our thoughts, and that we want nothing but the best for you! Good luck!!! :hug:
Oh Patience, know we'll all be thinking about you and wish you all the best. I pray you are able to get the peace you need as well as help & answers from the doctors. I hope all goes well with the surgery! Best wishes! :hugs:

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