Patience, I see that you have on your chart that AF arrived yesterday, and that it's been light both days. But your temp still looks well above what your coverline was. Are you SURE this is a light AF, and that it's not just heavy spotting? Are you still getting any lines are your tests? Sorry if that's giving you hope, or overstepping my bounds by asking that. I just want this so badly for you! Big, huge

headed your way, lady! I really, really hope for some fantastic news for you soon! I'm really sorry that you're feeling so down about it, I can only imagine how frustrating and sad this must be for you.

Did you have any luck at the midwife today??
Charmed, did you start the new job today?? Or is that tomorrow? If today, I hope you're loving it so far! If tomorrow, well then good luck for tomorrow!

I'm sorry that your temp dropped again today.

But that's such a good way of looking at it, I love your positivity!
Danna, good luck with the new form of temping! I know they say you get more accurate results like that, I just don't think I could bring myself to do that! Good for you!
Lavender, yay for positive opk! I really hope you catch that eggie! Oh no, so sorry for dtd injuries! That doesn't sound fun at all! (And on a side note, a friend of mine made some delicious homemade ice cream a few months ago with pieces of lavender and chocolate in it, and every time I see your name it makes me crave that ice cream!
Charlie, so sorry that AF has arrived.

I'm excited for you to have your next month of Clomid though, where you're actually in the same state as DH around O time!
Cdex, good luck with your blood draw today! I hope your numbers come back looking great!
You guys have inspired me to try to have a cute way to tell DH when our time arrives too. We both love Subarus (and we both drive one), so I found a onesie that says "Subaby" with the outline of a WRX above it (that's one of our Subarus). So...I just bought it online! I think he'll be excited for it, once the time comes.