Aw, lavender, that is so cute! I originally was going to buy DH a onsie from his favourite football club, but I'd have to wait for it to be delivered & I don't know if I could wait that long to tell him!
Yay for your EWCM!
FX for you catching that egg. FF always puts me as o on the day I get my opk!
Aw, Patience, I know how you're feeling
I've still got everything crossed for you! I am anxiously awaiting your test later.
AFM . Some of my temps have been a bit off, but this is such a massive dip
I know this isn't reliable, but my cervix is still really high up & I've got a lot of creamy cm.. nornally I have ewcm right before AF. I guess I'll see what happens tomorrow.. if it goes down again then I'll consider myself out. If it goes up then I'll test. I'm considering not temping through the lp next cycle, I find it so stressful! I'd like to temp up to about 3dpo though, just to confirm O, but then maybe stop after that. We were gonna go swimming today, but I Darent now in case AF gets me!
How is everyone else today? I'm sorry if other people have replied, I'm on my phone again & can't check back atm xxx