Stopping BCP to TTC***Updates & Progress/Noted Changes Since Stopping BCP***24BFPs***

Oh and DH is always really determined to make me get mine so it can take up to an hour.
Welcome spicyorange and maybebaby! :flower:

It does sound like a withdrawal bleed you`re having maybebaby, and MrsH is right, you`ll have to wait things out a bit for hormones to get readjusted. I had a lot of odd symptoms my first cycle off that confused me since a lot mimicked pregnancy! Thankfully this cycle was calmer save for raging PMS. It`ll just take some time for your body to go settle back into a normal rhythm.

Agh, laryngitis sucks cdex! I hope you`re feeling better!

I hope you get to DTD MrsH! I`m glad to hear that things are feeling like they did in the beginning. :thumbup: I`m starting to feel that way a little myself and it feels awesome. DH is really similar with me as well, haha. I get those nights where it takes so long and I get insistent he go ahead and fnish and he`s always all ``Are you sure you`re sure?``

Your bases do sound covered Charlie! :happydance: FX that this is your month and those swimmers do their thing.
Haha Lavender! I know all about that. Things dry up and then it's not so fun anymore so they might as well finish. Then he does this pouty thing for about an hour and I have reassure him it's ok.

This work day is taking forever! I realized if I got pregnant now we could announce it to the family for Christmas so now I'm really wanting to happen. We shall see. I hope you ladies have a good weekend! I'll be back Monday.
Bahaha, yes! DH does the pouty thing too! I think he feels like he's letting me down and I have to reassure him it's all right. It's him finishing here that makes a baby! :haha:

Have a great weekend MrsH! Fingers crossed that you can have a happy Christmas announcement!

Decided I'd make a TTC journal, yaaay. It'll be in my signature momentarily.
Hi MrsHudson! Thanks for your reply, the I realise now I should have taken the whole pack before stopping. I guess I just got impatient! I'm gonna be terrible ttc! I'm taking folic acid and eating all the right things, I was wondering if anyone has any other advice?? Would love to hear other people's journeys. Bleeding is ALOT heavier than usual! We thought I'd come off bc and we would just see what happens, I'm already trying to think of ways to hurry things up haha! Thank you all for being so lovely!! It's really nice to have some female support!! Xxxxx
I promise to update properly tomorrow, I'm about to go to bed! I managed to take a sneaky temp this morning, no O just yet, but that's ok.. I'm not expecting it until around Tuesday next wk! I have to say, No pressure sex is a lot better than sex on demand! DH is approaching me a lot more & I'm enjoying it a lot more too! I'm trying not to get too obsessed over the next few days, but I certainly won't let DH know anything until O time has passed! FX for everyone this cycle, let's make some Christmas babies! :D xxx
Well ladies I didn't get to BD last night I seriously passed out and needed some sleep lol. Going to give it a shot tonight though!! 😉😃 I'm really hopeful for this cycle!!

How are you ladies doing??
Good luck Charlie!
I was going to do a proper update today, but I've not been near my laptop. I've spent most of the day in bed,I've been so unwell :( Ended up at the emergency Dr last night/early this morning! Hoping I feel better tomorrow, I know I'm going to ovulate soon and I am determined to catch that egg!
Feel better son, Charmed! <3

I'm actually still starting on my own journey Maybebaby but good luck to you. My first AF after the withdrawal bleed was pretty heavy. This time around it's a lot lighter. The only things I'm taking so far is red raspberry leaf tea from CD5 to whenever I get a positive OPK and iron since I got slammed with the dizzies my first month. I'm not sure what my hormones are doing yet so I'll wait and see if I need to adjust supplements later on. :)

Good luck Charlie! I hope you can catch that egg! :thumbup:

Nothing much over here except trying to shoo my cold away. Getting back in the shower where it's steamy sounds really nice right about now. :haha:
MrsH, that's too funny! I've gotten to the point with DH where I just say things more like "I'm going to jump you later, just an fyi" or "Be prepared for me to take advantage of you!" or a couple of times lately "Pants off, Campbell!" :haha: That last one is said in a joking tone and he knows I'm being silly...but serious at the same time. ;) Sometimes I'll say something more like "Can I interest you in sexy bedroom time?" or something that sounds a little less...harsh. But all in all, it's more just something that makes us both laugh, while knowing that I really mean it too. We both just know I'm awkward and although funny, this is the best I've got (most times). Ha! That's awesome about channeling your inner pinup girl though! I did a pinup shoot for DH as a wedding present, it was AWESOME! I had SO much fun doing it, I think it was just as much a gift for me as it was for him as it made me feel really good about myself. And he LOVED the pics! I'm so glad I did it.

Lavender, sorry to hear about your cold! Are you feeling any better? I sure hope so! :(

MsE, that's hilarious about your cats being the only sitter you have lined up right now! Something tells me that's not quite going to work... :haha:

Welcome, spicyorange and maybebaby! Nice to have you ladies here with us! :hi:

Charlie, it sounds like your timing was really good with BDing this month! Yay! FX for you!!!

Charmed, I really hope you're feeling better! :( How scary! And I'm glad to hear that the more relaxed approach this cycle has been good for you guys as well! FX!!!

Cdex, I hope you're feeling better as well! Man, lots of sickness floating around this board! Yikes! in the world am I supposed to keep two cats out of a crib? anyone who has cats...knows you can't tell them to do anything. FX there id no allergies. LOL.

love the wedding gift! that's awesome!! I bet he loved it too! how sexy special. way better than some pots or pans lol.

hope everyone is feeling well. colds and sniffles going around at work by me. drink OJ everyone!
Haha! You're so right, trying to tell cats what to do is completely futile. Trying to keep them out of a crib will be hard! My DH loves the expression "it's like herding cats" when something is particularly hard to do. :)

Thanks! He did love the gift. We had agreed to no gifts for each other but I couldn't help it...and like I said, it was a gift to me as well really! The best part was that I totally surprised him. I had them done a good month or so before the wedding, I told him I had something to do after work that would make me a little late but that I couldn't tell him what it was. I had to really scrub the makeup off before I headed home, and I was so worried that he would notice the lbs of hairspray in my hair and get suspicious. Thankfully he didn't, and I got in the shower right away to help get rid of the evidence. :) They give you a flashdrive with all 300 or so pics on it, so I gave that to him in an envelope to take home after our rehearsal dinner (I stayed at my parents the night before the wedding). He was shocked! Then I was able to order 6 pics to be edited, and I let him pick out which ones of those he wanted. :) Sorry, that was a long explanation! But it was really cool! :)
I just tried to tell my Bengal to stop biting my shin. Yeah, no luck. She's 6 months old...No is not in her vocabulary. Any little box, bag...anything is her new bed. A nice crib...I can see how this is going to end. We are staying in my little apartment for at least another year so, I don't think I'll be fitting a crib anyway.

HEHE too funny he didn't notice. Men and their lack of observation!
Maybebaby, if you're not already (you might have said so sorry) make sure you are taking prenatal vitamins. If you plan to temp/chart Taking Charge of Your Fertility is a great book.

Charmed I hope you feel better!

Charlie FX for you!!!!

Turtle I think me and you would really get along. I did a budoir shoot with our photographer the day of the wedding. She took shots of me getting into my dress and what not. I gave one framed pic to DH for a gift after we came back from our honeymoon. I made him cry with it though because I printed and framed it when he had gone to bed and left it on the coffee table with a post it on the back that said, "A gift for you so you can remember me young when I'm old". I didn't see him find it but he cried.... I have the rest in a locked file on the lap top.

We did BD this weekend and I'm getting into my fertile period this week. O is supposed to be on Wednesday. We just had a quicky over the weekend and it was still more pleasurable then last month. I'm so so happy he's being a good sport this time around. The no pressure is helping so much. I just hope this is our cycle and we can be done and over with TTC but if it does work out, I'll be very upset if it doesn't happen for you ladies.

I was talking with my mom over the weekend and we were saying how women that just randomly get pregnant when they're not even trying just have no idea what it's like TTC. My mom didn't really try either but she works at a day care with enough women to know it's not always that easy.
MsE, I love hearing stories about your kitten! So cute! :) Oh, and the funny thing with what you said about men and their lack of observation is that really I'M the unobservant one out of the 2 of us! Way worse than him usually. And I NEVER wear any product in my hair so I was sure he would notice right away!

MrsH, I totally think you're right, I think we really would! :) That's so awesome, I love that story! Did he know you were having the pictures done? I absolutely love his reaction to your gift, that is the sweetest thing ever!!! Last Christmas I printed one of the edited photos out for DH and framed it, and it's on his nightstand next to the bed. I felt so weird giving it to him, it just felt so...self absorbed or something to give him a framed photo of me! But I knew he wanted to print one out and frame it, and I had done them for him in the first place, and I'm his wife after all. So I had to just get over it and do it! He was happy I did. :)

I'm so, so happy to hear that things are feeling so much better with you guys and your bd'ing schedule! That's such great news! I really, really hope that helps you catch the eggie this month! It sounds like your chances are really good! And I know, it's so crazy with women who just randomly get pregnant without trying. I have such a hard time grasping that now that I know how long and hard of a road it can be for so many women who are really trying for so long!
I can imagine he loved it and yeah, you're his wife so it's even better. Not all wives would do that. No he had no idea and I somehow kept mum about it until we got the pics back from our photographer. I felt really anxious giving it to him too. And I almost ran out and grabbed it after I had left it on the table. It shows me both front and back so if we have guests I have to hide it in a drawer but he really likes it and he left the post it on it which I thought was cute. He also confessed he made sure to keep the one from the other night on his phone. He's lucky we're married and I trust him lol.

I just want a Christmas announcement!!!!
Oh my goodness you ladies are giving me such an idea for an anniversary gift. A pinup shoot would be amazing! It sounds like it was such a fantastic thing for you both of you. If I'm pregnant this July I'll save the idea for next July. Maybe invest in a corset cause I doubt my body will look this way post-baby. Owning a corset is on my bucket list anyway. :haha:

Yeeeees that "herding cats" quote is so funny and true! Ours are little furry weirdos, but we continue to have behaviour issues with our younger one. She's now frantically howling at everything and we have no idea why since we've tried everything we can think of. We even got one of those "calming" pheromone collars for her and it hasn't helped. :cry: I hope our vet has answers for us!

Oh gosh MrsH I'm really hoping that this month is your month! :happydance: Christmas announcement, gogogo!

I think I'm on the mend, Turtle! Yesterday seemed like the worst of it. I forgot what it was like to not be able to taste things. My MIL's chickpea curry proved that I can still feel spice, though! Five-alarm fire in my mouth last night, ahahaha. And I'm eating it again tonight! I must be a glutton for punishment! :haha:
Glad you're feeling better Lavender! I think sexy photos make great gifts. Especially for us couples who have been together for awhile. I always wanted a corset.... They are usually big for me though :(. I'm all bum and not much on top.

Glad we make you smile Charlie!!!! I still have my FX for you!

So I tried to get DH to BD before work but he said he was tired and after work would be better. Is it bad that I made him pinky promise? With my calculated O tomorrow I want to make sure we get some swimmers up there before and after. I have some serious pain around my right ovary and I can't tell if it's my IBS or O pain. I usually only feel anything on the left side.

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