Well said MsE! Charmed, this is a difficult time, for nerves and all, I would stop temping for sure, it will only make you crazy with questions. Your temps will likely be erractic from now surging hormone levels. Testing is up to you, I continued testing until 21dpo just because I'd had 2 mc's and I wanted to see the progression, that was my peace of mind. Some of you may not remember, but I had spotting at 6 weeks and again at 8 weeks. There are so many reasons for spotting so try not to assume the worst if you do have some. Spotting in itself does not seem to be something to concerning this early. If it's heavy, red and painful, then it could be a sign of something bad, but isn't always. Also, don't read into cramping at all. Cramping in early preg. is so so common. I kept thinking it was af cramps, but here I am almost to third tri!! The one day at a time motto is a good way to go right now when things seem so fragile. Enjoy each day you have!