Hi, ladies! Patience, I'm so happy that you gave in and moved to a pregnancy ticker. Regardless of what happens, you ARE pregnant right now!!! I'm still really, really hopeful for you. I know it's really discouraging that the lines haven't gotten any darker yet, but this is the furthest you've ever made it, right? I'm holding onto hope so tightly!!! I have faith that this little bean will win the battle and hang in there.
Charlie, so sorry about your strep!

I used to get it a lot too, it's no fun at all. I do hope you recover in time to get in some bd'ing! And I hope you're resting comfortably and that DH is taking care of you in the meantime.
Sierra, I agree on the temp thing...they really say it's more about the overall picture than just the individual temp. So hopefully it'll go back down to your normal range tomorrow! Where are you in your cycle again?
Danna, how did your scan go?? I'm sorry if you said and I missed it... I do hope everything went great!!!
I've been using the opk's this cycle and I'm pretty sure the one this morning was positive. If not, it was really close. I'll see what the afternoon one does. We dtd on Tuesday, so I'm not sure if I should do it again today if I do have a positive, or wait until tomorrow (since I'm trying for more like every 3 days now). I was expecting today to be O day though so I'm not sure what to do. I did try out the soft cups on Tuesday though, I'm trying to pull out all the big guns! I've got my appointment set with the RE for 4/28. It's so far away, but I actually don't mind. That gives us a chance to let the HSG do it's thing and see if we can conceive on our own in those few months following it, like so many people do after one. They called yesterday with the "official" HSG results and the only thing they noticed was that my uterine cavity seems small. My OBGYN had no idea what that would mean, but said to have the films sent to the RE for our appointment as well as the report, to see if she has any insight on whether that means anything or not. Has anyone heard of that meaning something?