Stopping BCP to TTC***Updates & Progress/Noted Changes Since Stopping BCP***24BFPs***

Patience, I know how hard this must be and I hadn't checked in for awhile but now I want to check on this every 10 minutes. I am so glad you went for it and made the ticker. No matter what happens, you're pregnant right now.
Patience, my mc last May, not sure if you remember but, I got my first faint + then started spotting, my tests remained close to the same for only the next day maybe two, then went -, you've been getting squinters for a bit, so I'm still remaining hopeful! I hope you can get through to the specialist soon!!!
Aww Patience love the ticker! I have everything crossed for you!
<3 the same thing normally happens with my chemicals Twinks, usually only a day or 2 of faint lines. Why was yesterday morning neg I wonder? And I just can't be happy when I did 2 tests of the same miu and one was almost neg in strength! My symptoms are mild and I just can't shake off that bad feeling :( but for now is go with it and hope for the best <3 thanks lovely ladies!
Patienceiav-My best friend had that kind of spotting too, actually--she thought it was her period, but it ended waaaay sooner than normal, took a test, negative. She tested a week later, and there it was--it might just be establishing its little presence!

Fingers crossed for you! I like your ticker, btw. =)
Patience I have everything crossed for you!!!! By the way your siggy cracks me up. A lot of women get spotting early on and your tests look as faint as mine was.
Every little tidbit helps :) i'm starting to calm into the idea now, i still dread my morning temp cuz i truly feel that's my best way of knowing what's what ! But i'm generally more relaxed today despite the funny start with the super faint 25miu test next to the cased 25miu test, did the 10miu test in the afternoon with a 2h hold and got the same looking line so I know the good test this morning wasn't a fluke !

I can't believe it's my birthday in 2 weeks.... why do i never know what to ask from people :haha:
Patience, I love your ticker and your note about being pregnant and not pregnant made me giggle. I really hope this is it!! &#128536;&#128154;&#128159;&#128151;&#10084;&#128525;

AFM Finally got to the Dr and I do have Strep throat. Got my meds and I'm home until tomorrow. I'm going to go to work to at least run some payrolls and get some hours in.
Haha yes i've given up the "am i, aren't i" battle and i'm just going with my 2 lines and my symptoms and ignoring the rest for now :) if i can just convince myself to stop temping i'll be even better, but i think that'll be the first sign for me that something is wrong so i kinda want to know still !

Sorry your fears were confirmed, at the same time i'm glad you got checked up so you didn't get brushed off and you can start feeling better soon, any luck on the BD front ? Sex waits for no sickness :haha:
Haha. Yeah I took an OPK and it had a faint line so I think that I'll be better by the time we need to BD!! &#128513;
FX for an ov soon so you don't have to put on your sexy mode when feeling sick, it's the worst :( i need to stop getting sick round ov!

I'm mostly convinced this pregnancy will go to hell sooner or later, temp went down today but spotting didn't increase to any more than usual, i STILL can't get a pos on CB digi which is the biggest alarm bells for me, at 17dpo it's pretty much a given :( freaked out by the idea of an ectopic since i've had 2days of light bleed and 3days of spotting so far. Back to work tomorrow and see how i can focus just waiting to see what happens :(
Uggggh patience that is so frustrating! But here's the thing, if it were ectopic and establishing itself, wouldn't that be showing up on the test? Just something to think about. Obviously I'm no doctor.

Okay, so I woke up this morning and there was a jump in my bbt chart--yesterday I woke up at 97.0, and today I woke up at 97.7. There hasn't been any CM to suggest an O, but I'm still paranoid because we haven't DTD yet this cycle (too busy with play practice and exhausted from jobs). That probably wasn't it, right? Especially when that one month I was off my BCP, I was regular 28 days? Tell me that wasn't it! >.< Stupid comng off BCP... Grrr..
Sierra, I think if it were ectopic then it wouldn't develop properly. They can test for ectopic by testing hcg double rate & if it's low then it can indicate E, I guess faint preg tests could show the same thing. Of course, there is such a thing as a slow riser too! With regards to your temps, was there anything unusual about your nights sleep? Were you restless at all? Sometimes you can have a random temp & it's better to look at the whole picture than one day as an individual :)

Patience! I am so hoping things are still going ok for you hun xxx
Sierra, I think ectopic is most commonly shown by tests that don't increase (like mine) I can't get a blood test in this damn country, I wish I was in the UK now :( all I can do is look online, the majority of people with my symptoms had MC or ectopic, but there's always stories that turned out fine. I'm normally in the 1% when things go wrong (like only 3 out of 30 classmates wouldn't get their chosen secondary school at 12, I was one of them) maybe I can be the 1% miracle for once :haha: I'm trying my hardest to relax but I can't see this ending well and it just pisses me off to essentially have to wait 2 weeks to start a new cycle. :shrug: maybe it'll happen on its own, my temp this morning was crap so another like that might signify a MC, got one last non digi to take tomorrow to see if some miracle turn around has happened, this mornings was lighter but I don't put weight on just one test/temp after my roller coaster on Monday!

Charmed looks like things are going well for you? Didn't you have an ectopic scare or am I mixing people up? Was that from cramps and spotting?
You're right, that was me :) The Drs weren't too concerned as the cramping wasn't horrible & they thought in the wrong place. Luckily when I had my early ultrasound, the sonographer checked both of my tubes & they looked ok. It's funny you should say about the blood tests in the UK, they don't do it any more! I've wanted one for the bleeding I've been having, it comes & goes, then comes back stronger. They won't do a simple HCG doubling test. So frustrating. I really hope you get some answers soon! xxx
Oh what balls! :/ are you still testing? I know the hook effect hits many ladies from 6w :)

My nights sleep was interrupted Tues night but last night was normal and my temp crept even lower :( could be mc could be iron deficiency (I'm vegetarian so not so unlikely despite taking multivits) I'm now taking the brave move to not temp any more and only going to do a digi tomorrow and Sunday, if no + by then I'll demand a checkup or go to the emergency gyno, or at least call the helpline and see what they say. If only those tests had gotten stronger in the past 6 days! I wouldn't worry so much. :cry:
Hi, ladies! Patience, I'm so happy that you gave in and moved to a pregnancy ticker. Regardless of what happens, you ARE pregnant right now!!! I'm still really, really hopeful for you. I know it's really discouraging that the lines haven't gotten any darker yet, but this is the furthest you've ever made it, right? I'm holding onto hope so tightly!!! I have faith that this little bean will win the battle and hang in there. <3

Charlie, so sorry about your strep! :( I used to get it a lot too, it's no fun at all. I do hope you recover in time to get in some bd'ing! And I hope you're resting comfortably and that DH is taking care of you in the meantime. :hugs:

Sierra, I agree on the temp thing...they really say it's more about the overall picture than just the individual temp. So hopefully it'll go back down to your normal range tomorrow! Where are you in your cycle again? :)

Danna, how did your scan go?? I'm sorry if you said and I missed it... I do hope everything went great!!! :)

I've been using the opk's this cycle and I'm pretty sure the one this morning was positive. If not, it was really close. I'll see what the afternoon one does. We dtd on Tuesday, so I'm not sure if I should do it again today if I do have a positive, or wait until tomorrow (since I'm trying for more like every 3 days now). I was expecting today to be O day though so I'm not sure what to do. I did try out the soft cups on Tuesday though, I'm trying to pull out all the big guns! I've got my appointment set with the RE for 4/28. It's so far away, but I actually don't mind. That gives us a chance to let the HSG do it's thing and see if we can conceive on our own in those few months following it, like so many people do after one. They called yesterday with the "official" HSG results and the only thing they noticed was that my uterine cavity seems small. My OBGYN had no idea what that would mean, but said to have the films sent to the RE for our appointment as well as the report, to see if she has any insight on whether that means anything or not. Has anyone heard of that meaning something? :shrug:
Ooh turtle I have no idea! Never heard of that before, the only thing that comes to mind is that you have a tiny uterus and it's gonna be chock full of baby when you're heavily preggers :haha: sounds kinda uncomfy, I hope it's ok! I'm glad nothing was obviously wrong, then you only have one focus to fix (hubby's swimmers)

For bd I always err on the side of caution, I'd rather dtd the day before ov and not day of, than think you're dtd day of and it turns out to be too late! If you haven't got a +opk I wouldn't stress it yet, I think with slow swimmers it's best to get ov day if you can, I know in the beginning when I was unsure about ov I used to test with ic till I thought it looked positive, then use a digi opk just to be 100% :) good luck!

I do love my sig but I'm not feeling hopeful, I think it's been long enough with faint tests to not be left over from a chemical even if the progesterone is stopping me bleeding, maybe I'm that 1% of women who have a slow rise :shrug: it's hard to hope!
Patience, hang in there!! &#128525;&#128536;&#10084;&#128151;&#128156;&#128159;&#128154; try to keep your head up!

I'm feeling WAY better, and now DH is getting sick.... And I had an almost positive opk yesterday, but he's refusing to touch me.... Looks like this month will be a bust... Stupid getting sick.

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