Afternoon, ladies! Sorry for my absence. Sierra, sorry that I never gave you a proper welcome! Hi, and welcome to the group!

Glad to have you with us. I really hope you have an easy time coming off the pill, and that you don't have to wait long to get your bfp!
Patience, I think that's great news that your spotting has stopped, and that your temp hasn't dropped! And I know it's obviously better for the line to get darker, but it should be a good sign that it's not getting lighter, right? Oh, I so have everything crossed that this is a sticky one for you! I'm holding my breath and hoping so hard.

When is AF due again?
Charlie, yes! The balloon and the contrast were the sucky parts. Being dilated didn't even really hurt honestly. The balloon felt like the pressure/cramping they had talked about, but the contrast felt like fire! I would NOT have described that as cramping like they did. Then I started hurting a few hours after, it felt like my insides were bruised. Did you have that? It hurt to stand up straight. Thankfully that started to go away by yesterday mid-morning. By the way, although I totally support you taking a break if that's what you need, I'm secretly glad to have you still here with us.
Danna, I'm glad it seems that your temps have regulated themselves better now! Is your appt on Tuesday to check your follicles? I really hope you get good news, please keep us posted!
I think I should be Oing on Thursday. I guess we better get going with our EOD bding soon! Although honestly, with his sperm count and morphology, I'm not very hopeful at all. I'm trying to stay positive in reminding myself that it only takes 1, and that while his numbers are really low for what they should be, even with only 1% morphology there's still like 50,000 good swimmers in there. That's not a lot, I know...but it's a lot more than the one little guy that needs to make it!

Patience, I don't really know yet what the next step is. I guess we have to decide which RE we want to go to and see what the have to say. With his numbers, I'm almost positive they'll suggest we go to IUI or even IVF right off the bat...I read something online that 5-10 million is considered VERY low and his is barely above the low end of that. It said that 5-10 million they do IUI or IVF, and below 5 million (considered extremely low) they just go straight to IVF I think. So we'll see. :/