Twinkie any update? I am stalking you right now, test test test! I've looked at your 10dpo test on my pc now, it's a super squinter but there may be something else there!!
Feeling so rubbish today, sore throat (AGAIN, third time in a row without shaking this cold!), achey all over and cramps. I have 2 days left of the Progesterone to go, I think I am due one of the worst AF's of my life.
Hey Kimmy, and welcome!
Have you been temping or using OPKs? It is hard to tell if you're late or not when you come off of BCP because do don't know if/when you ovulated.
Well, when you say AF came like normal, do you know that it was AF or could it have been a withdrawal bleed (the "period" you get when you're on the pill the last week of each cycle)?
Honestly, that's the reason I temped (it is certainly no fun!) because even if you have a normal first cycle off of O, some people have a following anovulatory cycle.
All that being said, of course there's a chance!
But it is hard to know where you are in your cycle without temping (or if you know you get O pains) when you're coming off the pill.