Hi, loves!
Been stalking here daily although weren't able to comment much, don't think I'm ignoring you though, you're all my favorite virtual ttc buddies!
Patience - Yay on the O! Get to

girlie! When are you due to your fertility specialist, btw?
Jess - Fx this is your lucky month! What dpo are you now? Any new symptom to pbsess about?
Lola - Welcome to the craziness that is of ttc after stopping bcp, double fun, eh?

These ladies are the best and will support you even if you become a POASholic, we won't judge, hehe!
Twinkie - How are you chick? I've just finished reading the thread for the POAS Party, it's so fun! Haha!
AFM. Tested with a cheapie hpt yesterday at 12dpo and got a BFN. I was so sad and really counting myself out. Dh talked to me that we should just wait until af is due, that is today. It is already night time here and af is still not showing her ugly face but I swear I've had on and off af-like cramps earlier and I even put a tampon on to make sure BUT NO AF. I hope my body is not playing tricks on me.

I am never late. I will wait until two days from now, if still no af, I will test again.
PS. When I pulled out the tampon just now, there is a very sticky yellow (semi beige colored) mucus. Jesus, I'm going insane. I can't believe I'll say this but really, if it is af, I just want it to come, if not, I just want my