Thank you ladies for explaining this all to me for the millionth time!! I swear I understand everything, I get educated, I plan it all out, and then somehow I convince myself that getting a BFP one day after O is entirely possible!

I guess I'll call it baby-brain... without having a baby
Patience - Well its not ideal but I think any TWW distraction is a good one! You never know, while your mind is focusing on your foot, your body may just sneak a little fertilized egg past you!

Hope you're getting lots of rest anyhow.
Dent - I think we're going through quite similar things! I hear you on the nipple thing. Perhaps both of us would benefit from not testing for at least a week! BFN's can be so disappointing.
Wtbam - Massive congrats to you!!! You look absolutely radiant in the photo. I bet you feel amazing!!!
Jessica - Can we see the bump? I have to say I was stalking your TWW post, I'm hoping I get a similar result to you so soon off BCP!
Twinkie - FX for you that your doc appt goes well. I'm sure it will all be okay!!