TexasGirl, welcome and good luck!
You're absolutely right, the waiting game with ttc is hard! And we always seem to be waiting for something...waiting to O, then waiting to test, etc. I hope it doesn't take long for your cycles to start regulating!
Charlie, congrats on the weight loss! That's great! Hmmm...you mentioned ice cream and now that's all that I want! I might just have to go get a small bowl...
Patience, that's great news about the hubby's swimmers! Yay! Try not to look at it like that though. Like Twinkie said, that's half the battle right there and more than likely they'll see an easy fix for you, like taking this pill or that, and you'll be pregnant in no time!
Charmed, I'm sorry that AF got you.
Boo! I just started temping this cycle too, I'm actually pretty excited to see how it goes and to really get a better idea about what all my body is doing! (hopefully anyways!)
Twinkie, I looked at you bump pics in your journal, so cute! I love them!