So I have a little update. I had to book a dr's appointment today for something unrelated (weird neuralgia type pains on right hand side) so thought sod it, I will push for some help.
I told him we were TTC and I was so scared about my lack of periods. He told me it was probably due to my PCOS rather than dianette coming out of my system.
I am a little confused because before dianette my periods were pretty much regular, however I didn't chart so I dont actually know 100% that I was ovulating.
He has presribed me 750mg metformin per day. Ive been doing some reading and there are both positive and negative stories. Im not sure if I am insulin resistant, and I read that metformin only helps with ovulation in ladies with PCOS who are insulin resistant.
I have also been thinking about buying some agnus castus (vitex) but the health shop didn't have any so may need to buy online.
So im half happy because I have something to try, and half sad because I was so hoping I would cycle myself and this delay would just be from coming off bc.