Hello girls..
I am new to this and I am actually excited to read and share our stories...
I have be actively playing with hubby for about 11 months.. Not been to a doctor... But I am taking pre-natal vit non the less...
Sooooo this months story... ( only thing I have done is chart on my phone)
So my last period started on the 21-22 spotting.. Then 23-27 was a full period... So I am not sure as to what day count as cd1 ?!! We will say from the first day I had a heavy bleed... So the 23...
So on CD 13 I had intense cramp on both sides on lower abd. So grabbed hubby and had fun with it... ( we actually had fun 11,12, 13... )
That day I had a blob of blood and clear cm (SORRY TMI)
No more blood... Now just pain from one ovary to the next... For 3 days.. So I am taking my O day was on March 7(CD 13) but on march 9 I had a big pain and increased Eggwhite cm... We couldn't have fun this day bc of stupid work...
Soooo on 5 dpo I had brown spotting with creamy cM on wipin... Then I peeed again this time was pink hue cm ... Then I peed again in was beige cm.. Anyways by afternoon no more color except white lotiony cm....
Other than that it's twinges of pain and flutters ...
No boob pain, no nausea.. A mild headache.. And I feel hot.. But I am always super HOT AFTER BIG O....
Sooooo.... That's my story....
I hardly ever by preg test bc makes me mad when they are neg. so I avoid them
Y'all, make me so excited that after almost a year of reading I decided to join and start talking... Lol
Still Too early i think!
hi gals! Recently got my bfp so i thought i'd post any symptoms i'd had.
1-11dpo: Nausea. Vomiting 5 days total since 1dpo.
5-10dpo: A lot of cm. I'm typically very dry but i noticed a lot which tipped me off.
5-6dpo: Very light brown spot i thought might have been blood. At the time there was a lot of cm on my knickers so i wasn't sure if it was blood. From my chart, i implanted on 5dpo, so i think it was blood after all.
10dpo: Af-like cramps
other than that, i haven't noticed much of anything. I'm having a lot of nausea (not morning sickness, more like on-and-off all day sickness) and cramping. No sore boobs, no heightened smell, nada. I tested 9dpo evening, got very faint positives. 10dpo morning faint positives, and darker positives in the evening. Used frer 11dpo -- today, day of expected af. Got a bfp and af nowhere in sight.
good luck ladies!
Wifey any kind of gas (farts or burps) are considered gassy!! I had both (lol the things we admit to!) this cycle round! The twinges sound positive (i had them and still do now!)
Mommabean hi your spotting sounds dpiextremely promising as in implantation bleeding!! How may dpo are you now?
Hi hunni...So I will be joining you ladiesAF is due 3/18 here is what I have so far
1dpo: Noticed acne...never get acne
2 dpo: Small red spot..thought nothing of it
3 dpo: Nothing
4dpo: Tugging in right ovary
5 dpo: Tugging that switches from left to right
6 dpoink spotting(wouldn't have noticed it because it was so small if it was for me wearing white undies), bfp dream that night, twinges begin
7 dpo: Brownish/peach spot on tp, cramp at 7 am, drop in blood pressue 98/54,twinges and pulling continue
8 dpo: One sharp cramp around 12pm, still having twinges
9dpo: Dull cramps, twinges, bubbling feeling in uterus, nausea, ate at 12pm and was hungry at 2pm..
Will updated as I go along..
Anyone who got a BFP have lots of yellow wet/ CM when wiping? I'm 11dpo - hoping this is a good sign. FX.