Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

Cycle #one billion

So far have only seen things I get each month with the progesterone increase and the egg bursting out.

2dpo-cramps, nausea

I ovulated on March 9th & on the 10th I had spotting. Was yours a whole day after you ovulated?! This was the first month I have ever experienced that so I am very curious!!
Mine did last the entire day. It always starts out pink/red and turns brown by the end of the day. It ranges in intensity to light spotting to where I frequently have to change my liner.
Okay I am new to this. I have twin boys. I also had a beautiful 8 1/2 lb baby girl in December. She passed away unexpectedly two days later due to a heart defect that we didn't know about. This is month #2 trying to conceive.

Ovulation day I had cramping

1 dpo- 3 dpo- no real symptoms
4 dpo- creamy cm, fuller boobs
5 dpo- gassy, tender breasts, twinge on left side a few times, creamy cm, bloated
6 dpo- gassy, tired, tender breasts, very bloated, woke up dizzy during the night (had that early on with my pregnancy with my little girl), pimples

I feel like these could all be easily just af symptoms. I had no real symptoms with my twins but my girl I had so many and knew well before I got a bfp that I was pregnant with her. Keeping my fingers crossed that this is my month.
1-3 dpo: tender breasts
4-6 dpo: nothing
7 dpo: mild uterine cramping

Definitely not a lot going on at all!

AF due on 3/21
Hi Ladies, just came from the Dr's. He was so brief, wouldn't examine me because of the bleeding, and told me that I probably had a miscarriage and he sent me off with a referral for a blood test - I was literally in and out in under 10 minutes, my parking was even FREE!

I went to get it done immediately and will have the results tomorrow.

I think I'm out for now and he told me that if he's right I have to go back to "clean me out" - kinda scary sounding. Also, he wants us to wait 3 cycles until we start trying again.

Thanks again ladies. I'll let you all know when I hear from him tomorrow.
I'm so sorry about the bleeding and possible MC. Loss is every hard.i can't believe you have to wait 3 whole months. I just had a 39 week pregnancy and my doctor told me I could start trying as soon as I got my first period.

7dpo- twinge pain in left side for about 2 minutes at midnight last night, also brown spotting this morning. Hoping it's implantation bleeding but with my hormones so out of whack this could possibly just be early AF
Wifey, i m so sorry hun, i know what it s like as i ve had 2 mcs in the past. First time the heart stopped at 11w, got pg after 2 months (told to wait 2) and then that pg ended in a mc at 7w. We were told to wait 6 months but didnt and got pg within that month (af never arrived after d&c) and our dd is now almost 2! D&C sounds scary but it s not realy. If you need to talk i m here even though i still hope it s just some spotting and you see those hcg levels rising. Hugs
1 dpo nothing
2-3dpo sore nipples, twinges
4dpo woke up in the night needing the loo, sharp pains in my left side
O on persona monitor 14th and 15th

1DPO nothing
2DPO tender BBs
3DPO tender BBs from progesterone nothing new to add
Okay I am new to this. I have twin boys. I also had a beautiful 8 1/2 lb baby girl in December. She passed away unexpectedly two days later due to a heart defect that we didn't know about. This is month #2 trying to conceive.

Ovulation day I had cramping

1 dpo- 3 dpo- no real symptoms
4 dpo- creamy cm, fuller boobs
5 dpo- gassy, tender breasts, twinge on left side a few times, creamy cm, bloated
6 dpo- gassy, tired, tender breasts, very bloated, woke up dizzy during the night (had that early on with my pregnancy with my little girl), pimples

I feel like these could all be easily just af symptoms. I had no real symptoms with my twins but my girl I had so many and knew well before I got a bfp that I was pregnant with her. Keeping my fingers crossed that this is my month.

So sorry to hear about ur lil angel girl. Good luck hun xx
This sounds fun! I ovulated on the 15th, I'm new to this aswell :)

3dpo - nausea, fatigue, possible acid reflux? (getting a cold?), and bloating near ribs.
4dpo - Slight nausea, creamy cm, acid reflux, and still bloated
5dpo - increase amount of cm, acid refluc, bloating, cramps, moody
6dpo - cm, acid reflux, bloating, cramps
Congrats to all the ladies who got thier bfp & good luck to those still waiting. Christina hws it going hun any ms or nausea? I'm glad u still here to kp rooting for rest of us. Only cd12 here bleaugh if going by previous cycle anothr 4/5 days until i ovulate. I should b bk here next wk & obsessing over symptoms altho promised myself i woouldn't as last cycle felt so pregnant haha x
hi all! joining b/c I love these threads in particular!
I'm only about 2dpo so nothing going on with me just yet. Weird appetite things yesterday but feeling ok today so far.
FX'ed for all!
(posting this is a few threads I am following so I apologize if you are seeing this twice)

Ladies, I have an update!

First off I just want to thank you all for your comments, concern, and kind words. The support I have received from BnB has really blown me away. It is so nice to have this community where we can all come together and support one another.

So, it's a Chemical Pregnancy that I had. My levels are so low that there is no need for a D&C and everything will get on track itself. I am relieved to finally know what has happened and we will continue to TTC!

Babydust to all & major congrats to those who got their BFP!

Thanks again ladies!
Sorry for the chemical wifey hoping u get a sticky next cycle x

Tbh i didn't even know wat chemicals are until coming on b&b
Wifey so sorry hun, hope your hcg goes down fast and you can jump back on to the ttc train straight away if that s what you want to do. Lots of baby dust your way.

Thanks mom2sam! No I have no ms or nausea (never had with any of my pgs- which actually kind of bothers me as my lack of symptoms has me worried all the time!) the only real thing I have is dizziness (sometimes severe and sometimes just feeling lightheaded) and being extremely tired (but I guess working full time and caring for 2 kids will do that to you!).
I ve been very worried these last few days as my hcg went from 836 at 18 dpo to 5810 at 22dpo. This is way too fast so I keep worrying about a molar pg and google isn't helping :( going for an u/s on Thursday and I know I ll drive myself crazy by then.

Anyway, get down to bding hun, really hope you catch that eggy this cycle! I ll be stalking!
Redrose that would be fantastic but my hubby would probably have a heart attack lol :)

Had one more set of betas drawn today (2 days after my 5810) and they came back at 10700 so again considering they re over 6000 they should be doubling every 4 days...they re going fast. Well i ll know tomorrow after the u/s i guess. Will update then. Baby dust to all!
1dpo nothing
2-3 dpo sore nipples
4-5dpo tired and dull cramping like af
Hi everyone! Popping over from WTT.. DH and I werent planning on TTC officially for another couple of months. Since coming off the pill in September my cycle has been all over the place - shortest 23 days and longest 28.

Anyway this month I am getting a lot of strange symptoms I've never noticed in previous months. Just wanted to get them all down in writing so can compare in future months if i dont get a BFP.

Due to strange cycle I have no idea when I O'd....

First thing I noticed - a sort of stitch type pain in my lower left hand side - wasnt painful, just noticeable and stuck around for a couple of days, coming and going. Never had this in previous months.

Other symptoms over past few days:

I swear my boobs have got bigger, a shirt i wore a couple of weeks ago i'm having to wear with a couple of buttons undone as its too stretched over my chest. They arent tender as such but i've had a few shooting pains.

Waves of mild nausea, throughout the day.

Very light headed at times, two nights ago I actually had to lie down it felt that bad.

Feel more tired than usual and very spaced out.

Increased discharge a few days ago.

Lower abdomen feels taut and somewhat bloated.

Getting a few cramps like ones i usually get on day AF is due, but it wont be due for at least another week.

Yesterday i experienced some shooting/stabbing pains in my middle, when i was bending over.

Slight headaches throughout the day.

I think I look really pale and washed out.

I think thats everything at the moment. Baby dust to everyone xx

21/03/14 - Time to update: Symptoms seem to have decreased. Noticed when I have got out of the bath this week, each time I have felt so dizzy I have had to go and lie down. Also breasts feel tender and bruised when i apply light pressure to the sides but nothing on the front/nipples. Sort of losing hope even though I know I'm not out yet!

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