Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

I'm posting again on this thread after a while since we just started ttc :) (first time I posted was hoping for a whoopsie :winkwink:)

3dpo: Strong AF like cramps in my abdomen... the pain was radiating to my legs.
4dpo: cramps and tmi... diarrhoea
5dpo: back pain, cramps, and fatigue. Also was starting to experience some hot flashes during the night
6dpo: HOT flashes galore. Feels like I have a fever but I don't. Sore throat when I woke up but felt better after a while.
7dpo: Woke up with some tenderness in my nipps... and those damn hot flashes still coming and going :/ Also noticed that had to go peepee a lot more than usual during the day...
8dpo: My boobies feel tender to the touch and my nipps are a bit sensitive.. got some back pain (probably cause I've overslept :haha:) Also kinda feels like AF's coming but I think it's a bit early to feel like this since AF's due on April's fool! Hope this could be a good sign!
9dpo: Have some aches and pains in my knees and ankles. Feel a bit of pressure 'down there' and some back pain. Feel tired and a bit bloated but that's it. My breasts don't feel so tender anymore. I'm tempted in testing later on today... heh
This damn tww is taking a toll on me !!

So far so good (I think) Will update thread day by day until I turn my thread green :) I hope...

:dust: to y'all :hugs:
1 dpo nothing
2-3dpo sore nipples
4-5dpo twinges, a few minor cramps wave of nausea 5dpo
6dpo needing to pee alot, yellow creamy cm, intense af like cramps!
7dpo cramps, and sore/sensitive nipples!
8dpo I got a really sharp pain in my left side, followed by intense af like cramping, lots of wet cm thought id wet myself! Sensitive nipples!
9dpo bfn :( feel like ive a cold, sore head, neck and throat, stuffy nose, cramps and sensitive nipples!
10dpo bfn feeling out, depressed, over upset, yellow cm, mood swings, cramps.
I told myself I wouldn't succumb to it this month, but here I am at 8dpo symptom spotting like nobody's business :haha:

Last month, I totally thought I was pregnant because I had some symptoms that would be typical of it (but in retrospect, also similar to before AF). This month, I'm having some weird and completely different symptoms, so who knows! Sorry these aren't by DPO, but here's what I've had so far:

1. super noticeable veins on my hips and some across my larger than normal bbs (but not much tenderness at all...)
2. craving cheese and chocolate ALL THE TIME :haha:
3. Waking up covered in sweat the past few nights
4. twinges and cramping near ovaries, and lower pelvic aching for the past several days
5. random hiccups and almost burps
6. diarrhea (sorry for TMI)
7. dizziness

I really don't want to get my hopes up this month, but it's so hard not to! I know you ladies get me :hugs:

Thr some good symptoms fx wen will u be testing? X
1 dpo nothing
2-3dpo sore nipples
4-5dpo twinges, a few minor cramps wave of nausea 5dpo
6dpo needing to pee alot, yellow creamy cm, intense af like cramps!
7dpo cramps, and sore/sensitive nipples!
8dpo I got a really sharp pain in my left side, followed by intense af like cramping, lots of wet cm thought id wet myself! Sensitive nipples!
9dpo bfn :( feel like ive a cold, sore head, neck and throat, stuffy nose, cramps and sensitive nipples!
10dpo bfn feeling out, depressed, over upset, yellow cm, mood swings, cramps.

That pain on left side & increased cm were my two symptoms before i got a bfp fx for you x
Oh, and I know it's too early to get "pregnancy brain" but for everyone's amusement, I'll share that yesterday, I went to make my daily protein shake, put all the ingredients in, and turned on the blender...I just happened to forget the lid :haha: DH was pretty alarmed by my shrieks...and the huge mess I made in the kitchen! Seriously, how did I manage that one!? :shrug:

Maybe it's ov brain, or pg brain, but I believe it entirely. I've been a space cadet this month, my first on Clomid. The hormones are making me very clumsy. Yesterday, I almost cut off my pinky and had to get stitches, and while getting sown up I almost fainted and dry heaved twice. The doctor asked twice if I was pregnant.

Late AF, I think, but tested two days ago and bfn. I'm thinking the Clomid is to blame.
Oh wow, Redbean! I hope you're okay!! Leaving the lid off the blender doesn't compare to almost losing a pinky! What dpo are you on right now? I have been getting faint BFPs, and I felt so spaced out and forgetful on 9dpo. I don't even know how I got through the work day in one piece :haha:
Ovulated March 16th

1-4 DPO: nothing out of the ordinary that I noticed, other than being pretty tired, but my husband was out of town the 17-19th, and I never sleep all that great alone.

5DPO: went out with friends and had a few drinks, really noticed a drop in alcohol tolerance, I had to leave early and go home.

6 DPO: was overly tired, even after going to sleep at 11:00 the night before, took a 2 hour nap.

7 DPO: really horny, sorry that's probably TMI, also pretty tired.

8 DPO: Bad smelling gas station made me vomit, I felt nauseous the rest of the day and took the day off from work. felt better that evening, but not 100%

9DPO: headache, exhausted, some cramping and back pain in the morning. Also peeing a lot. Negative Pregnancy Tests :(

10DPO: headache and extremely tired, didn't have the urge to pee a lot and another negative test.... :(
Eww don't know what just happened to me, earlier on today my dog had an accident which meant I had too bandage her leg so I decided to put a fresh one on before bed, as I was finishing it I suddenly felt hot and sick to the point I thought I was actually gonna be sick, 6dpo and I can't help but feel positive
1 dpo nothing
2-3dpo sore nipples
4-5dpo twinges, a few minor cramps wave of nausea 5dpo
6dpo needing to pee alot, yellow creamy cm, intense af like cramps!
7dpo cramps, and sore/sensitive nipples!
8dpo I got a really sharp pain in my left side, followed by intense af like cramping, lots of wet cm thought id wet myself! Sensitive nipples!
9dpo bfn :( feel like ive a cold, sore head, neck and throat, stuffy nose, cramps and sensitive nipples!
10dpo bfn feeling out, depressed, over upset, yellow cm, mood swings, cramps.

Don't feel discouraged hun :hugs: It also happened to me with my first and got a slight positive at 13DPO. That's why I'm not testing early this time.. I hate BFN's
1 dpo nothing
2-3dpo sore nipples
4-5dpo twinges, a few minor cramps wave of nausea 5dpo
6dpo needing to pee alot, yellow creamy cm, intense af like cramps!
7dpo cramps, and sore/sensitive nipples!
8dpo I got a really sharp pain in my left side, followed by intense af like cramping, lots of wet cm thought id wet myself! Sensitive nipples!
9dpo bfn :( feel like ive a cold, sore head, neck and throat, stuffy nose, cramps and sensitive nipples!
10dpo bfn feeling out, depressed, over upset, yellow cm, mood swings, cramps.
11 dpo more yellow ewcm, sore nipples, feeling moody and upset. Bfn
12 dpo v crampy no cm, sore nipples, feeling v out im sure af will be here any min, v bloated! Bfn :cry:
I'm posting again on this thread after a while since we just started ttc :) (first time I posted was hoping for a whoopsie :winkwink:)

3dpo: Strong AF like cramps in my abdomen... the pain was radiating to my legs.
4dpo: cramps and tmi... diarrhoea
5dpo: back pain, cramps, and fatigue. Also was starting to experience some hot flashes during the night
6dpo: HOT flashes galore. Feels like I have a fever but I don't. Sore throat when I woke up but felt better after a while.
7dpo: Woke up with some tenderness in my nipps... and those damn hot flashes still coming and going :/ Also noticed that had to go peepee a lot more than usual during the day...
8dpo: My boobies feel tender to the touch and my nipps are a bit sensitive.. got some back pain (probably cause I've overslept :haha:) Also kinda feels like AF's coming but I think it's a bit early to feel like this since AF's due on April's fool! Hope this could be a good sign!

This damn tww is taking a toll on me !!

So far so good (I think) Will update thread day by day until I turn my thread green :) I hope...

:dust: to y'all :hugs:

Do you girls think these symptoms look promising? Didn't want to get my hopes up but can't help myself. I'm trying so hard not to test today! Have 5 more days till 13dpo!
Michmash thy do sound promising fx crossed for u. But only way to really knw would be to test i dont thnk i could ever hold out til 13/14dpo lol x
Michmash.. They certainly sound promising..this was my first cycle actually having symptoms worth noting (even with previous pg i rarely got any symptoms) but hotflashes and backpain were definitely there. I still have both! Fxed! And ps: i am an early poas addict but tested bfn at 9dpo and bfn at 12 dpo so if you can hold until after that well koodos to you!
yeah - I have a hard time saying that symptoms sound promising or not b/c they ALL sound promising!! the ones I would pay most attention to are the early fatigue, nausea and veiny boobs - all of which I don't have, but I guess I can't special order my symptoms. I've had different 'symptoms' this tww, but today I feel like I could start spotting at any min (expecting AF on Sat). :(
here are my symptoms - I haven't posted my list yet:

1dpo - got a heart palpitation (I get them every now and then), frozen to the bone, diarrhea (but think I ate undercooked chicken at dinner), acne on chin, wet cm
2dpo - still diarrhea (still from chicken?), zero interest in coffee, GASSY, headache at night, creamy cm
3dpo - headache still when I woke up, more new acne, creamy cm
4dpo - another headache, one more zit..., creamy cm
5dpo - nothing to note, creamy cm
6dpo - slightly crampy, creamy cm
7dpo - slightly sore bbs, hot sleep, loose BM, cm is very scant - not sure how to categorize it when there's so little!
8dpo - so far, back and bbs are very sore but that's it!!

temp spike on 1dpo, fell 6dpo and have been climbing .1/day since - not a huge rebound spike

whatcha think?:shrug:
Okay, let me start off by saying you won't know you're pregnant until you miss your period. I say this because I was one who was obsessed with TTC. SO OBSESSED. I researched and looked at forums constantly and the first 4 months I seriously thought I had every symptom I read.

When I got my BFP 2 days ago. I had. No. Idea. None! I had a few hints that maybe but I figured nah and made up other excuses as to why I felt that why. Here we go:

I'm not sure when I ovulated to tell you the truth. I stopped tracking 2 months ago. I wanted to post to tell you to relax and let it be what it is and when it happens you will least expect it and be so so happy!!

I knew I ovulated though because I felt paid and had a little bit of EWCM. Around 3/8

So after that this is what I felt:

Nothing. At. All.

Until about 4/5 days before my period I had implantation bleeding. It was one pink drop on my toilet paper. Then my abdomen hurt when I walked all night. The next day I had 2 spots of brown. That was all. I figured it was my cycle being weird really.

Then on Sunday 3/23 I went on a date with my husband and the whole entire day I was falling asleep. It was bad.

But I figured since I had woke up at 3 am EVERY night that was why!

On 3/24 I was supposed to see AF and when she didn't show in the morning like she always does I was tempted to get a test at the grocery store, so I did

I figured eh. It will probably be negative and I'm just going to be a little late. As soon as I peed on that thing it came up positive!!!

Well I would like to join too!!!

1 dpo lots of snotty, yellow cm. Lots!!
2 dpo still have the slimy, light yellow cm. I usually dry up after ovulation.
3 dpo still some yellow cm. slight back ache. runny nose, sneezing. diarrhea.
4 dpo lower back pain and migraine headache all day. sore throat, runny nose sneezing. constipated
5 dpo lower back pain, small cramping. sneezing. huge temp increase. nipple soreness on and off. constipated
6 dpo really bad lower back pain to the left. radiates down my left butt cheek, almost feels sore. temp is still up, same as yesterday. nipple soreness on and off.
7 dpo woke up with stuffy nose. back pain has lessened, now it almost feels up higher today like kidney pain on the left. really sensitive tooth this evening, don't know if that is a sign or not but it is just out of the blue so thougth I would mention it. Feeling very cold all day which is always a symptom for me. Peeing like crazy. Diarrhea. of course I tested like an idiot and it was a bfn, shocker!!
8 dpo still lower back ache and upper kidney pain. Diarrhea still. Sneezing. Swollen, low cervix. Cold feet. Tender, tingly nipples.
Hi everyone! Popping over from WTT.. DH and I werent planning on TTC officially for another couple of months. Since coming off the pill in September my cycle has been all over the place - shortest 23 days and longest 28.

Anyway this month I am getting a lot of strange symptoms I've never noticed in previous months. Just wanted to get them all down in writing so can compare in future months if i dont get a BFP.

Due to strange cycle I have no idea when I O'd....

First thing I noticed - a sort of stitch type pain in my lower left hand side - wasnt painful, just noticeable and stuck around for a couple of days, coming and going. Never had this in previous months.

Other symptoms over past few days:

I swear my boobs have got bigger, a shirt i wore a couple of weeks ago i'm having to wear with a couple of buttons undone as its too stretched over my chest. They arent tender as such but i've had a few shooting pains.

Waves of mild nausea, throughout the day.

Very light headed at times, two nights ago I actually had to lie down it felt that bad.

Feel more tired than usual and very spaced out.

Increased discharge a few days ago.

Lower abdomen feels taut and somewhat bloated.

Getting a few cramps like ones i usually get on day AF is due, but it wont be due for at least another week.

Yesterday i experienced some shooting/stabbing pains in my middle, when i was bending over.

Slight headaches throughout the day.

I think I look really pale and washed out.

I think thats everything at the moment. Baby dust to everyone xx

21/03/14 - Time to update: Symptoms seem to have decreased. Noticed when I have got out of the bath this week, each time I have felt so dizzy I have had to go and lie down. Also breasts feel tender and bruised when i apply light pressure to the sides but nothing on the front/nipples. Sort of losing hope even though I know I'm not out yet!

Now at 13dpo or thereabouts. For last two days have had backache and niggly feeling in stomach like AF on her way! also feeling v damp down there and keep rushing to loo but nothing . Very strange for me as normally get these symptoms when she's already arrived. Boobs v tender too. Will be testing soon!

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