Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

I'm new to this, but I'll give it a go:
0dpo - twinges on right side, ecwm
1-4dpo - nothing, but I didn't really pay attn
5dpo - light cramps, headache, exhausted
6dpo - light cramps, headache, exhausted
7dpo - light cramps, headache, exhausted
8dpo - light cramps, exhausted
9dpo - light cramps, lower back cramps, exhausted
10dpo - light cramps, lower back cramps, exhausted
11 dpo - major PMS-like headache, which usually means AF the next day, but that would be extremely early for AF
12dpo - moderate cramps, very slight queasiness, felt like AF would be there any minute and kept going to the bathroom with my pad just in case.
13 dpo - symptoms disappeared
14dpo - no symptoms (where did you go, symptoms???)

I bought a super cheap test at 13dpo but it was BFN. D-: With ds, I didn't get any symptoms for the entire cycle and I didn't test until I was a week late...hell, I didn't even have the slightest bit of nausea/queasiness/morning sickness throughout the whole pregnancy! But this is totally different, which leads me to believe that I'm not pg at all. Ugh Is there any hope for me?!?!?!
I am 11 DPO... with No real symptoms...

Slight cramps only if I think of it.... May be a sign of AF expected on 23rd June....

Dreaming of BFP.... But not much hopes though... :wacko:
I ovulated 2/10...

5 DPO - Nausea upon waking a few other times during the day when I didn't eat soon enough.

6 DPO - Going to the bathroom constantly regardless of amount of water intake. Boobs getting sore and heavy.

This one isn't really a symptom but I thought it was super interesting... my friend is 7 weeks pregnant, her and her husband came over yesterday. After observing how our dog was being super needy (not his usual style) and was constantly wanting attention from either me or Hubby. They both remarked how before she found out she was pregnant, their dog started doing that type of stuff which is out of the ordinary for him too. Our dog started acting like this around 2/10 ~ 2/11.

7 DPO - Boobs heavy, heightened smells, unexplainable fatigue, crazy dreams, irritability, hungry, bloated

8 DPO - Nausea, sneezing, bloated, tired, cramps, creamy cm, burping, heartburn, irritable, slight headache, increased sinus drainage but not stuffy, crazy dreams, tired

9 DPO - itching/soreness breasts thru chest under arms, nausea, sinus drainage, heartburn, creamy cm, bloating, tired, cramps, hungry, irritable, crazy dreams

10 DPO - itching/soreness breasts thru chest under arms, and they are so heavy, nausea, sinus drainage, bloating, more noticable twingy cramps, tired, creamy cm with some (TMI) stringy, stretchy cm, thirsty, and dreams again :roll:

11 DPO - sore nipples and bbs, heaviness in bbs, so tired, sinus drainage, nausea, thirsty, this one is really weird, my uterus feels almost heavy, like I'm having pressure in my lower abdomen but I don't feel as bloated as I was a few days ago, definitely twingey cramps, had one sharp, pulling twinge that last for about 5 minutes in the PM, weird dreams, irritable

update on my dog: he's still acting so weird. Last night I was doing homework and he kept laying under my desk. He's about 80 lbs so it was a pretty tight fit for him but he's been doing this alot in the last couple weeks. He normally only hides under the desk if there's thunder.

12 DPO - bloated, heavy, sore bbs, sore nipples, tired, sinus drainage, nausea, thirsty, twinges/cramps/pressure, pregnancy/children dream, hungry

13 DPO - BFN :( bloated, sore/itchy bbs/nipples, tingling nipples(??), hungry, twinges/cramps/pressure turned into AF like cramps alternating between uterus and left ovary, not sure what that's all about, creamy cm with some globs (TMI, sorry), pregnancy dream again (think it's all in my head, haha literally)

14 DPO - BFN on IC and FRER :( some twinges in left ovary again (alternating to uterus this afternoon), sinus drainage, starting to feel slightly stuffy, headache this evening, twinges are starting to feel like the beginning of af :cry:

15 DPO - honestly, nothing. I feel fine today, no cramps, no nausea, nothing except feeling like an idiot because clearly I was convincing my body to feel like I thought it should :( Still holding out a little bit of hope until af shows though. UPDATE 7:00pm and the witch is on her way, she should be here by the morning :( guess my positive feelings this month were all wrong, here comes 2 fulls years...

16 DPO - Still feeling like af is on her way, my lp lasts usually 14-16 days so today or tomorrow wouldn't be late yet. BFN this am. Witch showed.

:wacko: Starting to think I am going crazy
Can you explain what BFN, AF and all those shorts means. For someone new its hard to follow along :)
Hey everyone!

3DPO- Stomach feels weird, hard to explain. Fatigued.

4DPO- Achy (like i ran a marathon! whole body hurts). Uneasy stomach (no vomiting but gagging). Restless sleep.CM a bit grey, feels creamy like lotion and cervix is low, easy to reach, open.

5DPO- Lower back pain (comes and goes), breasts a bit bigger (feel different little heavy). Headaches. Achy. Restless sleep.CM a bit grey, feels creamy like lotion and cervix is low, easy to reach, open. Thought maybe it was gas bubbles but i am going to the washroom normally for a bowel movement and its normal.

6DPO- Heighten smell, breasts feel heavy and different, stomach still feeling uneasy and weird, urinating allot no matter water intake, feeling hungry. Headaches. Achy. Restless sleep, weird dreams. CM watery, bit off color (clearish). Heartburn. Thought maybe it was gas bubbles but i am going to the washroom normally for a bowel movement and its normal.

7DPO- Breasts feel heavy and different, stomach still feeling uneasy and weird (like there is something in there.. maybe i'm just crazy?), urinating allot no matter water intake, feeling hungry.

2 false tests so far this month prior to ovulation.
Can you explain what BFN, AF and all those shorts means. For someone new its hard to follow along :)

Hey! When I started reading posts everything was so confusing for me too! :wacko: Here's a few and a link to all of the abbreviations:

BFN Big fat negative
BFP Big fat positive
AF Aunt flow (period)
POAS Peeing on a stick
TTC trying to conceive

I am 11 DPO... with No real symptoms...

Slight cramps only if I think of it.... May be a sign of AF expected on 23rd June....

Dreaming of BFP.... But not much hopes though... :wacko:

Any news? How are you feeling? Have you tested? :hugs:
I'm pretty sure I o'd today. We didn't try this cycle though, because DH wants to make sure his job is going to support a baby. (He had to step down from his managers position, so now he's paid less). I promised, so were going to try in July I think. But I'm going to keep track of my symptoms from this cycle which ultimately going to end in AF, just to show myself and others that sometimes symptoms of PMS can mimic pregnancy. And to have something to compare to other cycles.

O day - some cramping, diarrhea, ewcm

Ok. So yesterday I had a positive opk. So I was wrong about my o date.
Which is definitely today. I have ewcm and I'm cramping on my right side.

6dpo- nipples are sore. must be AF making her way around the bend.
Hi girls mind if I join in? I hope somebody can shed some light here

So I had a m/c 10 days ago. I only bled for 3/4 days and my levels went back to normal. I have ovulated again and I'm now approx 2/3dpo. The thing is, I'm already feeling some of the exact same symptoms I had when I was pregnant a few weeks ago before I m/c. It's all very strange because I know it's way too early right? I have the same bloated ness and gassy like before and the lightheaded ness and I'm feeling some of the same twinges etc.
Has anyone gotten pg straight after a loss and experienced any of this? I don't want to get my hopes up but I have a feeling I may just have caught the egg again. It's very strange and I think I can compare the symptoms as it's all still very fresh having only miscarried less than 2 weeks ago.
I really hope I can catch a sticky bean. I've had an ectopic already and now 2 m/c. I've read loads about being more fertile after a loss and I didn't want to miss this chance. Any ideas ladies? Thank you xx
babyhead- I think its too soon to know and too soon for symptoms. this all happened in 10 days. you could still be feeling the residual effects of the miscarriage. How do you know you ovulated again?
Hospital kept taking my bloods until levels had dropped back to zero. I'm charting and temping. I always ovulate early anyway my cycles are only 26 days long. Took me 6 years to get pg again and then m/c. Maybe I'm just clutching at straws but i guess I'll have to wait and see
First month TTC #1!
Chart in siggy!

O day: Temp dip. EWCM with pinkish tint. Read this is a good sign of fertility so FX! Cramps also.
1DPO: Temp dip. Creamy CM. Diarrhea.
2DPO: Lowest temp at 96.75. Creamy CM. Gassy and tired.
3DPO: Temp rise. Creamy CM. Cramps and dizziness. CD 18.
4DPO: Temp rise. More EWCM? Just a bit.
5DPO: Temp rise. Gassy in the morning. HUGE glob of white creamy mucus mixed with EWCM. Bad diarrhea :/
6DPO: Temp rise. Creamy CM. Diarrhea.
7DPO: Significant temp drop (.3 F). Creamy CM.
8DPO: Temp drop again (.1 F). Really tired in the afternoon. Lots of creamy CM when we BD'd! Tested with FMU and possibly got a BFP! (
9DPO: Temp drop and 3 BFNs.
10DPO: No temp recorded, creamy CM
11DPO: Very low temp, shooting pains under rib cage and in back, creamy CM
12DPO: Significant temp rise. BFN on FRER. Teeny bit of EWCM at night, creamy CM throughout day
13DPO: Temp same as previous day. Creamy CM, numbness & tingling in left arm/hand. Headache at left base of skull and behind eyes.
14DPO: Temp rise. Increased creamy CM w/bit of EWCM. Tightness in lower abdomen, tingling/tightness in left hand. BD'd in evening.
15DPO: Temp dip. VERY stretchy EWCM and creamy CM. Found dark spots in my underwear...possible spotting? Back HURTS! I think this may actually be ovulation day!
(1DPO) 16DPO: No temp recorded. More VERY stretchy EWCM. Big ol' zit.
(2DPO) 17DPO: Temp rise (.5 from 15DPO). Creamy CM.
(3DPO) 18DPO: Temp dip (ugh!). More EWCM.
(4DPO) 19DPO: Temp dip. Only CM noticed was thick, white, maybe sticky that stretched like EWCM.
(5DPO) 20DPO: Slight temp rise. MORE EWCM! When BDing, felt like cervix was really low.
(6DPO) 21DPO: Temp dip. Some creamy/thick CM. :bfn: Dull cramps (gas?) and some back pain.
(7DPO) 22DPO: Slight temp rise. Pressure on lower left abdomen. Definite sharp pains in lower left abdomen/uterus...feels different than normal menstrual cramps. SO THIRSTY.
(8DPO) 23DPO: Tiny temp rise. Thirsty. :bfn:
(9DPO) 24DPO: Temp rise. Sinus pressure/cold/sneezing. Some back pain.
(10DPO) 25DPO: Woke up with extremely sore throat and sinus pressure. Very stuffed up. :bfn: Sharp rib cage pains in the evening.
(11DPO) 26DPO: Temp over 98 today! Full degree jump from previous day...although probably from being sick. Feeling better but not totally over it. Sharp rib cage pain in left side. Yellow stretchy CM glob.
(12DPO) 27DPO: Temp drop. A bit more yellow, stretchy CM. Getting better. Breaking out some.
(13DPO) 28DPO: Temp drop - back to "normal" (low 97s). Some cramps in the morning. Big glob of really gummy, yellowish/pinkish tinted CM.
Hopefully the 7th cycle will be the lucky one :) DH & I BD'd total of 5 times during fertile week.

1DPO~ nothing, watery CM
2DPO~ nothing, little EWCM
3DPO~ frequent urination, cramps in lower tummy/back. DR confirms bladder infection. Worried this will ruin my chances.
4DPO~ lots of clear and stretchy CM; like ewcm but thinner. Mild pressure in lower belly and frequent urination likely caused by BI.
5DPO~ white/clear, stretchy CM. Sore throat. Headache-y. Emotional/weepy.
6DPO~ Watery/clear CM. Slight nausea in the AM (could be from antibiotic). Acne breakout.
7DPO~ Not much CM/still watery with a white tinge. Random waves of nausea normal PMS for me). Headache. Tired.
8DPO~ creamy, white CM. Emotional/weepy/irritable. BFN on Rite-Aid HPT. Lower backache/cramping in back pm.
9DPO~ creamy, white CM. BFN FRER. Gutted! Bad taste in mouth. Headache-y.
10DPO~ lots of creamy white CM. BFN FRER. Very emotional/weepy/irritable. Cried a lot. Sore nipples and breasts.
11DPO~ white CM. Sore breasts and nipples. BFN FRER. Light cramping on and off all day, lower back pain in evening. Random waves of nausea. No appetite.
12DPO~ white CM. Sore nipples and breasts. Bad bloating. Same light cramping as yesterday but only a little in evening. No appetite.
13DPO~ woke up bloated. Wiped and had the smallest amount of brown tinged EWCM. Checked internally and got white CM. Not sure if AF is screwing with me? Update: has turned into light flow. I'm out.
This is our 3rd cycle. If we aren't successful I will start charting this month if AF comes. I am taking temps everyday already just haven't ever charted them.

1-8DPO: nothing out of the usual. I was a little more gassy then usual.

9 DPO: very sensitive teeth. (I don't typically have this symptom during PMS)

10 DPO: teeth are still sensitive. Woke up okay but an hour into my day and I felt like I had a pulled muscle in my stomach. Did absolutely nothing to cause that. BFN

11DPO: stomach still tender, teeth still sensitive, stretchy/sticky CM

12DPO: I woke up with an extreme runny nose, sore throat and headache. Around 7:00 p.m. I had a tiny amount of bright red blood in my CM. Hoping it is possible implantation. I had some cramps before bed and that is it.

13DPO: I have felt bloated all day, gassy, and I have a strange pressure on my lower abdomen. I want to say I have had cramps but they are different then period cramps and much lower than normal. Hoping for a BFP tomorrow! (I might test tonight so I will keep you updated LOL)
Little background first...I am 27 and ttc #2, it took 4 months of trying for success. I o'd on cycle day 16/17 I never temp'd, only used the ovia app on my phone for 3 months without success and it estimated my O day to be cycle day 19. I then decided it was time to try OPK strips which were positive on cycle days 13, 14, and morning of 15. BD'd 13,15 and 16.

1dpo: tender breasts (normal to start after O for me), left pelvic twinges
2 dpo: creamy cm, tender breasts, tired
3 dpo: tender breasts
4 dpo: tender breasts, tired
5 dpo: tender breasts, tired, irritable, brown spotting ( not normal for me mid cycle- implantation), gassy, left pelvic pain- twinges and dull ache
6 dpo: more brown spotting, cp was still very low- painful when bd'ding, still cramps on and off, irritable, tired, back and hips ached attributed it to sitting doing pedicures at work for 6 straight hours- had to take ibuprofen, small wave of nausea lasted about a minute
7 dpo: wave of nausea, more brown spotting, still tender breasts- seem fuller and veiny, cramps on and off, constipation starting (only had this with first pregnancy
8 dpo: crampy, constipation, tender breasts, tired, ate my favorite squash for dinner and tasted like soap, BFN
9 dpo: tired, couldn't resist poas again- wasn't expecting a positive but there it was!! BFP!! faint line- went to drs confirmed w their test (I have to go ASAP to the dr bc I have a blood clotting disorder and have to be on blood thinning injections throughout my pregnancies so I don't miscarry) sent for blood work and they will be scheduling an ultrasound once big enough to see
so second TWW on this thread. I tried to make the last one RED but it refuses to work.
Anywho, I O yesterday on CD11 so early for me. I will be here daily this time as I have a long wait ahead. I am charting, I used OPKs this time, the ferning test, CM checks all of it and now I am eating Brazil nuts and pineapple daily like recommended after O.
1DPO- Been emotional last few days, had an overwhelming feeling come over me earlier today that I may have done everything right and baby #2 may be on board. Awesome but nervous. Also, still having O like pain on both sides
3DPO- headache and real sore bbs. Feeling off like AF is coming today, yet way to early
4DPO- crazy pain in uterine area both sides, headache, bloating, weepy, shooting pains in BBS, temp drop
5DPO- lots of creamy CM, bbs hurt, headache like crazy, cervix high closed and soft, temp back up. vivid dreams last night. 5 days til early testing can begin. Okay, so while driving back from store this evening I get an all of the sudden crazy pain in my bbs, I have had an achey pelvis most of the day too.
6DPO- Feeling ill, sore bbs, headache, super exhausted, Took test even though way way to early but was asked to test anyways. BFN. Test again in 3 days
7DPO-Bbs are huge today, bra cup feeling quite full, started to get little blue veins in them, under arms hurt, nipples starting to hurt and leak a little. Watery yet white creamy CM, Super nauseous, belly warm to the touch, super bloated too. body aches all over, DH says I have a look about me. Took a FRER I found in my junk drawer from last year. It expired in March of this year so I thought I would play. Think it was a BFN, but my eyes thought there was something maybe there. I don't really know. Testing for real Friday
8DPO- BACK HURTS, fell asleep at 6:30pm last night. bbs hurt, sneezing like crazy and lots of mucus. Took IC test looked BFP
9DPO- took FRER and BFN so I guess bad IC test. I will wait and test Sunday, but feel I got my hopes up for nothing. Not over til AF shows right? Well then, I have sore bbs still, backache, Areolis are darker, blue veins in my bbs, gas, bloating, nausea, temp still up, heartburn
11DPO-So, here is something fun, I woke up sneezing and almost peeing myself I had to go so bad. So, then I feel the need to blow my nose and BLOODY NOSE!! Yummy!! I used to get them early on with DD too. SO, maybe a good sign?
My hips are hurting and I have easily seen blue veins in my bbs.
12DPO- Last night I had some cramps that felt like contractions, a bloody nose and up peeing a lot, this morning used $1 store test even though AF isn't due for 2 days and the faintest but there :bfp:
13DPO: I have felt bloated all day, gassy, and I have a strange pressure on my lower abdomen. I want to say I have had cramps but they are different then period cramps and much lower than normal. Hoping for a BFP tomorrow! (I might test tonight so I will keep you updated LOL)

Any news?

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