Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

Hopefully the 7th cycle will be the lucky one :) DH & I BD'd total of 5 times during fertile week.

1DPO~ nothing, watery CM
2DPO~ nothing, little EWCM
3DPO~ frequent urination, cramps in lower tummy/back. DR confirms bladder infection. Worried this will ruin my chances.
4DPO~ lots of clear and stretchy CM; like ewcm but thinner. Mild pressure in lower belly and frequent urination likely caused by BI.
5DPO~ white/clear, stretchy CM. Sore throat. Headache-y. Emotional/weepy.
6DPO~ Watery/clear CM. Slight nausea in the AM (could be from antibiotic). Acne breakout.
7DPO~ Not much CM/still watery with a white tinge. Random waves of nausea normal PMS for me). Headache. Tired.
8DPO~ creamy, white CM. Emotional/weepy/irritable. BFN on Rite-Aid HPT. Lower backache/cramping in back pm.
9DPO~ creamy, white CM. BFN FRER. Gutted! Bad taste in mouth. Headache-y.
10DPO~ lots of creamy white CM. BFN FRER. Very emotional/weepy/irritable. Cried a lot. Sore nipples and breasts.
11DPO~ white CM. Sore breasts and nipples. BFN FRER. Light cramping on and off all day, lower back pain in evening. Random waves of nausea. No appetite.
12DPO~ white CM. Sore nipples and breasts. Bad bloating. Same light cramping as yesterday but only a little in evening. No appetite.
13DPO~ woke up bloated. Wiped and had the smallest amount of brown tinged EWCM. Checked internally and got white CM. Not sure if AF is screwing with me? Update: has turned into light flow. I'm out.

Sorry for AF showing :hugs:
Hi all! :wave:

I O'd on July 7th

1dpo - watery/thin stretchy cm (different from ewcm), crampy
2dpo - same cm, crampy/twinges
3dpo - creamy cm, VERY tired, bloated, between 4-11pm experienced mild pains on left side when I moved
4dpo - creamy cm, still very tired, headache, trouble concentrating
5dpo - big boobs!
6dpo - cm is white/chunky, very big boobs!
7dpo - felt pulling pain on right side when stretching, sensitive teeth, twinges on right side ]
8dpo - creamy cm, tender abdomen, mouth watering, diarrhea
9dpo - mild pain on right side, body aches, diarrhea
10dpo - shadow on IC, bfn on frer, yellow/green cm, exhausted, headache, diarrhea, boobs tingly
11dpo - sore boobs, tired, sore throat, 1 tiny pink spot mixed in yellow cm, bloated
12dpo - sore boobs, headache, cramps, diarrhea
13dpo - AF started
Just made a account finally after stalking here for awhile. Little history about me, Im 32 DH is 39. We have been trying for 4 years I don't have any living children (2 second trimester losses) any who started off on clomid 50 mg for 3 cycles no luck. Now I'm on my 1st cycle of 100 mg with provera to start my cycle. I'm 9 DPO so confused cause symptoms are so much like AF symptoms. Lower back pain breast sore on the sides, dull ache in my lower abdomen,thirsty like crazy! Headaches dizzy so tired. But these could all be AF symptoms. The only thing different I did notice this cycle that I never noticed before is on CD 11 had pain in my left overy not like omg owww but something I never felt. Maybe a side effect of stronger clomid but I really hope it was ovulation should be able to test on the 15th. Waiting is no fun. But after 4 years of trying I'm not to positive DH is very hopeful though. I'll update + or - soon :wacko:

We've been TTC for awhile now with no luck, but one thing I know for sure is that I ovulate every month. I have painful ovulation on either side each month, it lasts 2-3 hours, so your pain on CD11 sounds really promising :thumbup:!!!! GL
Cant seem to add this to my own post but wanted to add this strange happening, The dull ache that started last night is gone today, So hope maybe was implantation instead of AF. I love this forum I don't have any family or friends who I talk to so its nice to be able to ask a question about this or talk about my symptoms with out getting " Uh I don't know". I do hope everyone here gets their BFP Soon. People who don't have problems conceiving don't really understand how important this is and how much it stays on my mind.
Cant seem to add this to my own post but wanted to add this strange happening, The dull ache that started last night is gone today, So hope maybe was implantation instead of AF. I love this forum I don't have any family or friends who I talk to so its nice to be able to ask a question about this or talk about my symptoms with out getting " Uh I don't know". I do hope everyone here gets their BFP Soon. People who don't have problems conceiving don't really understand how important this is and how much it stays on my mind.

I don't have probs conceiving but I totally understand it's just taken me n oh around 6-7month to get our bfp and each day of those months it's all I could think about all the time I even started lookin at insurance incase oh needed fertility tests etc I was starting to worry and its that cycle I did that I conceived and suprisingly it was the one bd we thought was for fun so it shows being relaxed changes a lot. Wen we first started talkin about ttc oh would say I think we should wait til we got house n moved in together and I'd tell him no I wanted it so much I wasn't prepared to wait so I do totally understand as I been there myself.
So I am finally 1DPO and I feel great, compared to last night, ovulation this month was so painful! I was wondering if anyone experiences the same thing?

ODPO 8PM I started getting lower abdomen pressure, I'm guessing my cervix was moving up? Then it turned into nagging pain and right ovary pain. It was gone by 2AM. Did BD right around that time (painful in some positions by found one that was comfortable).
1DPO So far I feel great
2DPO gassy, bloated, lotion like cm
3DPO Some pain on my right side but very brief, lotion like cm, stuffy nose at night
4DPO Had horrible nightmares last night, slight pain on my right side, at night lower abdomen pressure (gassy)
5DPO more crazy dreams last night, boobs starting to hurt (typical AF symptoms :(
6DPO starting to cramp a little and pressure in lower abdomen
8DPO-crampy, gassy
9DPO-very tired
10DPO- weird twinges by my belly botton
11DPO-watery cm, crampy, gassy, sore boobs
I think I'm out, I feel AF coming
So I am finally 1DPO and I feel great, compared to last night, ovulation this month was so painful! I was wondering if anyone experiences the same thing?

ODPO 8PM I started getting lower abdomen pressure, I'm guessing my cervix was moving up? Then it turned into nagging pain and right ovary pain. It was gone by 2AM. Did BD right around that time (painful in some positions by found one that was comfortable).
1DPO So far I feel great

No never had that ov pain thankfully.
I'm up for giving this a shot! :) My O day was July 5th (I believe)

1dpo: Gassy and bloated!
2dpo: Still bloated, very sleepy.
3dpo: Gassy, bloated, very tired. Lotion CM.
4dpo: Finally no longer bloated, feel pretty great! Still lotion CM. Some lower back pain.
5dpo: Tired, took a nap around 3 p.m. which I never do. Lotion CM, tired, very hungry. Having really dumb brain moment (saying the wrong thing a lot!) Still lower back pain, right side. Lotion CM.
6dpo: Woke up very early, 6 a.m. instead of normal 9:30. But, I did go to sleep at 10:30 which is early for me. Probably weird sleep from the nap and stuff the day before. Some stomach issues today, no back pain. Metallic taste appeared in my mouth around 11:30 in the morning, ick!

I'll update this as I go. :)
Hmmm this thread has Ben so quiet, any bfp or bfns? To recap and update

1 dpo pains on my left side
2 dpo business as usual
3 dpo getting more sleepy
4 dpo tired
5 dpo tired so thirsty slightly dehydrated
6 dpo tired cranky nauseous
7 dpo same old
8 dpo cramps tired cranky
This goes on and on. I did test on 11 dpo bfn.. To soon? Its14 dpo maybe I'll wait till 20 dpo (holding on to hope) maybe it will be bfp then. Either way the wait will be over. If bfn I'll start my next cycle of clomid next month * sigh* good luck guys! I'll be back soon to update. But would love to know what's going on with you all :winkwink:
I'm up for giving this a shot! :) My O day was July 5th (I believe)

1dpo: Gassy and bloated!
2dpo: Still bloated, very sleepy.
3dpo: Gassy, bloated, very tired. Lotion CM.
4dpo: Finally no longer bloated, feel pretty great! Still lotion CM. Some lower back pain.
5dpo: Tired, took a nap around 3 p.m. which I never do. Lotion CM, tired, very hungry. Having really dumb brain moment (saying the wrong thing a lot!) Still lower back pain, right side. Lotion CM.
6dpo: Woke up very early, 6 a.m. instead of normal 9:30. But, I did go to sleep at 10:30 which is early for me. Probably weird sleep from the nap and stuff the day before. Some stomach issues today, no back pain. Metallic taste appeared in my mouth around 11:30 in the morning, ick!

I'll update this as I go. :)

Sounds like good symptoms, FX! When are you planning to test?
Hi all :hi:

Well here goes - will update as we go

Not sure of the exact dates but basing it on my usual cycles

1-10 dpo - severe hay fever have had to take allergy tabs for the first time ever
7-10 dpo - swollen hands and ankles
10 dpo - allergy continues, severe swollen ankles, slight tummy cramps, dry mouth
11 dpo - allergy continues, period like cramps, feeling like af is about to start but not due for another week, slight heartburn earlier, quite windy, few spots on face, dry mouth, couldn't stay awake was zonked out by 10pm
12 dpo - allergy continues, woke up with slightly sore boobs, gagged when brushing teeth, very gassy even before eating or drinking, period like cramps and feeling like af is on way, really dry mouth, sore throat, very sore boobs when taking off bra
13-14 dpo - allergy continues, sore boobs on waking, period like cramps, feeling of af coming any minute, lower backache, really thirsty, niggly head yesterday, full blown headache today, fatigue
15 dpo - all of above, raging headache, snappy, kept nodding off from 8.30. Spotted brown blood so confident af will be here in next 2 days
16 dpo - all "symptoms" disappeared
17 dpo- af arrived right on schedule!

Will turn post red once I'm on laptop - congrats to all the :bfp: and good luck to those still waiting

:dust: to all xx
Hi everyone, I've been stalking this thread for days and finally decided to join in! A little about me, I'm 27, DH is 25. I stopped the pill in beginning of May. We've been talking about having a baby but hubby wanted to wait until around winter to start ttc so we could save more. Well, we dtd on July 8th and the condom broke. I am usually pretty symptom free up until a day before or the day of AF and I have been feeling symptoms for the last few days that feel like nothing I've experienced before.

I am not sure when I ovulated, since I haven't been off BC for long I'm not sure if I'm even totally 'normal' when it comes to my cycle. I do know my LMP started June 20, and according to this period tracker app I have been using would have put my fertile week as July 1-6, but I could have ovulated later than that right? We dtd on July 8th. I am praying I ovulated late!!

So I would say starting around 6 or 7 dpo I started having symptoms. I have been super dizzy, constant nausea, I've always had coffee in the morning and when I had a cup Saturday morning I immediately thought I was going to be sick!

My lower back has been killing me and yesterday (around 9 or 10 dpo) I got some pretty intense cramps that only lasted a few minutes. Today I've been having cramps come and go but it feels as if it is mostly on my left side. Nausea is not so bad today and I noticed a big increase in my appetite compared to the last few days. Another thing is my boobs like huge today! I am already busty at a DD but even I can tell they are bigger and the aerolas appear to have doubled in size, they look like bullseyes. I can also smell everything (I went into the kitchen yesterday and was smelling everything all at once, the stinky sink, garbage can, everything, so gross!)

All I know is AF isn't until Friday and I never cramp more than a day before my period so I am hoping that was implantation cramping I was feeling yesterday.

Hubby is excited that I could be preggo and wanted me to take a test. I figured if I implanted yesterday it def wouldn't show up on a test today and of course it was a BFN. I'm just going to wait and see what happens at the end of the week and if AF is late, then I'll test again.
Hi everyone, I've been stalking this thread for days and finally decided to join in! A little about me, I'm 27, DH is 25. I stopped the pill in beginning of May. We've been talking about having a baby but hubby wanted to wait until around winter to start ttc so we could save more. Well, we dtd on July 8th and the condom broke. I am usually pretty symptom free up until a day before or the day of AF and I have been feeling symptoms for the last few days that feel like nothing I've experienced before.

I am not sure when I ovulated, since I haven't been off BC for long I'm not sure if I'm even totally 'normal' when it comes to my cycle. I do know my LMP started June 20, and according to this period tracker app I have been using would have put my fertile week as July 1-6, but I could have ovulated later than that right? We dtd on July 8th. I am praying I ovulated late!!

So I would say starting around 6 or 7 dpo I started having symptoms. I have been super dizzy, constant nausea, I've always had coffee in the morning and when I had a cup Saturday morning I immediately thought I was going to be sick!

My lower back has been killing me and yesterday (around 9 or 10 dpo) I got some pretty intense cramps that only lasted a few minutes. Today I've been having cramps come and go but it feels as if it is mostly on my left side. Nausea is not so bad today and I noticed a big increase in my appetite compared to the last few days. Another thing is my boobs like huge today! I am already busty at a DD but even I can tell they are bigger and the aerolas appear to have doubled in size, they look like bullseyes. I can also smell everything (I went into the kitchen yesterday and was smelling everything all at once, the stinky sink, garbage can, everything, so gross!)

All I know is AF isn't until Friday and I never cramp more than a day before my period so I am hoping that was implantation cramping I was feeling yesterday.

Hubby is excited that I could be preggo and wanted me to take a test. I figured if I implanted yesterday it def wouldn't show up on a test today and of course it was a BFN. I'm just going to wait and see what happens at the end of the week and if AF is late, then I'll test again.

Good luck sounds promising
I sure hope so. Part of me feels like it's all in my head but DH says he just 'has a feeling I'm pregnant'. We shall see in 4 days!
I sure hope so. Part of me feels like it's all in my head but DH says he just 'has a feeling I'm pregnant'. We shall see in 4 days!

DH told me he felt I just was pregnant too, and look

Fingers crossed I am as lucky as you! AF isn't due til Friday and I woke up with some super light brownish spotting. Hopefully that doesn't mean AF will be early because I have only spotted usually the day before AF starts. I'm just telling myself it's not over til it's over..
I sure hope so. Part of me feels like it's all in my head but DH says he just 'has a feeling I'm pregnant'. We shall see in 4 days!

DH told me he felt I just was pregnant too, and look

Fingers crossed I am as lucky as you! AF isn't due til Friday and I woke up with some super light brownish spotting. Hopefully that doesn't mean AF will be early because I have only spotted usually the day before AF starts. I'm just telling myself it's not over til it's over..

could be implantation
I sure hope so. Part of me feels like it's all in my head but DH says he just 'has a feeling I'm pregnant'. We shall see in 4 days!

DH told me he felt I just was pregnant too, and look

Fingers crossed I am as lucky as you! AF isn't due til Friday and I woke up with some super light brownish spotting. Hopefully that doesn't mean AF will be early because I have only spotted usually the day before AF starts. I'm just telling myself it's not over til it's over..

could be implantation

I was thinking that could be it. Spotting stopped and it was only when I wiped, it was extremely light. Cramping also stopped. Usually when I spot AF is not far behind but so far no sign of her. I'll see in the morning. I want to test tomorrow evening, would that be too early if it were implantation bleeding/cramping? Thanks!

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