Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

I'm joining this thread again and will edit this post every day with my symptoms by dpo.

1 dpo: sticky cm, slight empty feeling in stomach, boobs not sore, feeling very warm. I feel positive about this cycle. I know our bd timing couldn't be better and I have had lots of ewcm during my fertile window. Come on egg and sperm, meet!

2 dpo: clear sticky cm with a little bit of red spotting. Boobs feel full and slightly sore on the sides. Very tired/zombie feeling even though I slept a nice 8 h.

3 dpo: only a little beige sticky cm. Cervix firm and closed. Boobs not sore. No specific symptoms.

4 dpo: brown sticky cm, boobs feel a little full and sore, but only when I squeeze them...

5 dpo: pink sticky cm, cervix very low and firm, boobs feel the same.

6 dpo: boobs feel full and a little tender on the sides, had some quick sharp pains in my lower abdomen in the morning. Cervix very firm, high and closed. Cm creamy with a yellowish tint, which I have never noticed before.

7 dpo: had some very sharp stabbing pains from my bellybutton down into my vagina when poking my abdomen in the morning. Now only a dull pressure in abdomen. Trying to tell myself this is more likely from my intestines but I am getting a little excited and hopeful. Boobs sore on the sides. Cervix high and firm. Vivid dreams in the night.

8 dpo: Vivid dreams this night too. Nipples itchy and boobs a little tender on the sides. Very sleepy after work so I took a nap.

9 dpo: same as yesterday + maybe a tiny bit of nausea.

10 dpo: got a bfp with a internet cheapy this morning. Confirmed with a Clearblue digital which said Pregnant 1-2 weeks! I am so happy! :) :bfp:
I sure hope so. Part of me feels like it's all in my head but DH says he just 'has a feeling I'm pregnant'. We shall see in 4 days!

DH told me he felt I just was pregnant too, and look

Fingers crossed I am as lucky as you! AF isn't due til Friday and I woke up with some super light brownish spotting. Hopefully that doesn't mean AF will be early because I have only spotted usually the day before AF starts. I'm just telling myself it's not over til it's over..

could be implantation

I was thinking that could be it. Spotting stopped and it was only when I wiped, it was extremely light. Cramping also stopped. Usually when I spot AF is not far behind but so far no sign of her. I'll see in the morning. I want to test tomorrow evening, would that be too early if it were implantation bleeding/cramping? Thanks!

U can't get a positive hpt until 3days after implantation as it takes that long for Hcg to build up
Hello all, I'm new to this site and joined because I was googling for the symptoms on different days do the tww.

We've been trying since January this year without too much pressure and tools. The only tool I use is an app to track my cycle. And following my CM.
I have a pretty regular cycle. 25-27 days, rarely 28 days.

1-2 dpo: nothing in app
3 dpo: headache/neck pain (mild), tired (a lot), sore bbs /nipples (mild), gassy (mild), twitches (mild.
4 dpo: the above plus slight nausea. Stretchy cm.
5 dpo: sleepless AND tired, indigestion (mild), frequent number 2s.
6 dpo: twitches, rest too busy to notice
7 dpo: random tiredness, can also be caused by the lazy Sunday vibe.
8 dpo: backache (mild), constipated, cramping (mild), somewhat tired (lazy). White cm
9 dpo: nothing entered, but felt quite energetic. Slight twitches at night.
10 dpo: energetic again, tight feeling, wet feeling, white cm.
Felt bloated all the past days. Can also be caused by eating like a little piggy.

All of the above 'symptoms' where also there when AF showed up.

Little backstory: I always say I don't 'do' pms, since I hardly ever get moody or too emotional unstable. Physical symptoms are also very light, cramps are annoying at most.
So it makes it also a tad difficult for me to accurately track symptoms without reading too much into it. With everything I feel I'm sure it's something I always have but not particularly pay attention to. And I have an excellent talent of reasoning away symptoms.
I a have instated a rule for myself, I'm not allowed to test on due date, because I've tested on the day I was expecting to see AF only to literally have her show up 5 minutes later. Since my average cycle is 26 days with the occasional 28 days, I know it's silly to test early for me.
Please forgive me my typos, I don't have edit-powers and I'm using my ipad.
I get to post here ! :happydance:

I read this so much during my TWW, it kept me sane!
First cycle trying I had WAY more symptoms than this cycle.
It seems like I'm symptom spotting with my list but really I was just trying to take notes to write up on here! I definitely felt more pregnant last time when AF came.


1DPO - CM lotiony (stayed like this entire time)
2DPO - nothing
3DPO - AF type cramps, nothing really significant
4DPO - woke up at 5.30am, nothing else
5DPO - Nothing
6DPO - Broken glass pains in boobs, tightness across my stomach
7DPO - Wide awake at 4am craving chocolate. Swollen clitoris for some unknown reason :blush:
8DPO - Sore boobs, nausea in the arvo which made me tired, coffee made me feel sick, AF cramps
9DPO - Woke up at 5.30am, hungrier than all other days, really weird calm feeling at night (I know when other people said this, I was like..what kind of symptom is that!! But genuinely, I was in the shower and I got a weird jolt in my stomach that literally made me say 'oh'....Then I stood there for about five minutes rubbing my stomach and smiling. It was really weird, but I just felt serene.)
10DPO - Hungry again, pinching feeling in uterus, had a fight with a friend because I suddenly stood up for myself which I never do! Was feeling very protective.
11DPO - Pinching feeling, faint pos on frer with fmu
12DPO - really crappy mood, couldn't do hard workout at gym, felt too tired.
13DPO - Nausea, CP high, soft and open.
14DPO - :bfp: first thing on CB digi!

Other things I noticed:
no real symptoms until 7DPO....and I was also having vivid dreams which is not unusual for me, but they would constantly change from one extreme thing to another, which is not usual.

Baby dust to all!! :dust:
I get to post here ! :happydance:

I read this so much during my TWW, it kept me sane!
First cycle trying I had WAY more symptoms than this cycle.
It seems like I'm symptom spotting with my list but really I was just trying to take notes to write up on here! I definitely felt more pregnant last time when AF came.


1DPO - CM lotiony (stayed like this entire time)
2DPO - nothing
3DPO - AF type cramps, nothing really significant
4DPO - woke up at 5.30am, nothing else
5DPO - Nothing
6DPO - Broken glass pains in boobs, tightness across my stomach
7DPO - Wide awake at 4am craving chocolate. Swollen clitoris for some unknown reason :blush:
8DPO - Sore boobs, nausea in the arvo which made me tired, coffee made me feel sick, AF cramps
9DPO - Woke up at 5.30am, hungrier than all other days, really weird calm feeling at night (I know when other people said this, I was like..what kind of symptom is that!! But genuinely, I was in the shower and I got a weird jolt in my stomach that literally made me say 'oh'....Then I stood there for about five minutes rubbing my stomach and smiling. It was really weird, but I just felt serene.)
10DPO - Hungry again, pinching feeling in uterus, had a fight with a friend because I suddenly stood up for myself which I never do! Was feeling very protective.
11DPO - Pinching feeling, faint pos on frer with fmu
12DPO - really crappy mood, couldn't do hard workout at gym, felt too tired.
13DPO - Nausea, CP high, soft and open.
14DPO - :bfp: first thing on CB digi!

Other things I noticed:
no real symptoms until 7DPO....and I was also having vivid dreams which is not unusual for me, but they would constantly change from one extreme thing to another, which is not usual.

Baby dust to all!! :dust:


(Since I can't edit my post, I'll update using quotes)

11 dpo - energetic, mild cramping. Feels like AF will just show up in 3 days. That witch...

Hello all, I'm new to this site and joined because I was googling for the symptoms on different days of the tww.

We've been trying since January this year without too much pressure and tools. The only thing I use is an app to track my cycle.
I have a pretty regular cycle. 25-27 days, rarely 28 days.

1-2 dpo: nothing in app
3 dpo: headache/neck pain (mild), tired (a lot), sore bbs /nipples (mild), gassy (mild), twitches (mild.
4 dpo: the above plus slight nausea. Stretchy cm.
5 dpo: sleepless AND tired, indigestion (mild), frequent number 2s.
6 dpo: twitches, rest too busy to notice
7 dpo: random tiredness, can also be caused by the lazy Sunday vibe.
8 dpo: backache (mild), constipated, cramping (mild), somewhat tired (lazy). White cm
9 dpo: nothing entered, but felt quite energetic. Slight twitches at night.
10 dpo: energetic again, tight feeling, wet feeling, white cm.
Felt bloated all the past days. Can also be caused by eating like a little piggy.

All of the above 'symptoms' where also there when AF showed up.

Little backstory: I always say I don't 'do' pms, since I hardly ever get moody or too emotional unstable. Physical symptoms are also very light, cramps are annoying at most.
So it makes it also a tad difficult for me to accurately track symptoms without reading too much into it. With everything I feel I'm sure it's something I always have but not particularly pay attention to. And I have an excellent talent of reasoning away symptoms.
I a have instated a rule for myself, I'm not allowed to test on due date, because I've tested on the day I was expecting to see AF only to literally have her show up 5 minutes later. Since my average cycle is 26 days with the occasional 28 days, I know it's silly to test early for me.

waiting til this weekend to retest, hoping very faint BFP was not an evap. damn IC test all show negative
Well, I think AF got me this month. Woke up yesterday to a pretty normal flow for my first day. It just doesn't 'feel' like my normal AF. It's usually pretty heavy with really bad cramping the first 2 days. I have had no cramping at all except the cramping I got 5 days before my period, which I've also never had before. I've also been crying at the drop of a hat which is very unlike me. I tend to get a little crabby around AF but never weepy. It's a good thing I'm a teacher and on summer break and don't have to leave the house lol.
waiting til this weekend to retest, hoping very faint BFP was not an evap. damn IC test all show negative

Really hope you get a real BFP girl! FX!

Well, I think AF got me this month. Woke up yesterday to a pretty normal flow for my first day. It just doesn't 'feel' like my normal AF. It's usually pretty heavy with really bad cramping the first 2 days. I have had no cramping at all except the cramping I got 5 days before my period, which I've also never had before. I've also been crying at the drop of a hat which is very unlike me. I tend to get a little crabby around AF but never weepy. It's a good thing I'm a teacher and on summer break and don't have to leave the house lol.

Aww...I hope it's not the "real" AF! Are you going to test again?
I'm not sure. I just really have this nagging feeling and I want to test but don't want to be disappointed. I'm gonna see how long the bleeding lasts and maybe test? I'm just waiting to see how long it is. It's always 4 days, the first 2 days are always really heavy then it slows down the last 2 days. It's been a day and a half and it already seems like it's slowing down..if it's only 2 days then I think something is up. I normally crave sweets and the thought of something sweet makes me sick. I have no appetite, peeing all the time, the lack of cramping is strange and yesterday I woke up at noon and was in bed by's all so weird and confusing!!
I was using opk to know roughly when ovulation occurred.

4/5 dpo - twinges in right ovary
6dpo boobs a little veiny, fatigued
7dpo nauseous twinges in right ovary
8dpo lots of stringy cm, huge appetite, on and off sore bbs. Neg hpt

(Since I can't edit my post, I'll update using quotes)

Hello all, I'm new to this site and joined because I was googling for the symptoms on different days of the tww.

We've been trying since January this year without too much pressure and tools. The only thing I use is an app to track my cycle.
I have a pretty regular cycle. 25-27 days, rarely 28 days.

1-2 dpo: nothing in app
3 dpo: headache/neck pain (mild), tired (a lot), sore bbs /nipples (mild), gassy (mild), twitches (mild.
4 dpo: the above plus slight nausea. Stretchy cm.
5 dpo: sleepless AND tired, indigestion (mild), frequent number 2s.
6 dpo: twitches, rest too busy to notice
7 dpo: random tiredness, can also be caused by the lazy Sunday vibe.
8 dpo: backache (mild), constipated, cramping (mild), somewhat tired (lazy). White cm
9 dpo: nothing entered, but felt quite energetic. Slight twitches at night.
10 dpo: energetic again, tight feeling, wet feeling, white cm.
Felt bloated all the past days. Can also be caused by eating like a little piggy.
All of the above 'symptoms' where also there when AF showed up.

11 dpo - energetic, mild cramping. Feels like AF will just show up in 3 days. That witch...

12-14 dpo: very sleepy, very emotional, cramps on and off. The sleepiness I can chalk up to the extremely hot damp weather we had this weekend. As for the emotional state of my mind, that's 100% caused by the blow my country, friends and family have suffered. So if I am hormonally emotional, it's hidden under the real sadness.

15 dpo: (one day late) I had the weirdest dream of me testing and getting a inconclusive result and then in that dream I tested again and had a positive test. So when I woke up and made sure AF hadn't arrived yet I thought, what the heck, just try it. I had the CB digital test and used it incorrectly. Groggy head functions even worse than my normal brain. :/
Although I initially wanted to save the 2nd stick for another time I decided to test with my 2nd pee round. That test came back negative. The paper strip you eject had a faint second line. But I don't know how it functions with the digital ones.
Long story short. Now in the evening, still crampy, full feeling, creamy cm and no AF, no sore breasts. Oh, and slight nausea in the morning when I was preparing my lunch (can also be stress related.)

Little backstory: I always say I don't 'do' pms, since I hardly ever get moody or too emotional unstable. Physical symptoms are also very light, cramps are annoying at most.
So it makes it also a tad difficult for me to accurately track symptoms without reading too much into it. With everything I feel I'm sure it's something I always have but not particularly pay attention to. And I have an excellent talent of reasoning away symptoms.
I a have instated a rule for myself, I'm not allowed to test on due date, because I've tested on the day I was expecting to see AF only to literally have her show up 5 minutes later. Since my average cycle is 26 days with the occasional 28 days, I know it's silly to test early for me.
Update on "That test came back negative. The paper strip you eject had a faint second line. But I don't know how it functions with the digital ones." I did some research and apparently digital ones always have two lines visible. The more you know... :)
first/last time I did this I got a bfp...officially back again.

1dpo: lower back and stomach cramps, cold-like symptoms, nausea (I think caused by the cramps as I've had light nausea around ovulation before), vivid dreams, tired/sleepy

2dpo: less lower back pains but they're there, vivid dreams, a bit moody, acne, more cold-like symptoms but it could actually just be a cold, pain on the side of my back, slight pelvic pain and it makes me feel like I'll have af, craving shrimp tempura and spicy mayo, stomach very bloated, gassy, and tmi: lots of white cm

3dpo: vivid dream (kinder egg dream), odd cravings, slight gas, lower back pain, white cm

4dpo: stuffy right ear with ringing, vivid career/education dream, white cm, my shower gel &
perfume made me sick at night (too early to take this seriously for sure), acne

5dpo: acne, lower back pain

6dpo: rash on my chest and chin, itchy legs, headache, cold symptoms, acid reflux/nausea.

7dpo: absolutely nothing :( (edited) had pains on my right side, only pinching and for a very short time, night-time nausea, itchy under bbs, stuffy nose/cold symptoms

8dpo: lower pelvic cramps early in the morning, vivid dreams, unbelievable thirst, gassy, nauseous at night, itchy under bbs, stuffy nose/cold symptoms
Hi ladies,

I am 1DPO today (cycle day 24). Just have dull aching around the ovaries (both). I wonder if that means I released from both sides this time. I took 150mg Clomid Days 3 - 7. Hoping this is the month!! Fx'd!
Hey ladies I want to join in with you guys this month.

1dpo: nothing

2dpo: nothing

3dpo: craving spicy foods, gassy, increased sex drive, irritable

4dpo: craving spicy foods, gassy, increased sex drive, irritable

5dpo: craving spicy foods, gassy, increased sex drive, irritable, creamy CM and cervix positioned low, feels soft and slightly open

6dpo: craving spicy foods, increased sex drive even more, creamy cm, cervix still positioned low, feels soft and slightly open

7dpo: increased craving for spicy foods, increased sex drive same as yesterday, creamy cm and cervix still positioned low and feels soft and slightly open. irritable.

To explain the craving I do not care for hot sauce or spicy chips. I have found that despite how much it hurts my stomach and makes my mouth burn I can not stop myself from putting hot sauce on my food or eating spicy chips that I normally hate. I still hate them but can not help but to eat them to get this nasty craving to end.

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