Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

I have been reading these forums like a mad woman so finally caved and am going to join in. I am TTC #2, first cycle.

Also, not 100% sure when I ovulated, since I am still occasionally breastfeeding DD and my cycles have not returned to normal pp. And I am not temping, but am paying attention to cm. I apologize in advance for TMI!

4dpo (I think!?) period-like cramps, lower backache, constipated

7dpo freq. urination, sore bbs (couldn't lie down on stomach), itchy scalp, headache, feeling "off", yellow cm, diarrhea, sensitive to salt (normally not), can smell other's BO in office!

8 dpo itchy scalp, sore pelvis/hip area, frequent urination, peeing motn, feel wet, period-like cramping. BFN- knew it was too early but couldn't resist!

10 dpo vivid dreams, itchy scalp and skin under bbs

11 dpo vivid nightmares, sore bbs (haven't been sore in 4-5 days), itchy skin under bbs, elbows, knee

12 dpo nausea in AM, hungrier than usual, itchy bbs, scalp (I might add I already use head and shoulders as hubby likes to use it so this scalp thing is very out of the ordinary for me!), sore bbs

13 dpo at the end of the day, lightest pink cm when I wiped

14 dpo woke up to light brown spotting. going to wear a pad and judge amount, but I am thinking I am out :(

I didn't symptom track with #1 because I got prg on BCPs...I can almost guarantee I am looking too far into every feeling I have, but I am too anxious to not!
ov pains (right side)

1dpo: Nauseous, headache, backache, breast feels a little heavy, nipples are sensitive, feeling full & bloated, left arm&hand was numb

2dpo: urinated 4times from 9am-12pm but peeing almost every 2hrs (I've NEVER urinate that much EVER and I didn't even drink anything), hungry, dull cramps on my lower right side & hip bone area, nipples are more sensitive, backaches increased a little more, super tired & lazy, breast still feels heavy..

had 2 previous m/c but never felt this way this early (fingers crossed) ..
This wait is awful!!!
3dpo - Beyond exhausted. I own 7 tanning salons and have worked so many 12-14 hour days over the last few years, and this exhaustion is 100x worse.
Also very gassy, my poor husband lol.
4dpo - Didn't even want to get out bed. I felt as though I could have slept for a week straight. Feeling very drained today and keep getting dizzy spells which I've never experienced before!
Ok I'm joining in :)

1-3 dpo - nothing. I always get very tingly nipples (very sensitive and hurt a bit). But not now and also I didn't get it in july and ended up pregnant but it ended in a chemical.

Also had some lowe back pain.

4dpo - nothing

5dpo - little stings in my left side (ovaries area).

6dpo - nothing.

7.dpo - dizzy have neeever felt that./ vivid dreams

8.dpo - nothing much , but deacreses appertite, fatigue.

9.dpo - (october 5th). nothing much. But decided to take a test and a BFP tonight at 8pm line was there like just after 2min it is faint but clear and I can see it well

10.dpo - nothing much. But discharge little more creamy. Breast starting to hurt a little bit.

11. Got implantation bleeding- slimy mucus with some red in it.

12.dpo light brown discharge no symptoms just maybe some stings in my breast near armpits

13.-14 lines got darker, my smile became bigger. But no obvious symptoms
I will keep updating symptoms until AF should arrive...i'm soooo happy.

Babydust to all.
I just got my :bfp: and obsessed over the tww symptoms so I thought I would share mine

I just felt pregnant. 1dpo my stomach was humming / vibrating and still does. I'm 13dpo today.

I was quite hot. I don't temp but I normally need lots of blankets at night but I've had to throw them off.

Lots of cm

3 to 4 dpo - Snuffly nose. With my high temp I thought I might be coming down with something.

7dpo - implantation pains.

Vivid dreams.

9dpo - I was sooooo sure I poas with fmu but got a bfn.
I was still sooooo sure I poas again at 2pm and got a squinter. The line has got darker every time.

Oh and I've been very very tired too :-)
Update for 4dpo: I've been eating the same for months, 6 meals a day....very healthy as my husband is a gym/heath freak (I am not lol, but I play along as I am not the cook in the family haha) Today I had breakfast, was hungry 5 minutes later. My mid morning snack, didn't do anything....lunch - hungry 5 minutes later. Mid afternoon snack didn't fill me up. Supper, I added a bit of extra food to help with my hunger pains....5 minutes later - absolutely starving!

It's the worst feeling when these things happen, you tie it back to possibly being pregnant and then find out that you aren't and it was all in your head lol. I feel batsh!t crazy every single day during this tww!!!!:wacko:

This wait is awful!!!
3dpo - Beyond exhausted. I own 7 tanning salons and have worked so many 12-14 hour days over the last few years, and this exhaustion is 100x worse.
Also very gassy, my poor husband lol.
4dpo - Didn't even want to get out bed. I felt as though I could have slept for a week straight. Feeling very drained today and keep getting dizzy spells which I've never experienced before!
so cycle 13 or 14 cant remember of ttc

I said I wasn't going to try again as I was so devastated last month I was convinced I was pregnant, but hey here I am again

ovulated on 25th or 26th had positive on my fertility monitor both days

1 dpo pain on left side this is normal I always have ovulation pain so this is normal

2-4 dpo occasional twinge in my left side which isn't normal usually pain lasts half a day or 1 day maximum

5-7 dpo nothing much to report at all

8dpo very bad pain in left side hurt to lie on my belly hurt to sit went doctors said I had blood in my wee so is treating me for water infection. pain moved from left side to sort of just left of centre and moved further down to just above pubic bone couple of extremely mild hardly noticable cramps - test with fmu

9dpo mild cramps back ache headache spots galore bfn with fmu

10 dpo no symptoms no signs no cm think im out again, bfn tonight

11 dpo few belly twinges slight pain in left side, back ache bfn this morning and tonight was sick earlier from the smell of my husbands cooking, but I did have a big shock which left me feeling sick

12 dpo af arrived so im out :((

Hello everyone this is my first post, and I am cycle1 of ttc baby #3. This is the first time I have really actively ttc. My 2nd son we decided to ttc and I was already pregnant before we got a chance to even try!! I am a little discouraged this cycle I just don't think im preggers but well hopefully theres always hope!! Here are my symptoms per day so far....there isnt much but still!! I have a 28 day cycle and I usually o CD 15

1dpo-Creamy CM- nothing
2dpo-Creamy CM-nothing
3dpo-Creamy CM-nothing
3dpo-Creamy CM-nothing
4dpo-Creamy CM-nothing
5dpo-Migraine- Creamy CM
6dpo-Creamy CM, begging on thrush symptoms
7dpo-Creamy CM-Def Thrush
8dpo-Creamy CM-Thrush
9dpo-Creamy CM-pinching pulling pains on right side lower pelvis uterus area-couldnt help it took a test :bfn:
10dpo Creamy CM, a little more pinching and pulling pains randomly
11dpo-pink with very tiny bits of red in cervical mucus when i check cervix but not while wiping,nothing else
12dpo- took another test in the morning BFN, litterally no CM. AF is due in 2 days, cervix is low and closed.

I feel like I am out this cycle but well hopefully not!!!! Has anyone had my symptoms and gone on to a BFP
I'm 29 , generally healthy, TTC #1 , me and DH made love on 2 occasions during the 3 days before my O. It's our 1st month TTC and I have some symptoms that are new to me.

2-4 dpo: some twinges and strange pulling feeling in the uterus. Watery cm. warm.

5 dpo: warm. More Watery cm. boobs full without pain and nipples sensitive to the touch of my shirt, but not supersensitive.

6 dpo: same as above. Still watery cm. what's new is the frequent urination,and a lot every time. Dizzy when I stand up. increasing sensation of something in my uterus, pulling, full tingling feeling. Had a glass of white, felt like a drank the whole bottle. Before I went to sleep I peed, again for like the 5th time that evening and every time a lot.

7 dpo: wake up after 5 hours of sleep and pee like if haven't been to the bathroom for years. Still have all the things from above still wet down here.

So could it really be? What is your opinion?

I have heard that if I'm already urinating more frequently I should be able to get a bfp already. But isnt it too early only 7 dpo?
I think you're still too early Ms.Bsky, but I always wait until the day of or day after my expected period, so I'm always staying on the cautious side lol.

3dpo - Beyond exhausted. I own 7 tanning salons and have worked so many 12-14 hour days over the last few years, and this exhaustion is 100x worse.
Also very gassy, my poor husband lol.
4dpo - Didn't even want to get out bed. I felt as though I could have slept for a week straight. Feeling very drained today and keep getting dizzy spells which I've never experienced before! I've been eating the same for months, 6 meals a day....very healthy as my husband is a gym/heath freak (I am not lol, but I play along as I am not the cook in the family haha) Today I had breakfast, was hungry 5 minutes later. My mid morning snack, didn't do anything....lunch - hungry 5 minutes later. Mid afternoon snack didn't fill me up. Supper, I added a bit of extra food to help with my hunger pains....5 minutes later - absolutely starving!
Day 5-6: Hungry, dizzy and tired
Day 7: Worn out feeling, stuffy with a phlegm feeling in my throat (gag), and nauseous.
Cycle is 31 days so period isn't due until Oct 16. Such a long wait to go!

I don't know the exact day I ovulated. Used the clearblue ovulation predictor and got a steady smiley face (LH surge) on Monday, 9/22. Supposedly ovulation occurs anywhere from 24-36 hours after the LH surge so I'm going to use Wednesday, 9/24 as day O.
Day 0- sharp twinge on left side. Gas? Ovulation?
1DPO- very bloated
2 DPO- sore nipples
3 DPO- felt very faint in my exercise class that I've been going to 4-5 days per week for 1 month. chest is very swollen.
4-6 DPO- very bloated and gassy.
7-8 DPO- same as above
9 DPO- while i was sitting reading a book i felt a huge wave of nausea rush over me. i had to run to the bathroom because i felt like i was going to puke.
10-DPO- more nausea and more running to the bathroom in preparation. Nipples felt like they were burning at the end of the night when i took off my bra before bed.
11 DPO- more nausea. went to hug a friend and boobs hurt terribly as i pressed up against him. very bloated and gassy.

If I'm not pregnant then these are the worst PMS symptoms I've ever had in my 26 years of getting a period.

Going to test with my sisters present this Saturday. Very excited!
Jessiecat I'm crossing my fingers and toes for you! I said the same thing to my husband last night. I told him I've never in my life felt this way and some of the things I cannot be making up in my head. Keep us posted girl!

Edited to add this month was a no go :sad1:

Hi guys, I am new here but I thought I would join in with everyone, as my symptoms have been driving me crazy!

I haven't kept track of every single day, but here is an estimated run-down

8 - 10DPO - Nausea and heartburn, headaches.

11DPO - flew halfway around the world (30 hours) and I had HUGE cankles!!! I couldn't even bend my toes my feet were so swollen. I fly the same flight path every 4 - 8 weeks and I have never ever had this before.

12 - 13DPO - nausea hasn't let up, I just want pretzels and juice. Very gassy, heartburn, bloating, dry cm, tender breasts :bfn: on DPO13.

14DPO - (AF due according to Ovuview app) :bfn: I cry at the drop of a hat. I read about a lady crying over some silly thing on tv due to her emotions, and reading HER story made ME tear up... I mean c'mon!! :rolleyes:

15DPO - really bad lower back pain, cramps, tender breasts, nauseous, heartburn, dry cm, VERY hot in bed (not in the good way), bloated, feels like AF is on her way, peeing every 2 hours :bfn:

16DPO - lower back pain, breasts a little tender, emotional, nauseous, cramping, bloated, feeling 'wet' like AF has arrived but there isn't even a slight trace :bfn:

My normal pre-AF symptoms are: emotional, bloated, crampy. That's about it!

I am very tired and sleeping 10 - 12 hours but I am also very jetlagged so it's hard to tell!

My cycles are irregular (22 - 31 days) so it could still go either way.. hopefully the good way!!
CaribbeanBaby - When are you going to test again??

I just did this morning (4 hours ago) with an IC but I have used so many FRER's on this cycle I don't want to waste any more money! Although... they are on sale this week at the store.... :blush:
Ooooh the internal struggle lol!!! Keep us posted <3

I have another 8 days before I test, it better go by fast lol!
i like this forum! hopeful for all of us. So i was worried last night when my main symptom went away (sore boobs) but today they were back with a vengeance. I guess i have day sickness and boobs are sore mostly during the day. I always feel better once im in bed at night. Testing in 5 days!!! Cant wait.

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